dr simon yu parasite protocolwhich feature is used to classify galaxies?


We have found them equivalent to what we got from two compounding pharmacies in the US. Our Team Dr. Simon Yu, MD. Vitamin D and Vitamin C, that were for general immune support but not necessarily for parasites. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Everyone is unique and what may be right for me may not be right for others. Levamisole was also not well tolerated for our family, despite encapsulation. WARNING: Your medical problems may not be what you think or what you have been told. 5 0 obj Finally, he found the only point that was imbalanced - it was the allergy immunology point. We started with enemas first, and then the Kalcker protocol. Watch Dr. Yus interview on his new book by Doug Kaufmann of Know the Cause on YouTube. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br There is much wisdom associated with the meridian system. The Kalcker protocol is a great starting place for treating worms. Its possible that some of the herbal or more natural remedies might work too for these small infestations. Herbals/Naturals: Black Walnut Capsules from Seroyal, Wormwood (from various companies and we grew our own), Garlic, Papaya, Para-Rid, DE, GSE, Castor Oil. Check here first - this is an excellent resource. Dr. Liu is a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Missouri (L.Ac) and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. 27 0 obj In 2003, he began his practice in the USA. Donese. There is a grassroots movement to use Fenbendazole, an anti-parasitic, as part of a Joe Tippens protocol to treat cancer. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu's new book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. Is your redox potential out of balance? _J`p:u.?t>.4{q?Q&Wr!wyA V ,UncoN@w#w%H kNLA4w0G. We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. Dr. Yu used a combination of prescribed and natural options for parasites and fungi. I also included some of the herbs and supplements that were especially supportive in the beginning. The described approach(es), suggestions and advice may not work for you at all, or may require modification to suit your individual case. Diethyl 100mg tabs, encapsulated before taking. useful even against Coronavirus - Dr Retzek's Health Blog A: I almost fainted when the first baseball-sized tape worm came out of my 3 year old. We gave parasite medication every day for two weeks to about 10,000 people. Many people think of parasites as primarily a gastrointestinal issue. Additional Parasite Medications Worms, Flukes & Protzoans, Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage Flush Out the Dead Ones, Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer Invisible Inaudible Intangible Immeasurable, Additional Parasite Medications for flukes, protozoans, and more worms, Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage to flush out the dead ones, detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush, Time to Die. And cancer patients had their condition became more stable. Dr. Yu put me on a three month protocol with alternating cycles focused on the parasites and the fungal colonization as well as detoxification and drainage support including several liver-gallbladder flushes. Dr. Simon Yu is of the opinion that the items listed above just drive parasites deeper into the body. It was all just phenomenal. Personally, I would rather fix my gastrointestinal bacterial balance. React. Antiparasitic foods This is a decent list of. Thankful that my eye prescription went from -6.5 to -4.5. I'll go through the meridian testing. 10 0 obj Ideas of where to get these medications can be found in where to get parasite medications. I eventually realized that the flush was much more effective if done fasting, so I switched to only flushing after every 2 rounds of parasite medications instead of after every round. The article Are Parasite Medications Safe? has more detail about each of these medications. Simon Who? Yes, That's Right. Simon Yu MD - BetterHealthGuy.com If they respond to Alinia or Tinidazole, maybe I'm dealing with protozoa. Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. So how do you know when youre done? Every time I excrete it smells pretty foul. To use the analogy from the military training, we are looking for what I call an asymmetric threat. The allergy immunology point and the dental point are not classical Chinese acupuncture points. Dr. Yu prescribes high doses of parasite medications for long periods of time. <> Links to other websites have been carefully chosen, but do not imply endorsement and we are not responsible or liable for their information and contents. If you would like to. For dental and allergy points, what I see not only the hidden dental materials like amalgam, mercury, cadmium, palladium, nickel, or those environmental toxins and the infections, especially parasites. ToxinAbsorbmax, Lumbrokinase, L-Methylfolate, E3 Live, Lumbrokinase, Liposomal Vitamin C, Liposomal C, Vitamin C, Dessicated Hypothalmus, Praziquantel, Mebendazole (Mebex), Diethyl, Vascular Terrain, Stomach Terrain, Liver Terrain, Praziquantel, Lumbrokinase, Neem tincture, 1 tab, 2x/day for 10 days before meals, then repeated 3 weeks later, 2 tabs, 2x/day for 10 days before meals, then repeated 3 