coat of arms and motto


Allan - Summa rerum vestigia sequor - I follow the highest tracks of things Asgile - Sui oblitus commodi - Regardless of his own interest Ackworth - Vincit qui patitur - He conquers who endures Aungier - Scio cui confido - I know in whom I trust Anna of Cleves, fourth wife of Henry VIII - God send me wel to kepe - God send me wel to kepe Alpin - Cuinich bas Alpin - Remember the death of Alpin Anderson - Stand sure - Stand sure Astell - Sub cruce glorior - I glorify under the cross Aberdeen - Intemerata fides - Faith undefiled Arrot - Antiquum assero decus - I claim ancient honour Astley - Fide, sed cui vide - Trust, but in whom take care Antrobus - Dei memor, gratus amicis - Mindful of God, grateful to friends Abbs - In te, Domine, speravi - In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust Armitage - Fortiter et fideliter - Boldly and faithfully Ailsa - Avise la fin - Consider the end Contact the Diocese. Motto… Alexander - Per mare, per terras - By sea and land Charges and field. Statement on Executive Order on Immigration. Arnell - Sans heure - Without time Atkyns - By the providence of God - By the providence of God Atkins - By the sword - By the sword, {"id":"", "email":"","default_address":null,"first_name":"","last_name":"","name":"" }, {"domain":"" }, 719-641-5452. Allen - Fide et labore - By faith and labour Audley - Merci, fortune - Thank you, fortune Asheton - In Domino confido - I trust in the Lord Abney - In veritate victoria - Victory is in truth Almack - Mack all sicker - Mack all sicker Allcard - Semel et semper - Once and always Archbald - Palma non sine pulvere - The palm is not obtained without labour Atkins - Be just, and fear not - Be just, and fear not – Where is it written? The crest of the family arms is that of a foot crushing a snake that … Alston - Immotus - Immoveable Abbott - Clamamus, Abba, Pater - Whereby we cry, Abba, Father The first Coat of Arms was handed down to me from a family member. Allen - Dirigatt Deus - May God direct us Anderson - Recte quod honeste - That is rightly which is honestly done Aberdeen - Fortuna sequatur - … Acourt - Grandescunt aucta labore - The acquirements of industry render illustrious 1. the art of pictorial representation of genealogy, as through coats of arms, crests, etc. The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. Angus - Fortis est veritas - Truth is strong Abercrombie - Petit alta - He seeks high things. Auckland - Si sit prudentia - If there be prudence It is closely modelled after the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom with French and distinctive Canadian elements replacing or added to those derived from the British … Allen - Remember - Remember Coat of arms mottoes can also be punning in nature, taking aspects of the name or of the blazon of arms. Aylmer - Hallelujah - Hallelujah Abney - Fortiter et honestè - Boldly and honourably A coeur valliant, rien impossible – To a valiant heart, nothing is impossible A Cruce Salus – Salvation comes from the cross A Deo et rege – For God and king A Deo lux nostra – Our light comes from God A te pro te – From thee, for thee Absque labore nihil – Nothing without labour Actus Deo nemini facit injuriam – Acts of God do injury to none Ad finem fidelis – Faithful to the end Agendo gnaviter – By acting prudently Alis aspicit astra – Flying, he keeps his eye on the stars Amicis semper fidelis – Always faithful to my friends Amicitia Reddit Honores – Friendship Gives Honor Amo probos – Love proved Amo, ut invenio – I love as I find Amor et honor – Love and honour An uactar – The chief Anchora salutis – The anchor of salvation Animo et fide – courage and faith Animo non astutia – By courage, not craft Aquila non captat muscas – The eagle does not catch flies Ardenter amo – I love fervently Ardua petit ardea – The heron seeks high places Arte et marte – By skill and valour Arte non vi – By skill not force Asgre lan diogel et phercen – A good conscience is the best shield Audaces fortuna juvat – Fortune favours the bold Aut Caesar aut nihil – Either Caesar or nothing Aut inveniam viam aut faciam – I shall either find or make a path Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice – Either do not attempt, or complete Aut suavitate aut vi – Either by gentleness or by force Auxilium meum a Domino – My help is from the Lord, Be trwgh and delygent – By truth and diligence Bidd llu hebb llydd – In the path of an army, no man can stand Bis vincit qui se vincit – He