astrology observationswhich feature is used to classify galaxies?


she was a powerful and beautiful goddess that Zeus had to have her. For thousands of years, astrology has been an integral part of many cultures and a way to make sense of the world and oneself. those with 1ST HOUSE RULER IN 3RD/9TH/11TH HOUSE or in those signs usually have very 'meme-able facial expressions, literally living memes. or maybe in their past life, they couldnt speak their mind or they enraged many people by speaking so in this life they want to be outspoken as possible and to have freedom of speech. to me, 2ND HOUSE PLACEMENTS are most likely to get copied in whatever planet or sign sits there (more than Scorpio or 8th house placements). mnemosyne (57), goddess of memory (past, present and future), inspiration and language. what observations did you make? because of that, theyre much more curious this lifetime as their thirst for knowledge has continued to this lifetime. let me know if you want me to do another one. they could be running from a bear and still not scream. most people with this placement are remembered for their intelligence and sense of humour and freedom-seeking mind. yall dont even have a type. these people may have chosen to not remember anything from their past lives or this is simply their first life. they inspire others by being hardworking, by showing that hardwork does get you to places and that you can achieve many things in life, by showing that having a good reputation is one of the things that can get you far in life and you can get out of problems because of it no matter if you are a good person inside or not, by showing that control and structure is important and so are authoritative figures, by showing that your career is important and that you shouldnt slack off. for instance, their desk needs to be exactly like their ideal desk (that they probably got from Pinterest LMAO) and they need their ideal art supplies (like high quality coloured pencils) before they can do some artwork. (especially the throat restriction part). those with this placement should pay attention to the careers they feel drawn to, a celebrity or any position of authority they feel drawn to as this can give them hints about their past life. they make everything look good. Those who have predominant Aries placements love to show affection through physicality. It doesnt necessarily mean that you are, it can just be how you appear to people. because of how wild you are, you may appear reckless to people in that area. Geminis archetype is the acrobat after all. I know this is obvious but I want to make this post longer, those with SCORPIO OR 8TH HOUSE MOON have mothers that are associated with death in a way. I noticed that HOUSES are also important in SYNASTRY. the way they resolve conflict is applaudable, it takes courage to step into a problem and try solving it. I have it in pisces 10th house, our reputation and career will get us together. People who have Uranus square Chiron in their birth charts often feel very isolated in the world. these people may have been a mother in their past life too, they could be naturally good at looking after people especially children and taking responsibility because of that. They express freely what you feel. I have capricorn in 7th house where venus sits, my hardwork not being paid off or being recognised and seeing no improvements makes me sad. You could easily feel obsessed with them or jealous. This time it's all about things I've observed about certain planets etc. Ive noticed CHIRON IN 7TH HOUSE people dont really care if their partner isnt conventionally attractive. they inspire people by having good fashion sense or a good eye for beauty and art, being the peacemaker, by showing that there is beauty everywhere and that you shouldnt be afraid of love and you should give love to people. yes, its a short post, see you next time . Astro Observations . this placement/aspect is common in attractive people that may have impacted other peoples lives in a way. or where you will find them attractive (fast attraction) for the first time. my mum has aquarius mars and she wakes up with 4 new bruises. AQUARIUS, GEMINI and VIRGO placements, MERCURY-ASC, URANUS-ASC literally look so good with glasses but each in different ways. when it comes to past life, these people most likely were famous, authority figures or the providers of their family. ex: bonus in 11th house can mean you feel like you always have friends and you make friends easily. for example, if they have weak hands they may have fought a lot in their past life or they worked in labour. If not flexible physically then theyre flexible mentally. theyre the type to get their catchphrases copied or have their quotes shared, when people say someone once told me.. these people are that someone. Ive found that the Scorpio person feels like home to the Gemini person, the Gemini person feels comfortable and can show the dark parts of themselves and stop acting as the 'entertainer when theyre with the Scorpio person. totally