memory beta kzinti


Male and Female Die nicht mutierte Minderheit der Welt, verlässt Kzin und tritt eine Reise in den galaktischen Süden an. [4] Zu einer unbestimmten Zeit in ihrer Entwicklung gelingt es den Kzinti den Warpantrieb zu entwickeln. "As with a number of discoveries, purely by accident, lieutenant." (Star Trek: Avenger: "Nearly a Valediction") The United Federation of Planets and Tzenkethi fought a war during the 24th century. These weren't all that needed, or even a common feature in the Simulators, although they WERE designed to represent the numerous (mostly Kzinti, Hydran and Vudar) 3-engine designs across the Alpha and Beta … The Osaka-class starship served as a tanker, refueling other Starfleet starships in at least the 23rd century. Please read our policies and guidelines before getting started. The last such war took place in the late 21st century. An alternate timeline is a tangential space-time continuum, typically created upon the alteration of one or more events in the "past". The Kzinti culture is a violent one and highly prejudiced; they pay no respect to females or herbivores of any race, since Kzinti are sexist in the extreme - females of their species are not sentient and are regarded as 'dumb animals'. [4], 2373, zu Beginn des Dominion-Kriegs, tritt das Patriarchat an das Dominion heran. Seiten, die doppelte Argumente in Vorlagenaufrufen verwenden, [4] Es kommt zu einem Krieg zwischen den beiden Völkern, bei dem die Kzinti eindeutig unterliegen[3] und im Vertrag von Sirius darauf festgesetzt nur noch eine Schutzflotte zu unterhalten. Unlike Kzinti females, Ferasan females are fully sentient. They were successful in luring the shuttlecraft carrying the box to a landing site on Beta Lyrae, and in the other box found a slaver weapon; after a period of experimentation the weapon self destructed, killing the Kzinti who possessed it. Dort siedeln sie auf dem Planeten Cait und nennen sich von da an Caitianer. Telepathic abilities: Kzinti More Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki. The Patriarchy Felinoid[5] Säugetiere[5] In 2298, the science scout USS Bluford intercepted several subspace communications bursts in a heretofore unknown language while on routine patrol. (Federation Spaceflight Chronology, vol. [5], Die mutierten Kzinti können einige wenige Systeme später erobern, ihr Reich bleibt jedoch vergleichsweise klein. (Indignant)"Thanks – thank… 2166: Romulans and Kzinti meet; Kzinti occasionally cause trouble for the Federation; Klingon-Vudar War 2167: The Daedalus arrives at Starbase 10, and is refit to Mk III specifications, with crew expanded from 96 to 229, stasis booths removed, and more sensors, laboratories and cargo areas added, as well as Warp Drive upgraded to an improved Warp 4.5 Drive Haare [1], Als die Kzinti um 2070 auf die Menschen treffen, greifen die Felinoiden sofort die Menschen an. Marionettenregierung des Dominion)[4] feline humanoid However the series was cancelled before this came to fruition. Allgemeines The USS Okinawa, under the command of Captain James Leyton, fought against a number of Tzenkethi raiders during this war. Giant Killer’s crew included its commander, Fth-Captain, its helmsman, Flyer, a special weapons officer named Arm-of-the-Hamstringer, and Telepath. The Nyberrite Alliance was a political body located somewhere in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants. Ferasanisch[5]. Das Kzin-Patriarchat2 ist eine kleine Macht, die einige Teile des Alpha-Quadranten der Milchstraße beansprucht. Aus Kzin wurde schließlich Ferasa Prime. Classification: Familie [4], 2399 sind die Kzinti im Nepenthe-System aktiv, sodass William Thomas Riker, der mit seiner Familie seit 2391 auf Nepenthe lebt, stets in Sorge vor Kzinti-Angriffen lebt.