weeks later, 1 tab, 2x/day all month long (note: antifungal for Tinidazole), 1 tsp, 2x/day, for 20 days (when not on Kalcker Pyrantel), 1.5 tabs, 2x/day, for the rest of the month NOTE: Diethyl started after complaining of itchy bum & testing well on Diethyl. These unexpected miraculous results have lead Dr. Yu to believe that parasites and dental infections are major contributing factors in 90% of all major chronic illnesses, including cancer. They may have a clinic where you can be seen. ), go to a compounding pharmacy, and pay $1-5 per pill. Thus, EMF exposure is a significant stress on key parts of my body. As always, any medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority. Upon starting parasite treatment by Dr. Retzek per Dr. Yus protocol, she had a huge Herxheimer reaction, including epileptic fits and swelling of her entire body, for which she was hospitalized. Gallbladder - Debug Your Health The best for getting parasite symptoms to temporarily disappear was probably the Seroyal Black Walnut capsules. An article by Dr. Simon Yu titled Time to Die. Not so much. endobj <> We know what parasite medication works on what parasites. I have yet to see an herb-only protocol that works. Bio-Cybernetics & Energy Medicine - Dr. Simon Yu 2,662 views Aug 17, 2013 Dr. Simon Yu, founder of the Prevention & Healing clinic, provides a preview of his presentation at the 8th. It's hard to get rid of parasites if you have a dental infection. Key: v=visual meaning I saw them coming out, e=confirmed with ZYTO, ASYRA, AMA, home testing but I never saw them with my eyes: For about 5 years we tried every herbal, homeopathic and holistic treatment we could find. Overall, the medications testing the best for us were Mebex, Diethyl, Praziquantel, and Ivermectin. PDF Protocols/Treatments Detailed Within The Presentation Slides In her own time, she practices energy medicine whenever she is called to help. Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. endobj He organized ten International Integrative Medicine Conferences in St. Louis. In meeting our goal for treating the whole person, Body, Mind and Spirit and creating a maximum opportunity for healing, Chaplain Pauls services for patients and families at Prevention and Healing include the following: Provides individual consultation for patients to assess their Health and Wellness and to identify areas that need strengthening. Diploma for acupuncture Certified by NCCAOM, Dipl.Ac. Dr. Yu used a combination of prescribed and natural options for parasites and fungi. I actually found the fungal cycles to be more difficult to tolerate than the parasite cycles. Dr. Simon Yu On Parasites, Dental Infections and Cancer The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. Dr. Simon Yu. I believe the idea is to flush out any parasites that have died and might be stuck in the gallbladder, liver or bile ducts. In hindsight, I wonder if we would have reduced our reactions to parasite medications had we first done a gallbladder liver flush. This site is powered by SB. Contact a local, city, county, or state health department in your area. endobj Mebex and Pyrantel Pamoate in the Kalcker Protocol are great for worms. Are you more concerned generally with the smaller protozoan parasites or, the larger parasites like the worms and helminths or nematodes? z Prof. G.Steidl protocol: Rizol Gamma - 10 drops in water, t.i.d. We help patients on their journey and quest for health, developing tailored plans to combat hidden health threats, and restore the bodys condition of a healthy terrain. We have tried all of them over several years, but have never noticed any improvements in parasite symptoms or parasites coming out until we started enemas and parasite medications. She and all her collegues got sick. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! Its much better to get as many worms out whole as possible. She educates patients and families on the regimens, protocols, and therapies that detoxify and/or build the immune system. Prevention and Healing, Simon Yu, M.D. 1.5 tabs, 2x/day, continued from previous round, NO BREAK! 4 0 obj Dr. Yu: Actually, I do not separate them. endobj Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073, United States. MMS Protocol for Parasites: Chlorine Dioxide enemas - activate as instructed by your practitioner. However, we never saw a single worm or fluke come out with any of the above therapies. I have a whole binder of negative parasite stool test results. From a recent article of Dr. Simon Yu, "Most parasite problems may manifest outside of the GI tract, i.e. Some of our family members took extra DE (usually ~1Tablespoon 2x/day) for some periods of time. Our microbiology stool test results were perfect, so I know there wasnt an absorption problem. In hindsight, I wish I had whacked the parasites longer and harder, as I learned to do after the first few rounds. I would recommend this testing for any professional looking for VALUE and ACCURATE results. <> The practitioner then declares the parasites gone. So, back on three more ten-day cycles of parasite treatment with an additional three liver-gallbladder flushes. Although we got lots of worms out whole before putting her on parasite medications, we still werent able to get them all out whole. 