sermon on pilate's wife


Oh, the cowardice of Pilate to take water and wash his hands, as if he could wash off blood with water; and then to say, “I am innocent of his blood,” — which was a lie, — “see ye to it.” By those last words he brought the blood upon himself, for he consigned his prisoner to their tender mercies, and they could not have laid a hand upon him unless he had given them leave. The one brief narrative which we have of her certainly looks that way; it is evident that she loved her husband dearly, and would therefore prevent his acting unjustly to Jesus. And you, dear children, you sisters, you of the gentler sort, do not hesitate, in your own quiet way, to be heralds for Jesus wherever your lot is cast. Given the scant history we have about Pilate, I would like to offer the following scenario about the end of Pilate s life. Summary: Matthew includes the story of Pilate’s wife’s dream to reinforce in our minds the innocence of our Savior. Oh, my ungodly hearers, my soul goes out after you. Play! Submit a Comment Cancel reply. His blood-stained wife paused on the stair And looked in Pilate's shallow eyes, And said to him, "When Jesus dies Today, the world we know will be No more. Her warning reveals Christ's true righteousness and makes it clear that he is the standard by which God measures all people. Deliver him from his adversaries! In all the long hours when Jesus stood on trial, only one person spoke up for him: A woman. Beside that, Pilate was sinning not only after distinct warning, and a warning which set out the blackness of the sin, but he was sinning after his conscience had been touched and moved through his affections. Download Audio . Alas, she was yours, but death has removed her, and ere she departed she entreated you to follow her to heaven and she sang her little hymn—, Will you fling your babe aside as though you were another Herod that would slay the innocents, and all in order that you may curse yourself for ever and be your own destroyer? Pilate's wife, Procula, may have seen some of the terrible suffering of Christ in her dream. With crowd and time and Christ. As for us all, let us take care … This is the only verse where she is mentioned. So his wife had been tossing and turning the previous evening, and when he gets his breakfast in the morning and he goes out to the day, she says, “Pilate, before you go in there today, let me give you one word of caution: whatever happens, have nothing to do with that innocent man. This morning’s discourse stops you on the highway of sin, puts its pistol to your ear, and demands that you “Stand and deliver.” Stir an inch, and it will be at your own soul’s peril. MenuHome Bulletin Other Sermons. Say to him, “Have thou nothing to do with this just person: for I have suffered many things because of him, and I pray thee do nothing against him.”. The Dream of Pilate's Wife Spurgeon sermons Teaching Hackberry House of Chosun. The Dream Of Pilate’s Wife “When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have you nothing to do with that just Man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him.” Matthew 27:19. Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Scripture Passage: Matthew 27. O workers for Jesus, suffering many things for him, be of good courage, for the stars in their courses fight for the servants of the living God, and the stones of the field are in league with you. If his beloved wife was distressed it would be sure to weigh heavily with him: for he would not have her troubled. He had also seen in many prisoners the meanness which will do or say anything to escape from death; but he saw nothing of that about our Lord. Bible > Sermons > Matthew 27:19. Jesus and Pilate (7 of 19) Series: Cross Examination Wyman Richardson Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14, 22-26 Read Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14, 22-26 Two days from now the Greek Orthodox Church will be honoring a rather unlikely saint: Pontius Pilate's wife. I know how it affected me as a lad when my mother, after setting before her children the way of salvation, said to us, “If you refuse Christ and perish, I cannot plead in your favour and say that you were ignorant. Admire the punctuality of Providence. She must dream just so, and no how else, and that dream must be of such and such an order, and none other. Say not an unkind word, nor do him any injury! He had seen in captured Jews the fierce courage of fanaticism; but there was no fanaticism in Christ. They are afraid of encountering a fool’s laugh, and so rush upon everlasting contempt. Thus he bade you cease from sin and turn to Christ. Aren’t you supposed to administer justice from Rome’s tribunal?” “No! What should Pilate do about Jesus of Nazareth? That she did the right thing and Pilate did the wrong thing. Pilate’s wife had a dream. Pilate's own conscience agreed with her. Secondly, I gather from this story THE ACCESSIBILITY OF CONSCIENCE TO GOD. I thought I saw him brought back from Herod where the men of war had set him at nought. It is doubtful she knew much about him. Certainly her dream was a warning against sin. Tradition adds that Pilate died in Vienne, France on the Rhone or on Mount Pilatus, Switzerland. PILATE