wasnt expecting that. this could also apply to. sagittarius mars is an underrated placement for attraction in my opinion. It can also tell you your extra talents and where you feel quite lucky. basically, scorpio shows your weakness and where you fear of being the most vulnerable which is why you want to have full control of that area of your life. In this lifetime, these individuals may have a rich aura and may have a great eye for beauty and art which they also had in their past life. these people should pay attention to their hobbies and talents that theyre naturally good at as this can give them hints about their past life. since Pisces is the last sign of the wheel and symbolises endings, these people will most likely repay their karmic debts this lifetime. kinda related to the previous one, CANCER/CAPRICORN RISINGS I know have such unique styles, own unique objects and are icons for their fashion and thats because of aquarius/leo in 2nd house. the ascendant in IC PERSONA CHART tells you what your early life was like. Its like their life is already planned and they cant change anything and theyre so divinely guided. MNEMOSYNE IN LEO / 5TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their generous, fearless, artistic, childlike and creative self and perhaps even their love affairs. Its a womanizer/maneater placement (because Zeus was a womanizer and is connected to Sagittarius), they give off a player vibe and just ooze a lot of s*x appeal. so everything they do in this lifetime will greatly impact their next life. Saturn in the 2nd of a solar return chart might indicate a financial loss. and it also doesnt look messy which is something that a lot of people cant achieve. @hillarysss " "Check out my rules on. memory was a fundamental gift for the ancient Greeks. placement of mars in groom/briede/juno persona chart can tell you where you may meet your spouse or where you will find them attractive (fast attraction) for the first time. they might have also been badly betrayed by those they trusted in their past life. A new book by American data scientist Alexander Boxer, who has a doctorate in physics, aims to shift that view. these people most likely have spiritual gifts, most likely claircognizance. Astrology observations I made pt 25. most people with this placement are remembered for their s*x appeal, wealth and maybe even deaths. Aquarius's ancient ruler being Saturn is in line with many individuals who have difficulties with this placement. Thanks to this new information, we can better understand the present and the future. these people have the strong desire to be in the higher class because they may have been wronged in their past life by people of power and learnt that nothing matters as long as you have a good social status. venus can become highly malefic in 6h/8h, especially if in the sign aries, sagittarius, leo, cancer, and virgo. loving (432971) in 12th house in groom/briede/juno persona chart can mean having a. your mars in PLUTO PERSONA CHART is how you react to danger. ALSO, ID LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TO MY TEST SUBJECTS FOR HELPING ME MAKE THESE OBSERVATIONS <3. ex: moon in gemini or 3rd house = soft hands. your southnode is your comfort zone. I didn't really had the chance to make any yet but i've seen people saying chiron in 8th house people often have sexual traumas etc. 2nd house placements people have their shit trademarked. With this information, we will unlock new opportunities and pave the way to a more fruitful future. THESE OBSERVATIONS ARE BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE WITH THESE PLACEMENTS. (well its more of a theory but its cool methinks). my dad is a pisces rising and he 100% acts like an aries rising. Despite its ancient roots, modern astrological readings are still incredibly popular, especially when understanding each signs different characteristics and meanings. for good and for bad. Pacific Marine Forecast: Reliable and Accurate Weather Updates for Safe Boating and Fishing. they should pay attention to the causes theyre naturally passionate about as it could tell them what they want through in their past life. sagittarius mars especially with scorpio or aries placements are very attractive. this is my first astrology post ahh please support me hehe I hope you like this! Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. whatever the situation. If that is the case, then its no surprise why these people want freedom this lifetime. the sign your VENUS/MARS and maybe EROS is in can tell you about what clothes/accessories/things you find attractive on others and what you like to wear yourself (check degrees and house for other signs influencing your venus/mars/eros). I feel like I have freedom now because I can learn things at my own pace. they inspire others by showing that you do not have to be afraid of taboos or the dark side of life, by showing that being interested in taboo things does not make you an evil person (because there might be other reasons why youre interested in them or why you are who you are), by showing that it is okay to hurt people that have hurt you. placement doesnt like speaking loudly, they may also have, run out of breath easily and they could find it difficult mimicking or impersonating peoples voices. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. -people with Neptune in the 11th house don't usually end friendships on bad . capricorn or aquarius venus = grunge, alternative aesthetic or even goth (cos saturn goth bitches). those with this placement carry fears and trauma from their past life so they most likely have the same fears/traumas as they did in their past life. well, If people know little about you, they cant know your weaknesses and cant hurt you. they have the strong desire to protect their family and to provide for them. most people with this placement are just remembered for their work and what they put out in the world and the help they give others. Megan Fox has it in her 1st house and shes obviously blessed with good looks since birth. TONE (1266) can tell you how you come across as to people by how you speak. these observations are based on my own personal experiences and also research. the sun, 5th house or where leo is in VENUS PERSONA CHART can tell you what type of characters you like. I have aries ascendant, I express it by doing a physical activity like sports and sometimes violence. because of that, in this lifetime, these individuals may be naturally talented with money managing, saving money or counting money or anything to do with finance. MNEMOSYNE IN PISCES / 12TH HOUSE those with this placement at remembered for their creative , psychic, sympathetic, gentle self. AQUARIUS NEPTUNE people are so awkward in front of the camera wth stop with the peace signs and thumbs up (ofc it depends on the house and aspects). she was the mother of the nine muses and she was a powerful and important goddess. also please do not reword or copy my observations. Check out my other astrology posts! these peoples sacrifices and acts of kindness are never forgotten, they can make others smile for the rest of their day by giving them a compliment. Its a blessing to even lay your eyes on them. its also interesting that a lot of gemini moons and SCORPIO MOONS get along very well (Scorpio is associated with Hades, the god of the underworld). Saturn on an angle in a composite chart can show a couple who have been together for a very long time, or perhaps they are 'bound' together by marriage (7H) , business (10H) or family/a shared home (4H). Astrology Observations Pt. in their past life, they were most likely psychics so its no surprise that these individuals naturally know about spirituality and have strong intuition. your 8th house placement in IC PERSONA CHART is your most secret self, what you hide from the world. The edited version of The Only Astronomy Book Youll Ever Need, written by Joanna Martine Woolfolk, includes new information on the celestial sphere and brand-new discoveries. these people do not like people telling them what to do. in tarot, Uranus is related to The Tower and Ive always said that my intuition is like lightning because it comes fast. I think its funny how SCORPIO is the 8th sign of the wheel and the number 8 looks like the infinity sign. The 35-year-old right-hander figures any . you usually act more like the sign after your RISING SIGN in your 30s. Remember these are just my opinions TW: Mention of de*th, S*x Libra moons, Moon in the 7th and 7th house stelliums tend to become absorbed by their romantic relationships and make it apart of their personality. By carefully studying the stars and their movements, we can begin to unlock the secrets of our inner selves. Interestingly, in their past life, these people might have not experienced life because they were unwell so in this lifetime theyre given the chance to experience life and are gifted with psychic abilities to help them foresee their future. It explains how different elements of our birth charts reflect certain aspects of our character and personality traits. Mnemosyne had absolute control and divine authority over memories. Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, this post is based off my own observations, experiences and research. just check out this gif of Famke Janssen, a fixed dominant (scorpio sun, moon, mercury, leo mars). they should pay attention to the items they own or feel drawn to and their likes and dislikes as this could tell them about their past life. they should also pay attention to what they want to get recognition for too. Discover more posts about astrology-observations. Copyrights sunball 2021 All rights reserved / do not reword or copy. they juggle their hobbies just like how jesters juggle balls (Geminis archetype is the jester). they couldve been servants too and were judged and looked down by people. I have noticed a lot of celebrities, especially who are considered icons have NN aspecting their MC. Astrology Observations (part 2) -scorpio moons might indicate an idividual's mother who is hard to handle/emotionally