the industrious revolution


And the Emperor found the elegant features of his paper convincing; he converted the working hours of the industry across his realm at 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Had the workers been consulted about these changes? Eckart, Wolfgang Uwe As a result of some industrial espionage engineered by the French state in 1768, the Dutch beaters finally found a working role in French papermaking in 1780. 49 8. The industrious revolution as described by these authors would have happened both too late to fit its intellectual roots and too early to signal the beginning of a ‘consumer revolution’. 119 It was never characterized by E. P. Thompson's moral economy of the marketplace or de Vries's depiction of worker households moving from contact with the market to orientation to it.Footnote When the veteran workers refused to toil beside the newcomers and stalked out, the Montgolfiers locked out the defiant men. Wedgwood's outburst reminds us that formal holiday calendars conceal as much as they reveal. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present. 92 Additionally, the Dutch practice of preserving some dampness in the drying sheets and shuffling them under the press did not disturb the grain as much as French trip-hammers and smooth stones. Martini, Marco Published online by Cambridge University Press:  On the basis of the Montgolfiers’ accounts, Marie-Hélène Reynaud carefully calculated that the Montgolfiers’ journeymen consumed 3,931.5 calories worth of food each day.Footnote Second, the focus of labour shifted from … Nevertheless, manufacturers and workers throughout Europe and across the Atlantic continued to express their mutual interests and practices in the language of custom, and the journeymen still appealed to the authority of their self-styled conventions when they confronted the masters. 9 In England, a fund insulated the journeymen who had to “leave for wages or customs.”Footnote 1 The Production and Marketing of Populuxe Goods in Eighteenth-Century Paris. Lalande celebrated this ban, since he believed that “there is nothing easier in the making of paper than to do a great deal of work and do it badly.”Footnote Walther, Gerrit In the close environment of a one-vat mill, the clash of hard feelings over wages and customary expectations no doubt had to be cooled with beer. Desmarest, Papier, 510. Note you can select to send to either the or variations. Eineder, Ancient Paper-Mills, 45–46. By considering how masters and men managed the hours of labor, expectations about output, and diligence that characterized Old Regime papermaking, this essay returns the shopfloor pressures and the experience of work itself to the core of the issue of industriousness. 32 Grenier, Jean-Yves, “Travailler plus pour consommer plus: Désir de consommer et essor du capitalisme, du XVIIe siècle à nos jours,” Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales An industrious revolution would certainly help resolve some nagging puzzles of English economic development between the Middle Ages and the end of the Industrial Revolution. 117. This distinction did not loosen the bonds within the national paperworkers’ combination; instead, it encouraged paperworkers throughout England to seek Kentish wages and customs. (Such actions, of course, usually target long-standing, widespread practices.) Kanz, Roland Balston, Thomas, William Balston, Papermaker 1759–1849 (London, 1954), 160Google Scholar. For de Vries's most influential articles on the industrious revolution, see “Between Purchasing Power and the World of Goods: Understanding the Household Economy in Early Modern Europe,” in Consumption and the World of Goods, ed. 2009. Warland, Rainer 58. For the manufacturers, best practice was to stimulate paperworkers to “hurry up and take it easy” while fashioning easily ruined sheets.Footnote According to Sidney Pollard, the issues facing the masters and manufacturers who dreamed of increased output were doubly complex. Sponsorship. Pulte, Helmut They were not about to sacrifice the “goods” of access to employment for their sons and themselves or familiar customs and quotas for the pleasures of tea and razors. Urban fire Risk and the “Industrious Revolution”: London in the Last Third of the 18th Century. Eisenberg, Christiane But these gains came under renewed pressure during the second half of the eighteenth century, and many protoindustrial households undoubtedly labored more to remain solvent rather than to indulge in newfound fancies. 5 (1897): 166 But for many, living quarters amounted to pallets in airless, dank chambres. For many papermakers, however, it was simply an instrumental way to expand their profit margins.Footnote Beginning in 1815, von Pachner supplied bank-note paper to the newly minted Austrian national bank. Google Scholar. It announced highly detailed standards for the tools, techniques, and time of production in 1739. Like their Continental competitors, they remained locked into the long-standing wage system and production quotas of their art. England's producers remained both proud and uncertain about the competitiveness and quality of their reams. 8 This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. 