AND PROCULA. In her dream she recognized that she had been sent a divine message, and she had the faith to act upon that message and bear witness to her husband that she knew Jesus was a “just man”. Truths long buried suddenly rise up, and when the man is in the very act of sin he is stopped in the way, as Balaam was when the angel met him. A loving relative pleading with tears is often the forlorn hope of mercy. THE IMPERIAL ARCHIVES SPEAK! Pilate’s wife may have realized in her sleep the dreadful spectacle of the thorn-crown and the scourge, or even of the crucifixion and the death-agony; and truly I know of nothing more calculated to make the heart suffer many things concerning the Lord Jesus than a glance at his death. Conscience often lies like a lion in a thicket, and when the sinner comes along the broad road it leaps upon him, and for a while he is sorely put to it. Lord, you have given the Bible to be the revelation of your great love for us, and of … Mar 30, 2018 Posted in Lent / Audio Sermons / Pastor Ted Giese / Holy Week / Sermons / ^Matthew / Good Friday / Righteousness / Imputed Righteusness / 2018. His sins at this moment were beginning to punish him: as Job would word it, “The iniquities of his heels compassed him about.” One terrible portion of the penalty of sin is its power to force a man to commit yet further iniquity. MenuHome Bulletin Other Sermons. In this little vignette we are reminded that God can use dreams to awaken the conscience. What would he do? OUR Lord, before his enemies, was silent in his own defence, but he …, Romans, but not Romanists We can see the providence of God at work in three different ways in this story: First, his wife had a dream about Jesus that upset her greatly. Scarcely have any of you had a dream which made you send a message to a magistrate upon the bench. So doth Providence work. O my friend, to you it may be that your child, your mother, or your affectionate wife may be God’s last messenger, the final effort of the warning angel to bring you to a better mind. These sermons are original to … (wpe), Matthew 27:19, The Hospital of Waiters Visited with the Gospel. … The testimony of dreams to Christ. Your little child entreats you; will you disregard her tears? It is well spoken, for this is the chief of all powers. It is as if God is saying, “Pilate, this is your final warning.”. Ted Giese / Season Of Lent / Good Friday March 30th 2018 - / Matthew 27:15-19. himself a doom intolerable beyond that of Sodom of old. Her warning reveals Christ's true righteousness and makes it clear that he is the standard by which God measures all people. “While he was sitting on the judge’s bench, his wife sent word to him, ‘Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of Him!’” (Matthew 27:19). Pilate's Wife Testifies about Innocence Matthew 27:19 . She grasps your knees, she begs you not to be lost. PILATE’S WIFE. Faith Stories Discover how people like you are growing and discipling others with the help of Dr. Stanley’s messages. Pilate is even now sitting on the judgment-seat. Though the judge were your own husband you would be very hard pressed before you would worry him with your dreams while he was occupied with important public business. Footnotes. Think of thy wife! We thank God it is so; it gives hope for the households of this godless city, — it gives us hope even for those for whom the Sabbath-bell rings out in vain. I suffered much in a dream today because of him.’” (Matthew 27:19) C. H. Spurgeon. Gain was his object, and pride ruled his spirit. IT was the Sabbath day! My spirit failed before the terrible sight. Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on January 4, 2000. Print This Post. I suppose it was after her husband had left her that she thus dreamed. Jesus has been arrested, deserted by his male disciples, denied by Peter, beaten and humiliated by callous men under the jurisdiction of the High Priest, and he is now standing before Pilate, the governor of Judea. 4. As low as $30/day. It was the time of the Passover. I can well understand that every drop of spray which flashes from the wave when it dashes against the cliff has its appointed orbit as truly as the stars of heaven; but the thoughts of men appear to be utterly lawless, especially the thoughts of men when deep sleep falleth upon them. Affection has more might than eloquence. There is no reason to think Pilate’s wife had ever seen or heard Jesus. Actually, she did not refer to Jesus merely as innocent, but as righteous (27:19, NAB). 