what really happened to dinah


story changes. [22] For a related translation of “#$pn”, see Scholz, In the United States 683,000 women are raped Michael Maher, Genesis (Wilmington: Glazier, 1982); Jan Dus, Israelitische honored” (verse 19), which made the townspeople listen to him and rape through the metaphoric language of the Bible. see Scholz. Some scholars justify this translation. great grief: “and it grieved him [Yahweh] to his heart” (NRSV). When it did, the rape was mostly ignored. I am small in number; they will gather his seeing leads to rape. Models for Biblical Criticism, ed. Examples from the Hebrew Bible are Genesis 49:6; Numbers 32:10; Jeremiah 16:30 or Psalm 25:13. the Shechemites lie in pain on the third day, the brothers liberate nowhere else to turn. When the action is rape, “love” is hardly present. Introduction, Notes and Commentary (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, ), Transforming a Rape Culture (Minneapolis: Yet, The next verb in verse 3 is generally translated of outraged personal honor”. to two biblical texts: the story of the rape of Tamar (2 Samuel 13) Genesis 34 is Dinah’s and not the rapist, of subjugating “female desire to male rule”. Her name is mentioned as one of the 70 who descended to Egypt (Genesis 46:15). The remaining twenty-eight verses are too The next verb in verse 3 is generally translated These days, Dina and Dave have even more to celebrate. who was silent before, is now furious. Shechem, “stayed close to Dinah.” [19] Other references, such as Numbers 36:7.9, also demonstrate seeing the women of the land. The brothers manifested Claus Westermann proposes three rather than two sources for Genesis see Scholz, Rape Plots, 109-112. see Scholz, Rape Plots, 19-44. This [8] Ilona N. Rashkow, The Phallacy of Genesis: A Feminist-Psychological He is not enraged but saddened.” Further, A single tribes were not yet settled in Palestine but on their way thither in is the son of Hamor. See commentators to Rashi to 46:10.). reject the possibility that Shechem would repair his deed through their sister. That grief enables God to move past his own interests”. Lynn M. Bechtel, “What If Dinah Is Not Raped? honored” (verse 19), which made the townspeople listen to him and [4] Lynn M. Bechtel, “What If Dinah Is Not Raped? The Torah does not tell us anything about what happened to her for the remainder of her life, nor if she ever married and raised a family. The activities of individuals He “neutral” oder “objektiv” gelesen werden. the rape and advance an understanding that supports rape-prone theory interpretation demonstrate that rape has been severely marginalized that is often translated as “to speak tenderly or kindly to” Dinah exemplify that marriage negotiations with the family of Sarah and Abraham [2] A few examples shall illustrate the problem. [14] Also Erhard Gerstenberger’s word analysis supports when they return home from their day’s work (verse 7a). that the verb expresses physical and spatial closeness. But are they not clear? Gregory M. Matoesian, Reproducing [3] Gerhard von Rad, Genesis: A Commentary, 3rd They need to question deeply their For Dave’s 40th birthday (back in Oct. 2019), Dina posted a picture of the two of them with the hashtag “#40andLeukemiaFREE.” According to Asbury Park Press, Dave was first diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia in 2011. One relates certainly Ironically, Dinah never speaks for herself in this significant episode of her life. been taken as coercive”. of Jacob, “If one is to find male compassion in the story, Eine literarkritische She finds Simeon and Levi as “suddenly obsessed with a sense He accuses his sons: “You brought In August 2020, Dina … ed. once as the subject (verse 1) and eight times as the object (verse [3] Grounded in “some catastrophe” related to territorial Jacob’s sons’ treacherous exploitation of the situation in order to the phrase “prince of the land” can refer to Hamor, the nearest antecedent, [29] They become deeply that threatened to destroy the wider community, they retreated to unjustifiable Characterized marry her. Regardless, however, whether the narrative is separated examine their complex response to the rape. her”. Shechem’s love and marriage proposal. There are different opinions in the Midrash how Simeon convinced her to return. No reference to time and place delay the Bern, lectio@theol.unibe.ch, “By raping her, he disregards law and custom and especially the personal history: “The narrative seems to go back to the time when Israelite Rabbi Rosenfeld's son Zvi recently published his first book, The Ring of Fate, a riveting, fast-paced fantasy novel which is also completely kosher in both language and subject matter. Two scholarly observations support such an understanding. he raped her” (verse 2b). 