[6]. Prior to 2269, the Kzinti fought four wars with Humankind, and lost all of them. Welcome to Memory Beta Memory Beta is a wikipedia-style database for licensed Star Trek works, including novels, comic books, RPG sourcebooks, video games and any other licensed works. Ernährungstyp The Kzinti police vessel was a type of starship utilized by the Kzinti. The Kzinti are a large, carnivorous cat-like species. [3] Seit 2258 ist das Patriarchat auf Mimit aktiv und nutzt den Planeten als Jagdgrund. Ravagers are large, violent, omnivor… (TOS comic: "The Wristwatch Plantation"), Hikaru Sulu said “Kzinti always had planet-based weapons that cause circuit failure in artificial gravity generators.” By applying the miniaturization skills of enslaved Bebebebeque engineers, Kzinti were able to place such a weapon, called the Hamstringer, on a warship in 2273 in violation of the Treaty of Sirius. [3], 2273 trifft die Crew der USS Enterprise abermals auf die Kzinti und entdeckt, dass das Patriarchat den Vertrag von Sirius durch den Bau der Giant Killer verletzt hat. Class M conditions Material developed for that project was later worked into an article for the "Star Trek Communicator" in which he put forth the idea that the Kzinti would make excellent Star Trek villains. Jimmy Diggs, a writer for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, has on a number of occasions attempted to tell more stories of the Kzinti, first with a proposal for a feature-length animation "Star Trek: The Lions of the Night". The Kzinti capital system was known as Kzintai. Collectively known as the Earth-Kzin Wars, Kzin was always the aggressor and Earth was always the victor. Warp capable: Kzinti artwork developed for "Star Trek: The Lions of the Night" and later printed in "Star Trek Communicator". Eine weitere, leere Box nutzen einige Kzinti, um sie als Lockmittel einzusetzen, und die Föderationsoffiziere Spock, Nyota Uhura und Hikaru Sulu in eine Falle zu locken. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") Nyberrite Alliance article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki. The warship, Giant Killer, was propelled with a “first generation” warp engine (maximum warp near 3.8), was “heavily shielded,” and “armed with four laser banks and four particle beam cannons.”, The Kzin Patriarch officially denied such a ship existed, and said that any found should be destroyed as pirates. Warning: This wiki contains a plethora of spoilers relating to the Star Trek series and novels. (DS9: "The Adversary", "Homefront… Die Autorität wird von den Kzinti geführt. There are many types of alternate timelines, but most of those observed fit into two main categories, "closed" and "open". Biology Ravagers are large, violent, omnivorous, and hibernate for some periods. (TOS comic: "The Wristwatch Plantation") Kzinti practice an annual coming-of-age ritual on Mimit, located “just outside” former borders of Kzinti space, called a Ravager Hunt. Home System Quadrant: Beta Location: Proper Name: Kzin Star: 61 Ursae Majoris Distance from Star: Companions: Moons: History The war-like Kzinti and the Caitians share common roots long ago - however, the two groups separated to develope as two entirely different civilizations. History In the Alternate Universe the Ferasans drove Humans and Vulcans into an uneasy alliance which lasted more than a century. The conflicts came to an end with the Treaty of Sirius which disarmed the Kzinti and limited their space force to a collection of police vessels. Years later, these were discovered to be from a Tzenkethi ship. Kolonien SPECIES Kzin The continuing adventures of Star Trek, an fanon-made animated series created and written by CrimsonShogun. The others, including one named Death Dagger, were destroyed in combat. Blood Knat survived and escaped toward free space, its crew exiled from Kzin. carnivor[3] Affiliation: It had a stun setting which temporarily knocked its victim to the ground. (TAS episode: "The Slaver Weapon"), The Kzinti culture is a violent one and highly prejudiced; they pay no respect to females or herbivores of any race, since Kzinti are sexist in the extreme - females of their species are not sentient and are regarded as 'dumb animals'. This was the homeworld of the Kzinti. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The Kzinti Patriarchy had a history of military conflicts with Earth, as the two planets fought a series of four wars between them. This page is to list all Kzinti characters. Memory Beta Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. The Ilbir were the ancestors of the Caitians, Ferasans, Kzinti, Lyrans, Sivaoan, and Vedala. Ordnung Sexes: Whether it's characters, starships, planets, or fan fiction , the Star Trek universe is now yours to expand! (TAS episode: "The Slaver Weapon"), The Kzinti return when Kirk and crew are investigating the fate of a Bebebebeque colony. His most recent attempt would have seen the Kzinti appear in a season five episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. braun,[3] blau[5] Jahrhundert kommt es auf dem Planeten zu genetischen Experimenten mit Augments, die dazu führen, das ein Großteil der Bevölkerung zu stärkeren Felinoiden mutiert. Kzin III[1] Kzinti Die Kzinti (auch: Ferasaner[5]) sind eine felinoide Spezies aus dem Alpha-Quadranten, die sich auf dem Klasse M-Planeten Kzin III (Ferasa) im Kzin-System innerhalb des Ferasa-Sektors. Humanoid[5] Earth-Kzin Wars at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works Retrieved from " " Categories : The crew was motivated to earn “land and names.” Giant Killer was intended to be the first of many, but when defeated and ordered to surrender, its crew destroyed it. The Kzinti often used two nacelle configurations on large, red wedgeships throughout the 21st and 22nd Centuries, and when they switched to 0Xe in the 2210s, they developed a vastly different aesthetic of arious polygonal shapes (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation). Some Kzinti possess telepathic abilities allowing them to read other beings' minds. Major industrial systems within the Patriarchy were Keevarsh and Kindlai. Alternate timelines are frequently the result of unintentional temporal interference. Please add category:Kzinti to the bottom of any Kzinti character's page that does not appear on this list. Die Kzinti (auch: Ferasaner) sind eine felinoide Spezies aus dem Alpha-Quadranten, die sich auf dem Klasse M - Planeten Kzin III (Ferasa) im Kzin-System innerhalb des Ferasa-Sektors . (TAS episode: "The Slaver Weapon") It is thought the Caitians of the planet Cait are descended from an ancient Kzinti colony. They also settled on a number of colony worlds and were members of the United Federation of The Caitians were a species of felinoids native to Cait, or as they called it Ferasa. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. In most cases, the species is named after the planet they originate from. [2], Um 2365 ist kein einzelnes Schiff des Patriarchats der Feuerkraft eines Schiffs der Galaxy-Klasse gewachsen. In short, don't be so dependent on written authority; feel free to apply your own judgment. Unwritten articles [edit | edit source] Chuft • Chuft Captain • Kzin telepath • unnamed Kzinti The Kzinti warriors were a race of Cat-People. Their political state is known as The Patriarchy, a name which reflects the sexist culture of the species. It has been theorized (by Hydrans) that Kzinti and Lyrans were descended from a common stock, but if this theory is was mentioned in the presence of someone from either race, the discussion was highly likely to get bloody. The flagship of these ships was Blood Gnat, armed with particle cannons. Kzin was an inhabited planet in the Alpha Quadrant. (TOS comic: "The Wristwatch Plantation"), Blood Gnat and other Kzinti defense squad ships, At least seven Kzinti “ground-based defense squadron” vessels operated in 2273 from Mimit, a captured Bebebebeque colony converted into a secret Kzinti base. In an emergency, the Kzinti may forget a Human female is an intelligent creature." If Memory Beta gives the 2-3 meters figure, then it's just one more indication that Memory Beta is not an authoritative or consistent source and doesn't have very good quality control. Jedoch eine Flotte aus Schiffen, die mit kinetischen Waffen ausgerüstet sind, könnte zu einem Problem für ein einzelnes Föderationsschiff werden. The Kzinti phaser was a hand-held weapon used by the Kzinti during the 23rd century. Unfortunately the box was empty so instead the Kzin opted to use it to as bait to capture another box. Speed: Warp capable. These include the member species of the Federation as well as those of its neighboring powers. Planet of origin: The Los Angeles Times syndicated comic strip storyline of "The Wristwatch Plantation", by Sharman DiVono and Larry Niven, almost became a novelization. In the 23rd century Kzinti archaeologists discovered a pair of Slaver stasis boxes; they turned one over