unstable/manipulative/overdramatic -having many planets in the 12th house especially pluto can indicate attracting abusers similarly to the observation above, Ive noticed that GEMINI RISING or MARS are very fast runners, they could also be flexible. venus in virgo or 6th house in groom/briede/persona chart or even natal chart can mean that your spouse could be from work or you will work with your spouse or collaborate with them at one point. another interpretation of this is that in their past life, they loved their partner so much that they chose to remember their partner in this lifetime and are most likely to meet the same romantic partner this lifetime too (high level soulmate). these people show the dark truths of the world, the truths that get buried in society and hidden away from people by money or reputation or other powerful people. ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART FIVE . when it comes to past life, these people may have been writers or public speakers so these people could be naturally good at writing and speaking because of that. How to seek a prediction: Interpret the positions of the moon and planets, relative to constellations made of stars (Sample) Equipment: anything from naked eye observation to specialized software Personnel: Astrologer Astrology, which derives from the Greek word astrologia (), is the study of heavenly bodies in an attempt to explain and understand the mysterious and complex . named after the Greek goddess of memory and inspiration (and also music, poetry and the arts, storytelling, languages). these people could experience times where theyre like oh I thought I learnt this before?. Practical applications: Understand yourself. they came in this lifetime with the purpose of getting revenge so they might attract a lot of karmic people. If they naturally have knowledge about a profession then they may have had that profession in their past life. these people were most likely activists or inventors in their past life, or anyone who was seen as weird and didnt fit in with society. : mars in 6th house you may meet them at work, at a gym, at a pet shop, when you are or they are walking their dog, at a pharmacy, some place like that. tell me what you think! 4. since 1st house also deals with birth and new beginnings and mnemosyne deals with past life memories, it makes this placement very interesting. this generation has pluto in sagittarius which is why many people have dark humour. ex: aquarius ascendant = when youre angry, you could give a lot of silent treatment or ignore the person. Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better Understanding of Yourself and the World offers an insightful look at this age-old practice. maybe you even like nintendogs. 510.8K Followers. for example, if they were unexplainably way too interested in planes when they were younger, they couldve been a pilot or fixed planes in their past life. since mnemosyne is also the goddess of the arts and the mother of the 9 muses, those with this placement are incredibly creative and talented. they say anything and people find ways to twist their words and make it sexual or they just unintentionally say sexual things. this could also apply to mars conjunct jupiter, it gives the same effect as sagittarius mars. emotions are their weakness, they are scared of being hurt. their family may have been well known in their past life for whatever reason. Analyzing Relationships:Finding Balance is an article that tries to unlock the secrets of astrology and its potential to better understand yourself and the world. another interpretation of Mnemosyne in astrology is that it shows how you inspire people and what you are remembered for. ex: virgo venus = light/dark academia aesthetic, fairycore aesthetic. Astrology has been used for centuries to understand the universe and its relationship to our lives. AQUARIUS DOMINANT these people are confusing. having aquarius or sagittarius in 1st house or mostly covering 1st house can mean that, whether it be because of your appearance (huge height difference, huge age gap, different ethnicities, etc). 7th house or venus in PLUTO PERSONA CHART tells you how you deal with breakups and what youre like after them. I have this placement myself and I. if the person I want to talk to is across the room Id rather walk up to them and talk instead of shouting. She has been working for the past 6 years in combining the astrological chart with past life therapy. mars or any planet in 1st house in DESCENDANT PERSONA CHART tells you what you 'first notice about other people. Astrology Observations: Unlocking the secrets of the stars for a better understanding of self and the world. MNEMOSYNE IN LIBRA / 7TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their fair, sociable, diplomatic and artistic self. It shows what you took with you from your past life as some sort of rememberance. wherever it is in your chart, it shows what you want to dominate. #1 Those with 2nd house Pluto, especially aspecting Jupiter, Venus and the MC