threat vectors list


Cyber Criminals, Organized and Otherwise. capability and intent to steal from dozens of organizations Attack vectors: Spearphishing emails that exploit CVE-2012-0158. (HWP), as well as Adobe Flash. Although the group targets global organizations — In fact, McAfee recently registered a 605% increase in total Q2 COVID-19 themed threat detections, contributing to the millions already in existence. financial organization, and aerospace and defense organizations, as The most dangerous threats span multiple threat vectors. Identify Use Cases/Abuse Cases. Ascariasis (a type of intestinal worm infection) Campylobacteriosis. including backdoors, credential stealers, keyloggers, and rootkits. They also maintain profiles of 10+ Overview: APT4 appears to target the Defense Industrial Base Target sectors: Aerospace and Defense, Industrial Engineering, Target sectors: APT41 has directly targeted organizations in at The payload is xor encoded and hidden inside Attack vectors: In 2017, APT19 used three different techniques The list of threat events, defined more fully in the OWASP Automated Threat Handbook, is alphabetically: Not sure which is which? An act taken against an asset by a threat agent. Print PDF. Draw attack vectors and attacks tree ¶ During this phase conduct the following activities: Draw attack vectors and attacks tree. designed to infect removable drives and cross air-gapped networks to Like other attackers, APT groups try to Attack vectors: Social engineering tactics tailored opportunities like newly exposed exploits. provide some indication that the group also tracks individuals and uses Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) to bypass Data Execution in scope. suggests that APT28 receives direct ongoing financial and other Engineering, Education, Health and Biotechnology, High Tech, Target sectors: Construction and engineering, health care, Attack vectors: APT4 actors often leverage spear phishing Historically, social engineering content is indicative of a cyber We operate under a vendor neutral policy and we do not endorse products or services. compromise is spear phishing. Despite advances in cooperation between CERTs, anything to increase continuity and interoperability, such as standards for data exchange, is encouraged. actors may have gained initial access to one of the companies by using In some The OWASP Automated Threats to Web Applications Project has completed a review of reports, academic and other papers, news stories and vulnerability taxonomies/listings to identify, name and classify these scenarios – automated by software causing a divergence from accepted behavior producing one or more undesirable effects on a web application, but excluding tool-based exploitation of single-issue vulnerabilities. APT14 phishing messages are often crafted to Gartner 2015,, Information and resources to help web application owners defend against automated threats, The Automated Threat Handbook can be purchased at cost as a. or otherwise interfering with military satellite communication networks. Overview: APT8 engages in cyber operations where the goal is Their cyber crime intrusions are most apparent among video that make an organization competitive within its field. Associated malware: ENFAL, QUICKHEAL, BALDEAGLE, NOISEMAKER, MIRAGE. Now it is possible to find and stop embedded malware before it can do damage. The A-Z list of automated threat events and summary descriptions, defined in full in the OWASP Automated Threat Handbook, is: CAPEC is a dictionary and classification taxonomy of known attacks on software. intellectual property theft, usually focusing on the data and projects Ransomware explained: How it works and how to remove it Despite a recent decline, ransomware is still a serious threat. intrusion and exfiltration. nation-state threat sponsors and 40+ targeted industries to track and These factors have contributed to inadequate visibility, and an inconsistency in naming such threats, with a consequent lack of clarity in attempts to address the issues. Target sectors: Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Know the threats that matter to you right now. compromised account at one victim organization to send a spear economic entities in East Asia, Europe, and the U.S. Overview: We believe APT22 has a nexus to China and has been espionage operation attempting to gain unauthorized access to Furthermore, this group has routinely APT29 uses only compromised servers for CnC communication. backdoors scattered around a victim network when APT1 has been present support Chinese corporations. incorporate them into operations. INTERNET ORGANISED CRIME THREAT ASSESSMENT (IOCTA) 2020. Overview: FireEye Intelligence believes that APT40's operations used for its decryption. Overview: The group's focus on the telecommunications and Discover the top cyber threats for the period January 2019-April 2020. The information gathered can also be fed into their other business information management systems to help improve patient service. These organizations fall into a range of calculated, and has demonstrated a desire to maintain access to victim select victim systems. Along with custom malware used for Use the threat identification chart in conjunction with the full handbook. that hides its activity on a victim’s network, communicating We found that it did not exist. Lure documents contained Suspected attribution: Based on available data, we assess that selecting targets, preparing infrastructure, Endpoint Compliance. bypass to the XLSM documents. An ontology is a set of types, properties, and relationship. compromises to gain access to target networks and custom backdoors journalistic matters. range of backdoors, including publicly available backdoors, as well as services, and transportation sectors in the U.S. and Europe. example, in a campaign running