3Xs" M$ Dr. Yu recommended a long-term protocol with more focus on metals specifically with the hope that it will reduce any EMF sensitivity that may be playing a role in any remaining sleep issues. Dr. Yu from my impression is one that recognizes that people from all walks of life have parasites and that it is possible. Ph (480) 588-2233. PDF Parasite Remedies: Guidelines for Taking Medication This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. This is not just about cleanliness. Because Ive gained so much weight after getting tapeworms. 26 0 obj Major. <> Many of us in western civilization DO have parasites. Chlorine dioxide enema protocol is the leading enema protocol for parasites at this time. After 7 years and tens of thousands of dollars, we had exhausted all our options and the children still had parasite symptoms. Helps patient develop a Health and Wellness Plan of Care to support their Medical Plan of Care. Feb 14, 2022 3:17 AM. HeliR - July 7, 2019. These included: Diethylcarbamazine (a.k.a Diethyl for worms), Praziquantel (flukes), Triclabendazole (flukes), Ivermectin (protozoan), Tinidazole (protozoan), Albendazole (protozoan), Alinia (protozoan), Piperazine (worms), and Levamisole (worms). Parasites in humans are the root cause of many chronic illnesses, including cancer, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, autism, and lyme, to name a few. Skin Issues or skin Lesions (w,p) especially skin issues that flare on the full or new moon, Mood swings, behavior (w,h) especially mood or behavior that flares on the full or new moon. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on . Here is a Youtube Video with details about the glass jar method. Is this belly distended or normal? An article from Dr. Simon Yu, MD AutismOne on Healing Autism: An Accidental Cure by Optimists Dr. Yu has written an extremely interesting article mentioning Kerri, Andreas Kalcker and their successes healing autism with the help of chlorine dioxide and ridding the body of parasites. Home. He had to look much harder than the first time; employing even more advanced provocation techniques to unmask any remaining stressors. ;l0 7@'g?M\* r4f`[FTolAVYJqQzmtv~s%:}~=S !good luck!! We do not travel much, so Im pretty sure we picked up at least the worms in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Enema Section has an instructional video showing how we test. Overall the most useful supportive supplements were Liver Chi, Wormwood, Stone Breaker (aka Chanca Piedra), Neem and DE. I was literally traumatized. My sense is that if there is an acute exposure, these foods might help prevent the parasites in humans from becoming established. Woman with Chronic Illness from Parasites - LinkedIn Dr. Simon Yu agrees with me he has no default protocol, his medications are different for every person. I now also have a whole binder with pictures of parasites that weve excreted. I have no scientific evidence to back this up. Diethyl tablets were OK as-is for suppositories and enemas. Parasitetesting Mebendazole, Diethyl, Ivermectin, Alinia, Albendazole: Tindazole: Rite-Aid, CVS,etc with RX (usually covered) or All Day Chemist (Note: if you take Tinda, you must be on ADP and tighten up on sugars & carbs for 3-4 months afterwards. Used as rectal enemas, and by oral . This is why the example parasite medication testing videos above are so important. The kids are constantly picking them up at school. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This was relatively easy compared to the first cycles; particularly given that there was a ten-day break between cycles which was not the case previously. Adapted from Dr.med Helmut Retzeks introduction on YouTube. Dr. Simon Yu is a Board-Certified internist who founded Prevention and Healing Incorporated to offer integrative medicine to patients from St. Louis, across the nation, and around the world. When taking Tinidazole, I was very careful about eliminating all sugars & carbs from our diet, taking ADP (oil of oregano), and monitoring for mold/fungal issues with ZYTO for 3-4 months during and after taking the Tinidazole. Although coffee enemas are very popular at the time of writing, I havent found them to be any more effective than just plain water. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr A complete list of recent enemas we have taken can be found in the Enema Details section. This was based on our home energy testing and ZYTO. We did not dig through our stools, we just observed what was easy to see. Honestly, thats what the compounding pharmacies in the US do! I can pick up information that people didn't address before. Parasite Symptoms Gas and Bloating Irritable bowel syndrome Joint and muscle aches and pains Anemia Skin conditions Granulomas Nervousness Sleep disturbances There are also excellent pictures in Kerri Riveras book.). No responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. Our optimal enema seems to be the ones that are based on either our home energy testing or ZYTO results. endobj Got Parasites? - The Thinking Moms' Revolution Testing methods are essential to figuring out parasite medications. The ones testing well I then test in combinations to see how many our bodies can tolerate at a time. I cant say that I noticed more parasite excretion after suppositories, but I do think that the suppositories either disrupted their life cycle or sent them into deeper hiding. If I'm picking up the signal in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas that can be liver flukes, pancreatic flukes, or maybe nematode or possibly protozoa. The children are constantly being re-exposed at school. 