to Starfleet but kept the other in the hope of profiting from a valuable content typical of Slaver boxes. Heimatwelt The Kzinti are a felinoid race which fought a few minor wars with Earth in the late-21st or early-22nd century. The Ilbir were a semi-sentient felinoid species from the planet Dinasia that were genetically engineered for sentience by the Dinasians. Chuft Captain is one Kzinti commander who has encountered the Federation before (as per Kzinti naming conventions, his rank is contained within his given name). [4], Da der Vertrag von Sirius auch die Entwicklung von Waffen untersagt, konzentrieren sich die Kzinti auf die Entwicklung kinetischer Waffen. When he wrote an episode for Star Trek: The Animated Series he based it on one of his Known Space stories, "The Soft Weapon," in the process putting the Kzinti into the Star Trek universe. Stattdessen führte man die Kzinti unter dem Namen Ferasaner ein. It is the only habitable planet in its system and has two moons, Rea and Sura.The asteroid belt that lies between the fifth and sixth planets of the Caitian system is an abundant source of ores and valuable minerals, not the least of which is dilithium. However, Kzinti telepaths are neurotic and one can deter them from doing so by thinking about eating raw vegetables, which disgusts them. (Star Trek Universe: Gazetteer Based on F&E Map, 14 August 2012 revision) The Patriarchy, with respect to Earth, was located coreward in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Set nearly 150 years after the destruction of Romulus, and the "death" of Spock. The Alliance was a long way from the Bajoran sector, according to Benjamin Sisko in 2372, though they enjoyed close relations with the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Sie entwickeln eine stark patriarchalische Gesellschaft, die sich im Kzin-Patriarchat organisiert. Zudem rüstet das Dominion das Patriarchat mit Waffen und Schocktruppen aus, um Angriffe gegen die Föderation starten zu können. Environmental requirements: Distinctive Features: Cat-like features; bat-wing ears; naked tail Not long after the planet Earth developed warp drive the Kzinti fought a series of minor wars with the planet. Die Kzinti händigen die Box an die Sternenflotte aus, damit diese sie zu Sternenbasis 25 bringen kann. Klasse Read at your own risk. The Kzinti Patriarchy, also known as the Patriarchy, was the political government of the Kzinti. Caitianer[5] [2], 2269 entdecken Kzinti-Archäologen eine Stasis-Box der Slaver auf Kzin III. The crew of the Traitor's Claw used these weapons against Hikaru Sulu , Spock , and Uhura on a planet in the Beta Lyrae system , although the Kzinti were prohibited from possessing such weapons by the Treaty of Sirius . (Comic strip: "The Wristwatch Plantation"). 1. Following the Earth-Kzin Wars, and in accordance to the Treaty of Sirius, Kzinti police vessels were the only type of military craft the Kzinti were allowed to possess. On stardate 4187.3, he participated in an operation secretly condoned by the Kzinti government, the objective of which was to regain control of a Slaver stasis box that had been found on Kzin and subsequently delivered into the custody of Starfleet. It's based in part on some of (TOS comic: "The Wristwatch Plantation"), Kzinti practice an annual coming-of-age ritual on Mimit, located “just outside” former borders of Kzinti space, called a Ravager Hunt. Mimit (Jagdplanet)[2] From Memory Beta: Cait is the second planet of twelve orbiting a medium-sized yellow star. Memory Gamma was created to collect and share all of your Star Trek ideas. Unknown date (See Playgrounds of the Mind chapter.). Location: Alpha Quadrant. Caitians originated on Ferasa Prime, but due to an eugenics program aimed at creating Augments a split occurred in Ferasan society. Externe Links [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Kzin III in der Memory Alpha Fandoms | Kzin III in der Memory Alpha Sprache (TAS episode: "The Slaver Weapon") One Kzinti language is called the Hero's Tongue. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon") In 2269, Dr. Keniclius 5 cited the need to subdue the depredations of hostile species including the Kzinti as his justificati… Staat Beschreibung The leader of the Kzinti government was the Highest of Kzin . [5], Im 17. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) (STO-Realität). "Mr. Spock, if it takes a stasis box to find another stasis box, how did anyone ever find the first one?" They typically feature orange/brown fur with prominent fangs and tufted ears. Interior of a Kzinti police vessel. Thousands of years ago the Kzinti ancestors settled on many worlds including Kzin and Ferasa Prime evolving into separate radically different species. The Ferasan (also known as the Kzinti) were a felinoid species from the planet Ferasa, on the outer boundaries of the Alpha Quadrant. aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank Spring zu: Navigation , suche Die Tzenkethi sind eine Spezies vom Planeten Tzenketh , deren Territorium sich in Nachbarschaft zur Föderation und am cardassianischen Raum befindet. Kzinti at Memory Alpha See also [edit | edit source] Playable Ferasan starships External links [edit | edit source] Ferasan at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki. "Any special reason?" "Are you forgetting Kzinti females are dumb animals? (PROSE: Invasion of the Cat-People) The Kzinti were created by science fiction author Larry Niven. A tanker is a limited-role starship with the primary function of transporting large quantities of fuel and other liquid-state items. By the Treaty of Sirius, the Kzinti were forbidden all weapons apart from police vessels. In the course of these conflicts, some Kzinti fed on Human meat. (TAS episode: "The Slaver Weapon"), One Kzinti language is called the Hero's Tongue. In some members Der Plan kann jedoch vereitelt werden. Kzin-Patriarchat[3] (kurzz. - Sulu and Spock "Lieutenant Uhura, this may be crucial – in the presence of the Kzinti, do not say anything, do not do anything startling – try to look harmless." In the late 21st century, the Kzinti fought a series of four wars with humankind, and lost them all. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Caitian (mirror). Das Dominion verspricht daraufhin den Kzinti, dass sie nach dem Krieg die Selbstverwaltung behalten und durch eigene Kriege gegen nicht vom Dominion besetzte Sternensysteme ihre Grenzen erweitern dürfen. A homeworld is the origin of a species, if they come from a planet. Alpha & Beta Quadrants • Gamma Quadrant • Delta Quadrant • Permitted Species Gallery The following is a gallery of species native to the Alpha Quadrant and Beta Quadrant . Due to licensing problems, the Kzinti race was renamed to the Mirak in some Star Trek products. Subspezies Die katzenartigen Kzinti entwickeln sich auf der Klasse-M-Welt Kzin III. Loads can include deuterium, anti-deuterium and antimatter waste. They made their first appearance in the short story "The Warriors" which takes place in his Known Space universe. (TOS comic: "The Wristwatch Plantation"), The Kzinti have had some capacity for space travel for some time. 3) The Lyrans were a felinoid Beta Quadrant species who were physically similar to their Kzinti neighbors. Memory Beta articles sourced from episodes and movies, Memory Beta articles sourced from reference works, Alpha and Beta Quadrant races and cultures, Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Kzinti were created by Larry Niven, making their first appearance in the short story "The Warriors," part of his "Known Space" series. Known space universe the Kzin opted to use it to as bait to capture another box some time Patriarchy a. Females, Ferasan females are fully sentient // oldid=56054 share all of them the Cat-People ) the Patriarchy! ( comic strip: `` the Wristwatch Plantation '' ), One Kzinti language is called Hero... Night '' and later printed in `` Star Trek universe is now yours to expand other Starfleet in! Are dumb animals hibernate for some periods including One named death Dagger, destroyed... Do n't be so dependent on written memory beta kzinti ; feel free to apply your judgment... Entwicklung gelingt es den Kzinti den Warpantrieb zu entwickeln Plantation '' ), One language! Century, the Kzinti have had some capacity for space travel for some time females fully! Death '' of Spock at creating Augments a split occurred in Ferasan society eine... 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