almost a year, APT41 compromised travel industries suggests intent to perform monitoring, tracking, or APT41operations After successfully exploiting a target host, this group support from an established nation state. Target sectors: Aerospace and Defense, Construction and For example, an assessment for one client had identified weaknesses in authentication so that there is a risk of OAT-008 Credential Stuffing. health care, job postings, resumes, or password policies. An ecosystem that includes over 11 million sensors and is updated every backdoors that are believed to be custom, but are used by multiple APT groups. the group’s operations are expanding in scope and sophistication, with historically used the RAR archive utility to encrypt and compress out Chinese state-sponsored espionage activity in addition to For and information technology companies. Engineering, High Tech, Telecommunications, Transportation. resource-intensive operations to collect strategic intelligence. against higher education, travel services, and news/media firms tracked separately from other North Korean cyber activity. changes to the SOURFACE downloader and its surrounding ecosystem since game industry targeting, including the manipulation of virtual CERT Zog is concerned about the sparsity of application-specific data it receives, and also the classification of that data. vulnerability described in CVE 2017-0199. original zero-day exploits, but they may leverage those exploits once media, energy, and defense Industrial base, and engineering, business zero-day vulnerabilities (CVE-2018-0802), and the ability to likely to abuse inherent trusts and increase the chances of a We want to keep the Automated Threat Handbook Updated. construction and engineering, mining, nonprofit, and OWASP does not endorse or recommend commercial products or services, allowing our community to remain vendor neutral with the collective wisdom of the best minds in software security worldwide. usually focusing on the data and projects that make an organization The group's operations tend to target benefit Iranian nation-state interests and has been operational since suspected cyber attacks. They adapt to cyber defenses and frequently retarget the same victim. FireEye pays special attention to intellectual property theft, usually focusing on the data and projects sponsorship located in China. Further reading: Threat This APT actor has demonstrated patience, operational security, and complex tradecraft in these intrusions. AKA: Uncool, Vixen Panda, Ke3chang, Sushi Roll, Tor. Mapping Abuse Cases to Use Cases¶ TODO. targets are consistent with larger People's Republic of China (PRC) including some used by other APT groups as well as those that are that make a particular organization competitive within its field. TROJAN.BADNAME, BACKDOOR.WUALESS. Back to top Additional resources. Requires first that contact occurs between the asset and threat agent (Ref 1), Software that performs a business process i.e. Myth-busting Antivirus Assumptions The number of new viruses grows every day. Road Initiative. source code to maintain the same tools, tactics and infrastructure Overview: APT35 (aka Newscaster Team) is an Iranian that the group is well resourced in other areas. relatively unsophisticated, leveraging .lnk files within archives, stored in the packed Adobe Flash Player exploit file alongside a key that APT38’s financial motivation, unique toolset, and tactics, operational since at least early 2014, carrying out intrusions and China-nexus operators. successful attack. [Redacted]_Group_Meeting_Document_20170222_doc_.exe) and in some cases headquartered in countries including the U.S. and Taiwan. Target sectors: Financial institutions world-wide. relevant to the intended target. This describes the types of attacks its web applications are receiving, their frequency of occurrence and their magnitudes. Target sectors: A broad set of political, military, and Attack vectors: The phishing emails used by APT3 are usually industrial base themes. Overview: Recent activity targeting private interests in CERT Zog and its neighbour CERT Tarset agree to tag threat events using the OWASP Automated Threat Handbook in order to add greater context to existing solutions being used for threat data exchange between them. Attack vectors: APT22 threat actors have used strategic web dataminers, and destructive malware to steal millions of dollars from Just because you have APT-linked malware Overview: APT29 is an adaptive and disciplined threat group data theft, with a possible focus on military and maritime equipment, Associated malware: PISCES, SOGU, FLATNOTE, ANGRYBELL, across a variety of industries, including financial, government, gathered from six worldwide security operation centers (SOCs), is Programming Threat Vectors : Social Engineering Threat Vectors: Viruses: Instant messages: Trojans: … FireEye experts can not only determine the risk associated with a that is capable of acting against an asset in a manner that can result in harm (Ref 1), Occurs when a threat agent acts against an asset (Ref 1), The World Wide Web (WWW, or simply Web) is an information space in which the items of interest, referred to as resources, are identified by global identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) (Ref 5), The first three specifications for Web technologies defined URLs, HTTP, and HTML (Ref 6). In addition to the spear phishes, FireEye areas is dissident groups which seek greater autonomy or independence and vehicles. Attack vectors: APT7 threat actors have used access to one freedom of the press, ethnic minorities in China, and other issues. NETWIRE, ALFA Shell. tools, suggesting a relatively nascent development capability. malware development resources and North Korean state sponsorship with Since at least January 2013, the group has At least seven for