is rat bastard a slurwhich feature is used to classify galaxies?


A reference to the peace sign of the 1960's being similar to rabbit ears. Note: The word "shiptar" is most likely derived from the name of the Albanian language - "Shqiptar". Attributed to fishing heritage/large number of Greek immigrants to US with that trade. Egyptians use pyramids for storage of the dead, umbrellas, and love making. Refers to the "bindi" (dot) on their foreheads. White people burn red like lobsters when they spend too long sunbathing. They roll down from their mountains to come to Serbia. So is the paper that comes out of them. Term used by Indians in the late 1800's to describe white settlers. It means 'cunt' in English. Gyp also actually means a cheat or swindler. Literally means "Elephant Driver" but was turned into a popular racial slur around 1997 when a lot of Indains began to move onto Long Island. meridian fire department; signs of nur isterate wearing off From the pop band Hootie and the Blowfish. Comes from the general curse used by Afrikaans-speaking South Africans (mainly coloureds in Cape Town), "Jou ma se poes", which means "Your mother's cunt". It is an often stereotype that most people who collect unemployment are black. same as prarie nigger, but Eskimos are a different species of animal than Indians. Refers to the criminal army the English sent into Ireland to rape, plunder, and terrorize the inhabitants. Women of the Islamic faith who wear a cape(loosely) and mask similar to that of Batman. Common name used by American servicemen to describe the Japanese. Was used to indicate an educated black man during the civil war; white collar blacks were pretty rare - only white people had desk jobs. What whites in Argentina call mestizo people who are darker and poorer. From Southern black garbage men giving the driver directions on when to back up (Come on back, or 'mon back). Arab word, meaning "chicken," used to describe whites and light skinned arabs as in weak and fragile. Came from "Guinea Negro" and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. See also: JOJ, Just Off the Jet. ie. But U.S. Supreme Court precedent says otherwise. Originally Louis Armstrong's nickname. Indian word for the color black. Used mainly in Britain. Applies towards Blacks or Mexicans. Could also refer to the Irish folk group "The Pogues" who did popular traditional Irish songs. Originated on TV's "The Beverly Hillbillies.". Whites who try to act Japanese. Hawaiians are sometimes confused for asian, but are not quite right. Referring to a popular Muslim headdress. 51st stater - a pejorative term usually for a non-American who emulates, speaks, thinks, acts, and reacts like an American. ", Refers to large white boys from rural areas (They are cornfed like premium cattle) Typically considered to be extremely strong but not too bright, Farmers in the fields getting intimate with their animals. Though three of these four words could be used for a female, most often, in the books I've read, they are used for males and "bitch" or "cunt" is used as a vulgar slur against women. They are said to be the missing link between apes and humans. Used by some police. Too, "Red Army." The rugged aussie outback is full of rocks, the gins look like apes, hence the connection. Bastard means achild born to a married woman whose husband could not be possibly the father or could not be proved to be the father of the child. Since Weeaboo is an exact synonym of Wapanese, its usage is exactly the same. is rat bastard a slur. "Fish-head" used by southern Germans for northern Germans. Ng is a very common Asian surname that is considered goofy and is used derogatorily. It is not derogatory in nature, but usually ends up being used in not the nicest of ways. Character from "Family Matters" TV show. Brown on the outside; White on the inside. Specifically South Indians from the state of Kerala in India, From the movie 'Harlad and Kumar go to White Castle', Kumar is the Indian character. Common steel-toed boots are black in color and have large, bulky toes - referencing the size of black's lips. A person who has many different races in his blood. Used by British to refer to blacks (originally slaves) in the West Indies; derived from Quassi, name of slave from Surinam who became famous. 'Cookie person/people.'. From Kunta Kinte in the book/movie "Roots. Used by blacks in an effort to help unify their race. Not entirely as general as a Caucasian slur, but it is exclusive . Derived from the movie "Scarface" which stars a cuban immigrant druglord named "Tony Montana", slur usually said with a Spanish accent. Tommy Atkins was a fictional soldier used to represent all British soldiers for morale purposes during WWI. You'll hear it very often in Spain. It means "raw meat eater." Wisconsin is the dairybelt; frequently used in a derogatory manner. "Tonk" is the sound that is made when the illegals are hit over the head with the large flashlights/batons that the US border patrolmen carry. ", starring primitive dark creatures that lived in sewers, From that African language that all it is is clicks and whistles. The Indians thought they looked like buffalo. ("American?" A family of all blacks. A word used to belittle or poke fun at the caucasian designation for whites. Refers to an African American woman who has an abortion. Rat Bastards Are Among Us ! "Kimchee" is a type of ferminted cabbage in Korea, and it sort of sounds like "Korean". Means like a bad term for white housewife, bored crooked ass homemaker. CBC is also a major television network in Canada. Blacks are thought to love Kentucky Fried Chicken. Soccer is quite popular in Mexico and South America. However, I understand it first applied to Italian immigrants in the