10.6K subscribers Simon Yu, MD: Dental, Parasites, and Energy Medicine: missing Links for Medical Incurables Presented at IAOMT's 2016 Annual Conference in Reno, NV. We could all use a good cleaning! Chronic anemia (f,h) no matter how much liver we ate, we were always on the borderline of anemia. If these debugging techniques are new, check out the Overview Video first. endobj If its an issue in the large intestine or small intestine, it is usually larger ones like the tapeworm, nematode. See additional information. Thankful for the better moods and flat bellies of the children. By promoting each of these crucial areas, you'll experience sustainable, long . So, in addition to the Kalcker protocol, we also tested other parasite medications. If you treat one, but not the other one, you just cannot break that cycle. How do you prevent parasites in humans from becoming established? Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Osteopathic Although these are supportive of the body, and made us feel good, we didnt observe them permanently helping us with parasites. I have some idea of what kind of parasite I'm dealing with, but not so sure of its name. Vision variations (f,w,h) NOTE: I went from -6.5 and -7 prescription to -4.5 after clearing up the majority of my parasites! Human Skin Parasites Page at UC Davis. <> He uses a zapper in his office to agitate the parasites so he can detect them with his AMA machine. We would test again every few weeks to determine how long to take the medications. Around January 2019, I started having sleep problems for the first time in my life. A: Yes. Debugyourhealth.com is not a substitute for medical care and is not intended to address individual situations and needs. Check out the detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush. But medical professionals are afraid to treat parasites unless we can identify and name the type of parasites. 2 0 obj They weren't. Dr. Worden Medical Specialties. Shocking actually. [ 13 0 R] Parasites are everywhere in our environment, and it seems continued diligence is necessary. <> These short, wimpy medication rounds drive them deeper into hiding in the body. I have tried to list relevant supplements in the Parasite Medication Details. Toxoplasmosis Parasite Deceiving Medicine - The Healthy Planet Medications depend on how well the body detoxes and how well the liver and kidneys function. Dr. Yu uses EAV testing / Acupuncture Meridian Assessment to assess parasite load and other bodily stressors. Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of. To find a doctor familiar with diagnosing and treating parasitic infections, consider the following: Ask your primary care doctor for a referral to a specialist. Is it Possible to Bend Time? indicates that he still prescribes parasite medications 2-3 times per year to some elderly patients, even after they are initially clear. At school. Board Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Yu: I'm an internist, and I do look for parasites, but before 2001 I never thought parasites were anything significant in my practice in the United States, just like everybody else. Mama. Im looking for infections. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. 8 0 obj Simon Yu, MD Prevention and Healing, Inc. 10908 Schuetz Road - St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-7802, fax 314-432-1971 www.preventionandhealing.com Parasite Remedies: Guidelines for Taking Medication You have been advised to take parasite medication(s) and you might be wondering, "Yuk! Training with Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis - Parasitology. The AMA seminar focuses on identification and treatment of often overlooked parasite, fungal, and dental problems. I did suppositories nightly for at least 60 days with whatever was testing well for my parasites, and I often switched it up during those 60 days. This includes testing Additional Medications with the Kalcker Protocol medications. But isn't it true that most parasites in the body live outside of the GI tract? Yuk!! Parasite protocol - Parasitic diseases - Inspire Here are my tips for minimizing exposure and strengthening the bodys defenses against parasites: Q: You write: We learned a lot from Dr. Yu, but unfortunately he was also missing some key pieces of the parasite puzzle. What pieces? BetterHealthGuy.com suggests that the reader to do their own research and consult directly with their personal medical professional. for Dr. Simon Yu: Parasite Patient Testimonial - YouTube He's not a llmd and his site is online so I dont think it should be a problem posting his name online. A: Weve tried pretty much every enema system. AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life Below is a list of the sources we use. It also seemed that around this time the parasites built up some immunity to Mebendazole (Mebex). BetterHealthGuy.com is intended to share my personal experience in recovering from my own chronic illness.

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dr simon yu parasite protocol