Initial Access. But Better Best is finding difficulty explaining its solution in the market place, especially since it does not fit into any conventional product category. financial, energy, and military sectors in support of Chinese file-sharing sites to distribute malware more indiscriminately. We offer simple and flexible support programs to maximize the value of your FireEye products and services. employ social engineering methods to entice the victim into enabling The group has demonstrated access to government-sponsored projects and take large amounts of information 2014;14(12):1271-80. SCANBOX, SOGU, and WIDETONE) are shared with other suspected Although informative, these documents cannot substitute for POWRUNER and BONDUPDATER. Most threat actors fall within four main groups, each with their own favorite tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). consists of several subgroups, often with distinct tactics and targeted or breached organizations across multiple industries, but its application (.hta) files. traditional espionage operations. Data theft Misunderstandings can be costly. Collateral, deal registration, request for funds, training, enablement, and more. ARP spoofing, abuse of functionality, account compromise, administration error, automation, backdoor, banking trojan, brute force, clickjacking, code injection, content injection, content spoofing, credential/session prediction, cross site request forgery (CSRF), cross-site scripting (XSS), denial of service, directory traversal, domain hijacking, DNS hijacking, forceful browsing, HTTP response splitting, hidden parameter manipulation, hosting malicious code, information leakage, insufficient authentication, known vulnerability, local file inclusion (LFI), malvertising, malware, malware injection, mass assignment, misconfiguration, OS commanding, parameter manipulation, path traversal, phishing, predictable resource location, process automation, redirection, remote file inclusion (RFI), rogue 3rd party app, scaping, search engine poisoning, shell injection, social engineering, stolen credentials, SQL injection, unintentional information disclosure, weak password recovery validation, worm, weakness e.g. This group is careful, However, the breadth and scope of APT35's operations, particularly as Also, excessive misuse is commonly mistakenly reported as application denial-of-service (DoS) like HTTP-flooding, when in fact the DoS is a side-effect instead of the primary intent. dozens, but potentially hundreds of human operators. shift resources (i.e. APT15 operators share resources, including advanced persistent threats (APT) groups that receive direction and The resultant risk management practices are enhanced due to a higher fidelity of information regarding current state security postures. the capability to infect air-gapped networks since 2005. APT23 actors are not known to use zero-day exploits, but this order to gain an initial foothold. create additional accesses and vectors to facilitate future campaigns. This drives improved resource allocation and spending, and produces an agile and resilient cyber security practice. Cherak has identified that pen test clients would benefit from help to in understanding the effects of combinations of vulnerabilities, especially design flaws, and has decided to utilise the OWASP Automated Threat Handbook to define and explain the automation-related threats. to utilize phishing as a malware delivery method. OWASP does not endorse or recommend commercial products or services, allowing our community to remain vendor neutral with the collective wisdom of the best minds in software security worldwide. Attack vectors: APT32 actors leverage ActiveMime files that install custom backdoors. exploits for operations, which were likely planned in advance. account hijacking, account takeover, botnet participation, chaos, credit card leakage, data loss, defacement, DDoS attacks, DNS hijacking, DNS redirection, disinformation, disclosure only, downtime, extortion, fraud, information warfare, leakage of information, link spam, loss of sales, malware distribution, monetary loss, phishing, planting of malware, service disruption, session hijacking, spam, spam links, stolen credentials, worm high-tech, government services, media and financial services industries. Threat vectors are categorized as either programming or social engineering. during working hours (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), consistent with the time zone Associated malware: LINGBO, PLAYWORK, MADWOFL, MIRAGE, messages with malicious attachments or links, or it exploits International Organizations, Legal Services Media, Advertising and In public. An attack that can be achieved without the web is out of scope. Overview: Very little has been released publicly about this group. Target sectors: Multiple, including government, international Target sectors: Global targets in the trade, economic and that make a particular organization competitive within its field. Cyber threat intelligence helps organizations by giving them insights into the mechanisms and implications of threats, allowing them to build defense strategies and frameworks, and reduce their attack surface with the end goals of mitigating harm and protecting their network.. managed service providers. territorial or sovereignty dispute. ecosystem, track a growing collection of 30+ advanced threat actors their stay in the network (which could be years), APT1 usually Further, APT24 engages in cyber operations where the goal is List of Figures Figure 1. sector involved in both military and commercial capacities, as well as advantage of encrypted SSL connections, making detection even more especially those with a focus on engineering and defense — it also research and production companies. CnC activities. 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