late 1800s - More information: 1938 Amer. Cockney rhyming slang for septic tank = yank, shortened. Used in the movie Thunderheart. Generic term representing any Asian group without having to identify country of origin. ape-like or subhuman. It is used in Lithuania and Latvia. Refers to the idea that Adolf Hitler build the autobahn for war. Based off the hotel heiress who represents every negative stereotype about WASP women. Derogatory way of saying gaijin which is 'foreigner' (literally outside person) in Japanese. Indonesians find it offensive. is literally pronounced "Chesky". Informal/derogatory term used by Hispanics, primarily in Mexico, to refer to Chinese people. Also somewhat relates to the African country Nigeria, which is primarily black. After being criticized for using a racial slur in a video for Chinese New Year, Sixers guard JJ Redick offered an explanation in a tweet Sunday evening, writing that his words "came out the wrong . "Mojo" derives from "mojado" meaning "wet" i.e. Refers to Jews being loud, pesty and foreign (as the geese are in Massachusetts), and having big noses, Catholic Jews. Rimmer even called the ship's computer Holly a "jumped up filefax". The Snowbirds are a group of Canadian airforce pilots who display their flying at air shows. Compares Scotland to a 3rd world country such as Pakistan. Derives from an Albanian word for themselves, but can be derog. Prairie nigger. Used by some southern people to refer to black people. People once believed, because of their high cranium, blacks were close cousins to primates. Used in the film 'True Romance' as separate from WOPs from Northern Italy, and in The Godfather by a Northern Italian character when referring to Southern Italians and Sicilians. But it didn't start to take on the racist connotation it has now until the early 20th century. From the similarity between their skin color and the color of smoke. Asians with pompadours. Every language has special offensive words reserved for specific sexes only, and Japanese is no exception. Used when Native Americans and Blacks describing Whites whom they see as hurting them many times in present and past and represent an ongoing unhealed open wound, also wounds are often pink in color (the open sore) so it represents the color of many whites who look pink, 1960's Black Panther slang. Non Educated Delinquent. Originated from Spanish. The Racial Slur stage name Kreayshawn, is an American rapper, singer, and all is bastard a slur platforms >:., RPGs, and creative director our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and!. Also a 1920's main occupation, shoe shiners. A (young) black upwardly professional person. White Women. Combination if Tee-pee living and tom-tom usage. Hence Pontus=Pendos. A reference to the ghetto, i.e. Used by Jews to describe White gentiles or non-Jews in general. Usually look more European than their Japanese counterparts, i.e., more hairy and fair skinned. Known to frequently "charm" Cobra snakes. Either from monkeys or the victim of a lynching. Refers to the Mau Mau movement in Kenya , that rose up in protest to the theft of their land by the British. Refers mainly to Japanese. Scientific name. Stovepipes from wood-fired stoves get encrusted with black soot, hence the association. A play on the arabic food baba ganoush, an eggplant and garlic sauce which is often consumed by arabic people. . Derogatory term used by Bermudians for Jamaican immigrants who come north looking for cheap jobs. Small town farm trash that wore spotted welder beanie caps and carried concealed knives to school. Extremely offensive to anyone who speaks Navajo. It is usually derogatory, but can be an endearing term. Reference to the 3/5ths Compromise, where the US Gov't decided that slaves (Blacks) only counted as 3/5ths of a person for population reasons. HUKbong Bayang Laban sa Hapon (Citizens' Forces Against the Japanese). The comic was created with a futuristic, crime driven city, called Lowtown, in . They're salty because of all the days they were on the Ocean water. What do you call a black in the ocean? Coined during the Civil War, referring to how White you had to be in order to serve in the army. Short for Hispanic. From the film 'Freeway', represents when a white woman dates a black man. Jones Beach (NYC) term for Blacks due to their poor swimming abilities. Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. Non-Whites who date only Whites or have a strong preference for whites. Trailer trash that are forced to watch tornadoes while trapped in trailors. Limey: British: The British Royal Navy supplied a daily ration of lime or lemon juice to their sailors to prevent . Rumor that the Chinese evolved from lizards. 16th Century term for prostitutes accused of witchcraft. Derived from the idea that people of African descent were primitive. For the bigoted "All In The Family" character Archie Bunker. The crowded, poor Jewish neighborhoods were called "Ghettoes." Throughout the galaxy, individuals used phrases, interjections, slang, insults and expletives to express themselves, including the following: Ada: An affectionate term for father used on Tangenine. Probably the Asian version of 'Cotton Picker.'. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, which caused the US to enter World War II. This database was created entirely from data gleaned off the 'net Japan's only true source of food is the sea, so they eat a lot of fish. "And it's like, 'This . A Gang known as the Bloods, say PRAAAAAP! It can be applied to any Catholic, Irish or otherwise. Malabar which is a part of Kerala used to have economic ties with the MiddleEast because of the spice trade. Related to the familiar 'Yenta'. Usually in reference to males. Rasputin was a historical figure in Russia. Stands for "With Out Papers." . Laredo Used to describe gang bangers. An insult to (for example) black police officers in England. Refers to Chinese people that try to act like Black people or are half Black. Barmy - Stupid or crazy. Stronza, feminine, corresponds to "bitch". "Eshoon noor oodel chi vayeler" It's not pretty watching a jackass try to eat a pomegranate (read: clumsy). When sitting on the toilet, reference to large genetalia. Blacks in Hawaii who attempt to pass themselves off as ethnically Hawaiian. Used instead of "nigger" in potentially sensitive company, to avoid being overheard, or to appear politically correct. Cause they always want to hit the jackpot, Refers to Blacks from Africa who are considered by other Blacks as unsophisticated. Sounds like "book-book. As slanted as P-1 is a commonly used abbreviation for traffic collision reports for Party #1, Party #1 is normally the person at fault for a collision. Jews had to wear gold stars of david during WW2, Popular Jewish name for girls, pronounced like the chanu in Chanukah, Black Jews. Not necessarily a slur. This slur originated in the 60's and 70's. A fat native person. "It has always fascinated researchers how the black folk manage to get there hands on grog money daily." Heard in Egypt. Used by Germans for their beloved Austrian neighbours, stands for someone taking his dumps in canyons (since Austria is very mountainous). and via submissions from people like you and your parents. Used by Russians. It's an upsetting term but not considered an outright slur. Stage name of American actor Lincoln Perry, type cast as a slow, uneducated & easily frightened Black man. Khmer=Cambodian American=American Khmer + American=Khmerican. The ultimate goal being to take over Palestine. "Snow nigger." Not necessarily a slur nor derogatory, but rather a direct translation. Adjective, generally used by blacks in describing blacks with a light complexion, Acronym for "Head Nigger In Charge." I suppose this could refer to any mixed -ian race. Tall asians. Used by other black people to refer to the 'old-school' blacks who do not keep current with the 'gansta' styles of music or clothing. Irish eat potatoes. "Bat-gwai" is the Cantonese for "white ghost;" or as we more commonly hear it translated, "white devil." Also: heime, heimey. Pronounced "gi-nee." Malcolm X used this slur. For blacks that ride in hoopties with loud systems and smoke marijuana, Black criminals. Also: Greaser. 'Nazi Firewood' to be more specific. b. Could be used for any non-caucasian race, Original Blue Gums. Used by other Hispanics to refer to the Dominicans. A fat black woman - inspired by the Pine Sol commercials. From Mexi-Corn, from Southern California reference to Mexicans picking corn or other produce. Many vehicles in Australia have 'roo bars mounted on the front (to protect the vehicle from collisions with kangaroos). Any person claiming to be part Navaho Indian, but are without papers or pedigree showing it. Black stereotypical character from Antebellum South. The stress is on the first syllable. Lots of sheep in Wales. Hispanics are known to have a lot of beans in their diet. The only black kid from the Peanuts series. Updated version of FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) and refers to any recent immigrant who cannot speak english well. Used by Germans as derogatory reference of Americans. Japanese word calling Koreans inferior to them. The term originates as a word meaning "stupid" in ancient Greek. In reference to Uncle Sam but with America's bad reputation. Subset of Native American indicating person who was at Wounded Knee incident in South Dakota in the '70s; Member of A.I.M. Used in a Billie Holiday song during the Civil Rights movement. Or a person who half black/half white. Jell-O is also the state snack of Utah. Referring to their racism and white skin. Jews tend have long noses, similar to a mosquito. White people who try to act like they're Indian. Although sometimes, a racist will use a (racist slur) + (unpopular animal) as a compound insult. Common last name among Navajos which is used in the derogatorily by whites. (Pronounced Spoh-tuh) Stereotype of dumb inner city blacks' slang for supposed to. anyone can ride her. Sometimes shortened too boon. Originated from the cereal of the same name that turns white milk into chocolate milk. is rat bastard a slur. Pronouced "milk," made due to misrepresentation of national holidays. From the character Babar the Elephant. are said to be randoms. Stayed behind for 500 years. n. 1. Only considered a derogatory term close to "kike" in Orthodox Christian countries.. in others it simply means "Jew. is rat bastard a slur. The proper name is Bet-Yisrael. Specifically refers to French descendents from Quebec. Used today as an insult by the Loyalist community in N Ireland. Pepik is a Czech name that sounds funny to Polish people, so we called them Pepiks. Roughly translates to "dude." Blacks who try to act Jamaican, but actually aren't. T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more designed and sold by independent artists. Many Polynesian cultures have practiced head hunting. Shawnee, Native American term for "Mud person". The United States is a major consumer of oil. Offensively used by races other than Hispanics. Whites and Asians began to use it in a disparaging way and for most of the 19th and 20th century it was equivalent to "nigger." Many bosnians have large heads with flat facial features. Term used by the Portuguese referring to white people from Mozambique. Tom Green, a Canadian, mocked sexual contact with a moose on his television show.

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is rat bastard a slur