64. The wife of Pilate (we’ll call her Claudia just for argument’s sake) would have spent most of her time with the governor at his palace in Caesarea on the coast enjoying the sea breezes and the amenities to which wealthy Romans were entitled. It was evidently a dream of the morning: “I have suffered many things in a dream this day.” The day had not long broken— it was yet early in the morning. When you and I go out to warn men of sin, we are not alone, all Providence is at our back. Send the messenger to him! Angrily he cries, “Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?” Though, indeed, Elijah was his best friend, had he known it. The quote reveals that many Greeks considered Pilate’s misfortunes to be divine justice for the death of Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Savior. On the morning of the trial of Jesus, she sent an urgent message to her husband: ‘I had a troubling dream. March 21, 2021 Pilate’s Wife. Pilate’s Wife. I say the manner of Jesus, for his matchless meekness must have struck the governor as being a very unusual thing in a prisoner. Pilate’s old sins found him out and made him weak in the presence of the ignoble crew, whom otherwise he would have driven from the judgment seat. Where the Spirit of God is, all the forces of nature and providence are mustered. So his wife had been tossing and turning the previous evening, and when he gets his breakfast in the morning and he goes out to the day, she says, “Pilate, before you go in there today, let me give you one word of caution: whatever happens, have nothing to do with that innocent man. My soul stands trembling while she sings the glory of her God, whose providence is high, even like Ezekiel’s wheels; but the wheels are full of eyes, and, as they turn, all the surroundings are observed and provided for, so that there are no slips, or oversights, or accidents, or delays. He is guilty of moral cowardice in the moment of crisis. Now, herein is the hand of God, and the simple story goes to prove that the wandering Zingari of dreamland are still under his control, and he can cause them to produce distress and anguish, if some grand end is to be served thereby. And so you’ve opened up Matthew 27 with what happening. He had power enough to have silenced them, but he had not sufficient decision of character to end the contention: the power was gone from his mind because he knew that his conduct would not bear investigation, and he dreaded the loss of his office, which he held only for his own ends. Even he has forsaken the Lord. He had the evil thing which he was about to do fully described to him, and therefore if he ventured on it, his presumption would be great. Midweek Lent - 3: Testimonies about Jesus from Unlikely Witnesses. Though the voices that confronted Pilate clearly revealed the right thing to do, his warped values pressured him to decide otherwise. In Matthew 27, Jesus Christ stood on trial before Pilate, and in verse 22, Pilate asked the most personal and pressing question: “What shall I do with Jesus?” What we do with Jesus is an unavoidable decision each of us will make; what we decide—or not decide—will dictate our eternity. The next reason why his wife’s appeal was ineffectual was the fact that Pilate was a coward. She didn’t need to see or meet Jesus Christ to have a a sure knowledge of His goodness and mission. At the very moment when he was vacillating, when he had proffered to the Jews the choice of Barabbas, or Jesus of Nazareth;— at that very moment, I say, when he had taken his seat upon the bench, and was waiting for their choice, there came from the hand of God a warning to him, a warning which would for ever make it clear that, if he condemned Jesus, it would be done voluntarily by his own guilty hands. Notice the word “today.” Since Pilate’s interviews with Jesus took place early on Friday morning, this must mean that his wife had the terrible dream sometime Thursday night. The testimony of women to Christ. Bible > Sermons > Matthew 27:19. And while Pilate sat on the judgment seat, about to make decisions that would affect his eternal destiny and course of the whole world, Pilate’s wife slumbered on. Pilate's Wife. They might, perhaps, also tell her that Jesus of Nazareth was brought there a prisoner, and the priests were entreating Pilate to put him to death, though they had heard the governor say that he found no fault in him. Typically the Passover was a busy time in Jerusalem. Site by Mere. III. I do not agree with the notion; but even if it were so, I admire all the more the providence which overrules even the devices of Satan for the purposes of wisdom. G. T. Coster. Wroe, Ann. Make haste! (2) Pilate felt dirty and grimy, like he was being soiled by this whole thing. She may have seen her husband brought forth to judgment, himself a prisoner to be tried by the Just One, who had aforetime been accused before him. Now wait and you will see. It reads this way: “Born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate.” Yet Pilate knew Jesus was innocent. Do not this abominable thing! (1) God had spoken to Pilate’s wife, and she went to warn Pilate. But see to it that you do seek the souls of men, all of you. It will not be a piece of mere imagination if I conceive that at the last great day, when Jesus sits upon the judgment-seat, and Pilate stands there to be judged for the deeds done in the body, that his wife will be a swift witness against him to condemn him. God grant you may not reject your own salvation, but may turn to Christ and find eternal redemption in him. The Galileans and the Samaritans both felt the terror of his arms; for he did not hesitate to massacre them at the slightest sign of revolt; and among the Jews themselves he had sent men with daggers into the midst of the crowds at the great gatherings, and so had cut off those who were obnoxious to him. 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