64 DeVries, Jan. "The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution." ). So it went for page after page in the enquête. Since journeymen paperworkers were highly conscious of the value of their time and their overtime, they expected compensation when the everyday troubles of their trade stopped their work. See also The papermaking machine, however, was geared to produce good quality paper in massive quantities. Kosman, Admiel This 'industrious revolution' is the context in which the economic acceleration associated with the Industrial Revolution … Schilling, Johannes Demel, Walter Find out more about sending to your Kindle. 32 (1972): 241–261 This very change was the result of the “industrious revolution” in Japan. Rosenke, Stephan This 'industrious revolution' is the context in which the economic acceleration associated with … Schnettger, Matthias How, then, to reconcile stagnant wages and the laboring poor's purchase of an unprecedented abundance of manufactured and imported products? 25. Identifiers. In the long eighteenth century, new consumer aspirations combined with a new industrious behavior to fundamentally alter the material cultures of northwest Europe and North America. 91 Les Grèves d'ouvriers papetiers en France au XVIIIème siècle jusqu’à la Révolution, Papers of the Twelfth International Congress of the International Association of Paper Historians. Zwanzger, Michael PLAY. And word doubtless spread that the passing of the willful patriarch, Pierre Montgolfier, his mathematically inclined son, Étienne, and the first generations of their new men marked the gradual reappearance of the journeymen's traditions at Vidalon-le-Haut, just as the revival of the workers’ venerable customs at Josiah Wedgwood's potbank followed his death.Footnote 1979), 193Google Scholar. 13 (1999): 1–25 The book thus presents the framework of the facts of pre-industrial Japanese history and depicts pre-modern Japan from a macroscopic point of view, showing how the industrious revolution came about. Feinstein, Charles, “Pessimism Perpetuated: Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Britain during and after the Industrial Revolution,” Journal of Economic History Allousch, Jasmin If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. They took advantage of their scarce skills to secure higher wages at a time of heightened demand for paper, just as French workers had during the good times of the seventeenth century and even occasionally during the hard times in between. 89. A more humane intensification of work, Hobsbawm maintained, largely awaited nineteenth-century experiments, when manufacturers attempted to raise productivity through some combination of payment by results, higher wages, and shorter hours.Footnote While observing the ceaseless conflict between the manufacturers and journeymen at a mill in Essonnes, Nicolas-Louis Robert began work in 1798 on his papermaking machine. 12. Jean-Marie Janot, Les Moulins à papier de la région vosgienne, vol. A translated version of the edict appears in Lalande, Art of Papermaking, 73. This study explores the intellectual understanding of the new importance of consumer goods as well as the actual consumer behavior of … English papermakers likely enjoyed Gerschenkronian advantages, the openness and the desperation of the latecomer, in their relatively rapid adoption of this machine.Footnote The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution. Over fifty years ago, E. J. Hobsbawm cast a pall over the history of the industrial revolution by claiming that the living standards of the laboring poor may well have declined rather than improved as Britain industrialized in the first half of the nineteenth century (“The British Standard of Living, 1790–1850,” Economic History Review 10 : 46–68). 79. Beiderbeck, Friedrich The Dutch workday began at 3:30 a.m., and at the Rannersdorf mill in Austria, the vatman picked up his molds at 4:00 a.m.Footnote He offered two assessments of the annual expenses and upkeep of a French paper mill. Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm As a result, men, women, and children spent ever more hours in waged labor, and their growing purchasing power proved decisive in stimulating large-scale European industrialization. The Industrial Revolutions . Though highly skilled, French workers in 1788 still “broke” ten percent of the sheets they turned out, especially if a clumsy layman was afoot. The Industrial Revolution: A Boon to Industry, A Bane to Childhood - Duration: 9:58. Quoted in Balston, William Balston, 12. Schneider, Johann 78 Goldstone, Jack A. This 'industrious revolution' is the context in which the economic acceleration associated with the Industrial Revolution took shape. Downloadable! Bremer, Kai Gebhardt, Jürgen The hog, the colorfully named mechanical agitator, also appeared in English mills first. The purchasing power of these households grew as men, women, and children chose to work more to consume more. 68. The Industrial Revolution taught the hard lesson that technological advancement requires an equal dose of social advancement. Fire and floods consumed paper mills and profits all too often. Would the pulp turn or congeal in their absence? After all, the grueling workdays of the journeymen—usually twelve hours, but in a few places as many as fourteen—left limited space at the margins of routine production for newfound industriousness, as did six-day workweeks. More pressing followed and the sheets were draped over cords to dry. de Lalande, Joseph-Jérôme Lefrançois, The Art of Papermaking, trans. In 1756, for instance, flames “entirely reduced” a mill in Eynsham “to a heap of rubbish.”Footnote After all, the concept neither pinpointed the geographical origins of modern industry nor explained why it arose in certain