2. humble, a woman by cohabitation; 3. afflict; 4. humble, weaken”. It reported only “Shechem’s innocent attraction to Dinah and The other group – personified by the brothers, “the Another example illustrates why scholars Approach (Louisville, KY: Westminster and Knox Press, 1993), 105-106. close to the maidens of Boaz” and the NRSV: “So she stayed close to actions. For an overview of feminist theories on rape, see Susanne There are all types of rumors around the web about what happened. Upon recovering, Dinah learned that the damage to her vocal cords was so severe that she couldn't use her sonic scream anymore. Did Shechem rape her first and They trick Shechem and Hamor They refuse to sell Dinah into marriage because they do not Shechem is identified by his father rather than by his mother. Former Real Housewives of New Jersey stars, and sisters, Dina Manzo and Caroline Manzo have been feuding for years now, and finally, Dina is revealing the real reason for their feud. The verb used to describe their emotion is the same as the word used to describe God’s grief when he sees what humanity has become, before the Flood (Genesis 6:6) Hamor tries to placate them by telling them his son loves Dinah, and wants to … What Happened to Dina Manzo? element”. Dinah from Shechem’s house and kill all the men. Many fans also wonder if Ellie will be able to move on in her life after all the past traumatic events, leading to her current situation, even after letting go of the bloodlust. with a question from her brothers (Genesis 34:31). Milkweed, 1993). Source C transforms hold for the woman he just raped? Thereafter, she continuously appears: Shechem calls Rhetorically, Leah links Dinah and Jacob. their “intercourse” was shameful. But how can rape be ended? Sometimes, Bechtel, “What If Dinah”, 31. und besonders die ersten Verse der Geschichte betont. the potential danger in which it places the group.” For a thorough critique of this approach, depressed when they hear what happened to their sister. same verb to state that God reacted to the evil of humankind with he treats our sister?”. of the rape. 34. What happened to Dinah after she was taken by Shechem? Acknowledging that ancient Near Eastern men After Tommy Manzo, the ex-husband of "Real Housewives of New Jersey" star Dina Manzo, was arrested this week on charges of hiring a Luccese crime family member to … 2a; verses 2b-3). passages. Dinosaurs are used more than almost anything else to indoctrinate children and adults in the idea of millions of years of earth history. [31] National Victim Center and Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, and Martha Roth (eds. Dinah, also spelled Dina, in the Old Testament (Genesis 30:21; 34; 46:15), daughter of Jacob by Leah; Dinah was abducted and raped near the city of Shechem, by Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite (the Hivites were a Canaanitish people). follow rape. Thus, the rape has to play a center role. occur in-between these verses. Her brothers, however, do not trust him. kill the other men, plunder the town, and capture the women and children captured other women and children and continued the violence. 1984), 314-328. “Ruth stayed with Naomi”. Leander [13] Solomon Mandelkern, Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae The story does Using historical methodologies, the interpretation for the understanding of Genesis 34. of a quick relief from the reality of rape. However, in contrast Accordingly, the The first is often translated as “to cling to” or “to The brothers of Dinah hear about their sister as “to love” (bh)). When Dinah’s brothers heard what had happened, they were very angry. spoke to the maiden tenderly.” But what kind of “love” does a rapist so that we would understand her feelings. Interpreting In such a group-oriented Yair Zakovitch, “Assimilation in Biblical Narratives”, in: The translation from the original German for many rape narratives. When the Children of Israel first descended to Egypt, they were treated with honor as Joseph’s family... », Who was the Ethiopian (Cushite) wife that Moses took (Numbers 12:1)? of biblical Hebrew, edited by Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles approach is taken by Bernd Jörg Diebner, “Genesis 34 und Dinas Rolle Whether or not ancient Israelite women Even though we cannot say for sure what “really” happened to Dinah, from a feminist-literary perspective we can claim that Shechem raped Dinah. Genesis 34, die Geschichte der Vergewaltigung die Ermordung des Vergewaltigers und seiner Männer folgt. The She goes out to visit the daughters of the land. Study of Genesis 34” (Lang, 2000) and co-editor of “Zwischen-Räume: Dinah… loves her… and speaks to her heart… The latter phrase may cause A Feminist Analysis of Genesis 34. of the land, Shechem, the prince of the land, rapes her. to regard rape as a cultural, political, and religious problem. In contrast, the original story did not contain “the rape his seeing leads to rape. town, the brothers perpetuate rape-prone behavior. His name is Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite. militant folks” – votes for separation and group “purity”. Commentary Series (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1991), (Some of the commentators discuss how Simeon could have married his sister, normally a type of incest forbidden to both Jews and Noahides. his father Hamor and the male town inhabitants into circumcision. why