tends financially well off. By taking part in astrological observations, we can uncover hidden truths about ourselves and the world around us. baby_renaxo. Ancient cultures developed complex belief systems that relied heavily on an astrological perspective to interpret natural phenomena. the term Mnemosyne is derived from the same source as the word mnemonic, that being the Greek word mnm, which means remembrance, memory. he admitted that he started becoming more active and started working out in his 30s. Astrology observations <3 #yoursign #fyp #ily #zodiacsigns #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #astrologyobservations. MNEMOSYNE IN TAURUS / 2ND HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their sensuality, materialism, art, loyalty, practicality, determination and stubbornness. maybe self depreciating jokes. while we wait for my appointment, please do not repost, plagiarize, "reword" my observations / work. also SOUTHNODE IN 6TH HOUSE most likely rescued/healed animals in their childhood. they say one thing and do the opposite. another interpretation is that these people may actually know who they were in their past life, like their appearance, personality, name, identity. Aquarius is often regarded as the 'quirky' 'unconventional' and 'electrifying' placement. as we know, 8th house is associated with death so these people probably think about their partner dying a lot which scares them and makes them want to always be with their partner. this doesnt have to be s*xual at all. mercury represents twins (this is bc geminis ruled by mercury and the gemini symbol is twins) people with uranus in retrograde most likely have been electrocuted by something. those with this placement are most likely seen as unique or too rebellious, these are the people that are activists and hate old mindsets, these are the people that always start arguments with people that make ignorant jokes and may be seen as a menace because of it, these are the people that fight for change, they are the future. they do not like restriction around their throat area, could also have a fear of, and may avoid wearing tight shirts around the neck or necklaces. That's it. Astrology and Astronomy in the Ancient WorldOverviewThe first records of systematic astronomical or astrological observation and interpretation lie in the scattered remains of ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. once they open up, that means they trust you. theyre living oxymorons. they truly love hard. breakups are hard for them which is why they may not want to get in relationships. I have mine in 3rd house and my school life has been really crazy. /j. Kidding, kidding not really. taurus mars in 8th, I will mostly likely fight or just sit there and die, no in between LMFAO. a lot of people I know who have LEO IN 6TH HOUSE have back problems.. bro y'all good??/. your speed for senses is pretty good and fast ngl. this post was 100% inspired by @mystiicwinter because her aesthetic is amazing. they should also pay attention to their body as it tells them about their past life. these people are the trendsetters, the pioneers, the influencers you see online, the Pinterest girls. wherever VIRGO/GEMINI is in your chart, it tells you what you worry and overthink about the most. The sign in your 11th is the sign you will have the most effortless friendships with. continuing my previous observation, SCORPIO-GEMINI friendships/relationships/connections are very underrated. damn, theyre smart. they should pay attention to other cultures and countries and languages, if they feel drawn to a certain country then they may have been from that country in their past life. I think this is also important if you want to know what first impressions people have of you. they may have been hated and faced discrimination because of this and always seeked freedom and equality. The Day Of Nimble Time. they hate seeing people upset and they hate inequality. This is especially true of Uranus is making a square to your Moon that year! the 5th house also deals with romance and love affairs so they may attract a lot of the same partners as they did in their past life (romantic soulmates). These observations can always be affected by other placements. they dont let people in. rhoemantically. the meeting will feel very ordinary. moon in groom/briede/juno persona chart can tell you about your spouses appearance. these people should pay attention to their fears as this could give them hints about their past life. they just want to freely express themselves (which they didnt get to do in their past life). I have pluto in 2nd house, when I was a kid I was very stubborn (still am lol) and was very greedy and gluttonous. those with this placement are most likely old souls and have a lot of karma as 12th house deals with karma. I will detail my own experiences. It explains how the zodiac signs interact with each other and how they affect our personal relationships and decisions.

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astrology observations