regions. Wiesenfeldt, Gerhard At the same time, the wages Whatman paid added up to fourteen percent of his expenses, while Keferstein's expenditures for labor reached twenty-one percent of his total outlay.Footnote The first of these is the puzzle of why England was seemingly so agrarian in the Middle Ages, even in the years 1400 to 1500. But now their sense of the worth of their increasingly skillful work dovetailed with that of their Continental counterparts. Much of the recent debate in early modern European labor and economic history has centered on Jan de Vries’s concept of the industrious revolution. De Vries reasoned that plebeian consumption should have been constrained, and the goods used by working families should have been primarily the products of their own hands. Jan de Vries’ theory of an industrious revolution has received much attention from historians working on economic and social development. In the first chapter, he summarizes the theory on how work and leisure combine to satisfy desires. 22. According to the manufacturers, it was also the site and source of turbulence and complaint in every mill. 249, no. Hand papermaking offered little opportunity for the “improving” manufacturer who wished to craft and conduct a revolution in the industriousness of the workers who sweated in his shops. Learn where and when the Industrial Revolution started, and the inventions that made it possible. On the course of labor discipline at Josiah Wedgwood’s works, see Thompson, Customs in Common, 385–386. 68 CrossRefGoogle Scholar (italics in original). Johnson, R., New Duty on Paper. The workers on both sides of the Channel were of another mind. Whether they depended on skilled or unskilled hands, he claimed, these employers had to turn laborers accustomed to bouts of irregular toil and the sustenance it provided into persistent, regular producers who sweated for greater purchasing power. Angry journeymen and jealous competitors knew the vulnerable points. No holds were barred, including the adulteration of sheets with artificial whiteners, in the pursuit of profits in this internationally competitive industry.Footnote Thus the Combination Act mandated that “the time of working by journeymen at the vat … shall be half an hour about each post.”Footnote Mohnhaupt, Heinz Asch, Ronald G. König, Hans-Joachim China and Europe: 1780-1937 The Revolution Explained "Industrious" Revolution. Rise of Agrarian Capitalism and Future of the Industrious Revolution … Did they rebel against the new regime? 15. Economic Growth before and after the Industrial Revolution: A Modest Proposal, Early Modern Capitalism: Economic and Social Change in Europe, 1400–1800. André, Louis, Machines à papier: Innovation et transformations de l'industrie papetière en France, 1798–1860 (Paris, 1996)Google Scholar; 69 They also favored their sons for these spots, but added a distinctive twist: Eldest sons did not require formal indentures, while second sons and candidates from outside the trade did. Even the first machines did the work of eight vat crews. 13. Subirà, Oriol Valls I, The History of Paper in Spain, XVII-XIX Centuries, vol. Test. 35, Even the producers of cheap wrapping paper depended on nimble vatmen and sober sizermen. Quoted in He needed steady hands and good timing, since he flipped six or seven sheets of paper per minute from wire to felt. 27 Mader, Eric-Oliver Tresp, Uwe Document 39, Archives Nationales, 131 Microfilm 53 AQ 23. Pollard, Sidney, The Genesis of Modern Management: A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain (Cambridge, MA Strohmaier-Wiederanders, Gerlinde 6 Bergemann, Lutz 105. And this fixture permitted the journeymen to accord rank and distinction without the masters’ approval. 95. For de Vries, this process integrated all members of laboring households into the market economy, where they earned wages, often for the first time. De Vries, Jan. "The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution." In 1738, an English official lamented the “many Interruptions” of paper production. It is conventionally assumed that the pre-modern working year was fixed and that consumption varied with changes in wages and prices. Hofer, Sibylle Brewer, John and Trentmann, Frank, “Introduction: Space, Time and Value in Consuming Cultures,” in Consuming Cultures, Global Perspectives: Historical Trajectories, Transnational Exchanges, ed. Like Josiah Wedgwood, they dreamed of making “such Machines of the Men as cannot Err.”Footnote Instead, he was fascinated by the role of rising consumer demand in the coming of the industrial revolution. In 1718, it was said that “much the best Printing Paper in England is made at Southampton by a Frenchman,” probably Daniel Roussillon.Footnote An Empirical Exercise for England, c. 1300–1830. Observance remained local: Even the fiery Wedgwood and his workshops were ensnared in nets of tradition he could not shake off. 71 This 'industrious revolution' is the context in which the economic acceleration associated with the Industrial Revolution took shape. To provide you with a flood or a rag famine wide and frequently array... Economists and historians alike for spoiled paper everywhere during the last years of the societal economy manufacturers could count all... Footloose, irresponsible journeymen and stimulant beverages, tobacco, and assisted the loftsman in wrapping the reams ). Wages of their hands. purses of masters and men evolved, with the Revolution... 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