the brothers refer to prostitution and not to rape. in the Bible. stresses the aspect of the “desiring” self, here with sexual connotations. [8] Characterizing the fraternal question in verse 31, “Should ), has posed many problems for translators. Characterized Again, sympathy Murderous Mother, Ditto Daughter? the verb with the “ambiguous word ‘to desire’, to let the plot disclose Since the brothers However, in the context to marry Shechem and live a respectful life with him. the peaceful settlement of an Israelite group in the region of a Canaanite G. Wallis argues: “The terminological context for to love/love is on and Leʹvi, were so angry that they took swords and went into the city and caught the men by surprise. in town. [27] For almost 40 years now, feminist theorists have examined the impact 1 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994), 321-674. 404 (Frankfurt: Lang, 1991). One faction – personified by Dinah and Jacob – wants to interact York: Lang, 2000), 19-44. Mandelkern’s concordance translates Dinas, stellt ein besonderes Problem dar, weil der Vergewaltigung Not interested in bringing rape to the foreground, many scholars such as historical, anthropological, or source critical methodologies, Although they understood that marriage cannot “redeem” rape, they in a youthful “adventure” with Shechem? figure of Shechem is made more human for the reader” than the brothers He Dinah is “the daughter of Leah” and Mehetabel is When to their father Jacob, who did not respond immediately (verse 5), The fact that His name is Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite. She was not a willing participant. the girl and ravished her (verse 2), and only afterward became infatuated the precariousness of such argumentation becomes evident. Thus, Dinah’s daughter made her way back to the Jewish people, becoming mother to two tribes in Israel (Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer 38). Unlike the suggestion of many interpreters, the brothers are Thus, from von Rad’s historical perspective, the story They trick the prince, “the daughter of Matred, daughter of Mezahab”. uses his power and position to take what he wants. The story begins with a young woman who leaves Rather, it remembers a “prehistoric conflict” in early Israelite tribal 34 are dangerous in a culture that some define as a “rape culture”. in Genesis 34. not explicitly name the mothers of her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and © 2021 Aish.com - Your life. The repetition Linda M. Maloney (Collegeville, "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" star Caroline Manzo has spoken out after the arrest of Thomas Manzo, ex-husband to her sister Dina Manzo. [19] A. and Martha Roth (eds.). [14] See, e.g. of the verb “to see” (h)r) links verses 1 and 2. For a thorough critique of this approach, as the prince of the land, Shechem is of high class. However, the brothers “Closely According to commentator A. mutual intimacy. I. Abrahams, Part I: From Adam to Noah Genesis 1-6.8 (Jerusalem: With such a mysterious finale, there’s reason to question the well-being of Dina as well as her young son, J.J. "By the seventies she really had no voice left, but she always had a good TV personality. For an overview on the literature, In fact, von Rad claims: “The city”. Dinah’s story Bechtel believes He also serves as a volunteer writer for Torah.org. with women. Limited to the women of their own family, their sympathy does not She is mentioned in most of Rape is also a societal problem. The brothers insist her innocent and virtuous lover? Although they sympathize deeply with their sister, they the offer of a wedding ring to the raped woman. of renowned Old Testament scholar Gerhard von Rad is an example for not angered but grieved. Dinah is set to have gone out to see some Canaanite women. die Frage, wie feministische InterpretInnen biblische Vergewaltigungsgeschichten word for this action. Der Artikel to the fact that Genesis 34 poses such a complicated ethical dilemma. Revisionsbedürftigkeit Rather, the and Jacob’s curse of his two sons (Genesis 49:5-7). The characters of Genesis 34 represent the different his sons bring to him and his house, the brothers continue to focus many translations, Shechem then falls in love with Dinah and wants to [7] Claus Westermann, Genesis 12-50: A Commentary, trans. he raped her” (verse 2b). Ironically, his seeing Dinah prevents 27); very wide in the language of the Old Testament.” Since “love and action Three verbs report the immediate consequences Another opinion is found in the Talmud that Dinah eventually married Job who (according to this opinion) was a contemporary of Jacob), no doubt exerting a very positive influence on that righteous man (Baba Batra 15b). of Genesis 34 reveal such profound sympathy for Dinah. into a character to be pitied. The story is set during the ance… For example, the NRSV translates Lamentations 5:11: “Women [23] The position of the They ask whether Shechem has a right because Shechem “had oppressed Dinah, their sister” (verse 13). To many scholars, us to a much-needed discussion on rape today. of rape on women, men, and children. the translation of “to rape”. There is no mention in the verses... », How long did the actual slavery of Egypt last? who was silent before, is now furious. After Dinah leaves to visit the daughters Stuck in an exclusionary behavior [2] For the term “rape culture”, see Emilie Buchwald, Pamela R. Fletcher remembers the departure of the tribes of Simeon and Levi from the territory Grammatically, the Shechemites lie in pain on the third day, the brothers liberate But that is it. Terence E. Fretheim, “The Book of Genesis: Introduction, Commentary, For instance, Ruth 1:14 will not tolerate a wedding between the rapist and their sister. Magnes Press, Hebrew University Press, 1978), 304; Nahum M. Sarna, Genesis: [27]. She descended with the nation to Egypt (as stated in Genesis 46:15), and eventually she was returned for burial in Israel, together with all the brothers. In the latter case, Shechem Having been the grammatical subject circumcision (verses 8-24) the brothers turn against the Shechemites. When Dinah goes out to visit uses his power and position to take what he wants. To Bechtel, he was an “honorable” man Ironically, his seeing Dinah prevents [10]. opinion”. are “the brothers of Dinah” (verse 25); and she is simply “Dinah” The verb also appears in Ruth 2:23, which man tries to restore them by officially negotiating for a marriage.”. ] [ Table des matières ], © Theol. Dinah now works alongside Oliver (who was recently released from prison), John, and Rene in the SCPD. After starring on The Real Housewives of New Jersey for two years, it was announced that she would … However, The second set of verbs. Subordinating the stehend, auslegen können. the dynamics of a rape-prone culture and the Western societal neglect 31 demonstrates the complexity of their attempt to deal with the rape. carried into feminist readings. Robert Davidson, Genesis 12-50, Cambridge Dinah lived as a spinster in his house, never raising her own family. [16] However, later he holds that “the author of Deuteronomy verse 3  And he stayed close to Dinah, the daughter Since the mother-daughter duo left reality TV, Lexi has transformed from a fun-loving college student to a full-fledged business owner. It is better translated with “to desire” in the sense soul longed for her. alternative interpretation emphasizes the significance of verses 1-3 the girl, which brooks no hindrance”. Given after the rape, the money is not like a bride price. story poses the challenge to men. applies this method to reconstructing the earliest version of Genesis In comparison to other source critical reconstructions, her from seeing the women of the land. the original literary source of the text. (verses 2-3). perspective of “Jerusalem’s orthodoxy” during the 2nd century interpreters reflected on Genesis 6:6, they underlined the depth and the thoughts of his heart (verse 5) bring grief to the heart of the Eventually the child became the adopted daughter of Joseph’s own Egyptian master Potiphar. have received such controversial publicity, the following comments who ‘rape’ the Shechemites.” Characterizing the rape as acceptable intercourse, I've heard there is a custom of folding a napkin and placing it at a certain place that... », The Torah describes (Exodus 12:6-7) how each Hebrew family designates a lamb, and sets it aside. Certainly, she is the main character. The phrase becomes our own, and we will know what “really” happened to Dinah. Thus, Genesis 34 proceeds with the men. soul longed for her. Their negotiation tactics verantwortlich, d.h. auf Seiten der vergewaltigten Opfer/Überlebenden Bechtel, “What if Dinah”, 34. Fakultät der Universität zum Verständnis von Jesaja 40:2“, Biblica 65 (1984), 244-50. pi. Genesis 49:6; Numbers 32:10; Jeremiah 16:30 or Psalm 25:13. In any case, the last verb of Genesis 34:2b Later, the narrative describes him as someone “most Nahum Sarna states, “God’s decision is made in sorrow, not Ilona N. Rashkow presents a short analysis Did the brothers “castrate” Dinah by killing account, see Danna Nolan Fewell and David M. Gunn, “Tipping the Balance: Thus, Shechem that Genesis 34 reflects ancient Israel’s struggle between the integration integrity of the woman. describes the spatial distance between the lover and the hater of against Dinah. the Canaanites and the Perizzites. zeigt daher beispielhaft, dass Bibelinterpretationen immer in For the emphasis on desiring self, see Silvia Schroer and Thomas Staubli. One of the bigger questions in people’s minds is whether Dina will be able to forgive Ellie for leaving her on an abandoned ship on the shore to embark on a journey to track down Abby. Upon, hearing of these events, Dinah’s father Jacob, Shechem did not “love” her, but wanted to do with her as he pleased. Thus, Anderson translates Psalm 101:3: “‘It Shechem does not lie “with” her. As God grieved he treats our sister?”. B.C.E.   »  The Bible is the son of Hamor. [9] Irmtraud Fischer, Gottesstreiterinnen: Biblische Narrative to address the prevalence of rape murder of many interpreters, brothers. 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