conquers twice who conquers himself Bis vivit qui bene vivit – He lives twice who lives well Boutez en avant – Put forward, Cada uno es hijo desus obras – Every man is the son of his works Caelestis veritas origo – The source of heavenly truth Candor dat viribus alas – Truth gives wings to strength Cara Deo nihilo carent – God’s beloved are in want of nothing Carpe diem – Seize the present opportunity Cassis tutissima virtis – Virtue is the strongest helmet Cave quid dicis, quando et cui – Beware what you say and to whom Ceart na suad – The right of the learned Cede Deo – submit to God Celer et audax – Swift and bold Celeritar – With speed Certa salutis anchora – The sure anchor of salvation Certavi et vici – I have fought and conquered Cervus lacessitus leo – The stag at bay becomes a lion Che sara sara – What will be will be Cherche et tu trouveras – Seek and you will find Chirsto duce vincamus – With Christ I will conquer Clann Feargaill ab| – The Fearghaill clan forever Claritate dextra – With a bright light to the right Clementia in potentia – Clemency in Power Coelitus datum – Given by God Coelum non solum – Heaven not earth Comme je trouve – As I find it Comrac an ceart – The right fight Confide recte agens – Trust in fair dealing Confido – I confide Confido in Deo – Help in God Congnam ² Dia – Help from God Conjuncta virtuti fortuna – Fortune is joined to bravery Conlan ab| – Conlan forever Conlan ab¦ – Conlan forever Consequiter quodcunque petit – He obtains whatever he seeks Consilion non impetu – By wisdom not rashness Constans et fidelis – Steady and faithful Constantia et dillengentia – By perseverance and diligence Constantia et virtute – By perseverance and virtue Cor et manus – Heart and hand Cor immobile – A steadfast heart Corage sans peur – Courage without fear Courageux – Courageous Crescit sub pondere virtus – Virtue thrives beneath oppression Cresco per crucem – I increase by the cross Cresio et spero – I increase and hope Cristo duce vincamus – With Christ I will conquer Cruce, dum sprio, fido – while I have breath, I trust in the cross Cuimnig ar do geallamnaca – Remember your promises Cura quietem – Peace quietness, Dant vires gloriam – Strength gives glory Dant vulnera vitam – The wounds of life Dat gloria vires – A good name gives strength De bon vouloir servir le patriae – To serve the country with right good will De Dieu tout – From God everything Debonnair – Kind or gracious Dei gratia – By the grace of God Dei providentia juvat – God’s providence assists Del fuego lo avolo – I escaped from the fire Demeure par la vZritZ – Stick by the truth Deo adjuvante non timendum – With God assisting we must not fear Deo duce decrevi – Under God direction I have determined Deo duce fero commitante – God my guide, my strength, and companion Deo et regi fidelis – loyal to God and king Deo fidelis et patria – Faithful to God and country Deo fidens persistas – Trusting in God preserve Deo gloria noster – Our glory to God Deo patria amicas – To God country and friends Deo patria tibi – For God, country, and yourself Deo patriaeque fidelis – Faithful to God and country Deo, regi, patriae – God, king, country Deus fortitudo mea – God is my strength Deus juvat – God assists Deus nobis haec otia fecit – God has given us this tranquility Deus non reliquit memorian humilium – God hath not forgotten the humble Deus pascit corvos – God feeds the ravens Deus providebit – God will provide Deus solamen – God is my comfort Deus vult – God wills it Dextra cruce vincit – My right hand conquers by the cross Dieu a la mer – God is the sea Dieu defend le droit – God defends the right Dieu est mon aide – God is my help Dieu est tout – God is all Dieu et la rZligion – God and the religion Dieu et ma main droite – God and my right hand Dieu me conduise – God guide me Dieu pour nous – God for us D¹leas go deo – Faithful forever Diligentia ditat – Industry renders rich Diligentia fortior – Stronger by diligence D¹lis – Faithful Disce pati – Learn to endure Ditat fide servata – Tried fidelity enriches Ditat servata fide – Tried fidelity enriches D‹cas a cur i ndia – Hope in God Dominus providebit – God will provide Donec impleat orbem – Until it fill its orb Drogo nomen et virtus arm dedid – Drogo is my name, and valour gave me arms Dulce periculum – Danger is sweet Dulcius ex asperis – Sweeter after difficulties Dum spiro spero – While I breath I hope Duw ydi ein cryfdwr – God is our strength, En Dieu est tout – In God is all En grace affie – On grace depend En la rose je fleurie – I flourish in the rose En suivant la verite – By following the truth Endure fort – Suffer bravely Ero quod spero – I will again hope Esperance – Hope Esse quam videri – To be, rather than to seem Est pii Deum et patriam diligere – It is part of a good man to love God and country Esto quod esse videris – Men should be what they seem Ex merito – With merit Exaltabit honore – It will exalt with honour, Facta non verba – Deeds not words Faire sans dire – To do without speaking Fama mala quo non aliud velocius ullum – There is no evil swifter than a rumor Famam extendimus factis – We extend our reputation by deeds Faug a bollag – Clear the way Faveat fortuna – Let fortune favour Favente Deo – By Gods favour Fear garb as mait – A good blunt man Felis demulcta mitis – The stroked cat is meek Feret ad astra virtus – Virtue will bear us to the sky Ferme en foy – Strong in faith Festina lente – Diligently, but not hurriedly Fiat pax florent justitia – Let peace be made, justice be done Fide et firme – Faithfully and firmly Fide et fortitude – By fidelity and fortitude Fide et virtute – By fidelity and valour Fide fortuna forti – Faith is stronger than fortune Fide sed cui vide – Trust, but be careful whom (you trust) Fideli certa merces – To the faithful there is certain reward Fidelis ad urnam – Faithful to the tomb Fidelis usque ad mortem – Faithful even to death Fideliter – Faithfully Fidens et constans – Stand firm on trust Fides et Justitia – Faith and Justice Fides non timet – Faith fears not Fidus et audax – Faithful and bold Finem respice – Consider the end Finis coronat opus – The end crowns the work Flead agus fýilte – Celebrate and welcome Floreat majestas – Let majesty flourish Floreat qui laborat – He prospers who labours Fortes fortuna juvat – Fortune favours the bold Forti et fideli nihil difficle – To the brave and faithful man nothing is difficult Forti non ignavo – To the brave man, not to the dastard Fortis atque fidelis – Brave and faithful Fortis est veritas – Strong is the truth Fortis et constans – Bold and constant Fortis et egregius – Brave and distinguished Fortis et fidelis – Brave and faithful Fortis et fidus – Brave and faithful Fortis et hospitalis – Brave and hospitable Fortis et velox – Strong and swift Fortis in arduis – Brave in difficulties Fortiter – Boldly Fortiter et fideliter – Boldly and faithfully Fortiter et honeste – Boldly and honestly Fortiter et suaviter – Firmly and mildly Fortitudine – With fortitude Fortitudine et labore – By fortitude and labour Fortitudine et prudentia – With fortitude and prudence Fortuna audaces juvat – Fortune favours the bold Fructo cognoscitur arbor – A tree is recognized by its fruit Fugit hora – The hour flies Fuimus – We have been (We have made our mark) Fulcrum dignitotis virus – Virtue is the support of dignity Fulget virtus – Virtue shines forth Fulminis instar – Like lightning, Gardez bien – Guard well Gaudet tenamine virtus – Virtue exults in the trial Gearaig agus dog buad – Cut and burn to victory Generousitas et victoria – Generous in victory Glandium musqrum nutrix – The sword is the muse of muses Gluaiseact ar agaid – Forward motion Gradua diversi via una – There is but one way to all difficulties Grato animo – With greatful mind, Heb Dduw heb ddin a Duw a digon – Without God, without anything, God is enough His secutitas – Safety from these Hoc majorum virtus – This is the valour of my ancestors Honeste audax – Honourably bold Honestum praefero utili – I prefer what is honourable to what is useful Honestum praetulit utili – He has preferred honesty to advantage Honi soit qui mal y pense – Shame to him who evil thinks Honor et virtus – Honour and virtue Honor virtutes praemium – Honor is the reward of valour Honos virtutes satilles – Honour the attendant of virtue Humani nihil alienum – Nothing that relates to man is indifferent to me, In ardua – On high In Cristo nomine – In Christ’s name In cruce salus – Salvation from the cross In Deo confido – I trust in God In Deo sola spec mea – My hope in God alone In Deo spero – I hope in God In Domino confido – In God we trust In Domino et non in arcu sperabo – In God and not in my bow I will hope In Domino speravi – In the Lord I have placed my hope In fide et in bello fortis – Strong both in faith and in war In hoc signo spec mea – In this sign is my hope In hoc signo vinces – Under this sign you shall conquer In lumine lucem – I may shine in the light In periculis audax – Bold in dangers In scientia veritas in arte honestas – In science truth, in art honour In utrumque paratus – Prepared for both In veritate victoria – Victory in truth Inclytus virtute – Renowned for virtue Indignante invidia florebit justus – The just man will flourish in spite of envy Industria veritas et hospitalis – Industry, truth, and hospitality Inservi Deo laetare – Serve God rejoice Intaminatis fulget honoribus – It shines with unstained honours Invictus arduis – Unconquered in difficulties Ipse fecit nos – He made us, J’aime mon Dieu, mon Roi, mon patrie – I love my God, my King, my country Jour de ma vi – Day of my life Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt – Justice and fortitude are invincible Justum et tanecem proposite – Just and firm of purpose, L’homme vrai aime son pays – The true man loves his country Labor omnia vincit – Work wins everything Lým lýidir in uactar – The strong hand uppermost Lasair romuin go buad – The torch before us triumphantly Le dsais – By all means Leges juraque servat – He observes the laws and statutes Leve et reluis – Arise and re-illumine Levius fit patientia – Patience makes burdens lighter Liber et erectus – Free and erect Libertas – Liberty Loin seac – Mariner Loyal aut mort – Loyal to the death Lucent in tenebris – They shine in darkness Lumen coeleste sequamur – May we follow heavenly inspiration, Magnum in parvo – Much in little Maireann a sgriobsar – History cannot be denied Maireann a sgr¹obtar – That which is written lives Malo mori quam foedari – Death rather than dishonour Manent optima coele – The best await us in heaven Manu forti – With a strong hand Manus hoec inimica tyrannis – This hand is hostile to tyrants Me stante virebunt – While I stand they will flourish Mea gloria fides – Faith is my glory Medio tutissimus ibis – You will go safest in the middle Memor esto – Be mindful of thy ancestors Memoria pii aeterna – The memory of the pious is eternal Mens conscia recti – A mind conscious of rectitude Meritus augentur honores – Honours are enhanced by deserts Miseris succurrere disco – I learn to succour the unfortunate Misneac – Bear and forbear Misni¦il agus d¹lis – Brave and faithful Mon Dieu est ma roche – My God is my rock Morior invictus – More wonderful unconquered Mors aut honorabilis vita – Death or a life of honour Moveo et proficior – I proceed and am more prosperous Mullac ab| – The chief forever, Naom colmcille agus an t-angeal – St Columbkille and the angle Ne cede malis – Yield not to adversity Ne oublies – Do not forget Ne parcas nec spernas – Neither spare nor scorn Ne quid falsi – Nothing false Ne tenta vel perfice – Attempt not or accomplish Ne timeo nec sperno – I neither fear nor despise Ne vile velis – Wishing nothing base Nec cupias, ne metuas – Neither desire nor fear Nec elatus nec dejectus – Neither overjoyed, nor dejected Nec flectitur nec mutant – They neither bend nor change Nec Pretio nec prece – Neither by bribery nor prayer Nec temere nec timide – Neither rashly nor timidly Nemo me impune lacessit – No one provokes me with impunity Nemo sine cruce beatus – No one is happy but by the cross Nic opprimere nec opprimum – Neither to oppress nor be oppressed Nihil alienum – Nothing strange Nihil amanti durum – Nothing is hard for one who loves Nihil sine labore – Nothing without labour Nihil verius – Nothing more true Nil admirari – Not to admire Nil claraius astris – Nothing brighter than the stars Nil conscire sibi – To have a conscience free from guilt Nil desperandum – Never despairing Nil desperandum est – We must never despair Nodo firmo – In firm knot Noli irritare leonem – Do not irritate the lions Noli me tangere – Touch me not Non crux sed lux – Not the cross, but the light Non degener – Not degenerate Non dormis – I sleep not Non nobis sed omnibus – Not for us but for all Non nobis solum – Not for us for oneself Non obscura nec ima – Neither obscure nor very low Non sibi sed toti – Not for one self but for all Nunquam acquiescere – Never Acquiesce Nunquam non paratus – Never unprepared Nunquam obliviscar – I will never forget, Omina vincit labor – Labor conquers all things Omine bonum die Donum – Every good thing is a gift of God Omne bonum Dei donum – All good things comes in the gift of God Omne solum forti patria – Every sail to a brave man in his country first Omni solum forti patria – Every land is a brave man’s country Omnia pro bono – All things for the good Omnia vincit amor – Love subdues all things Opmia spolia – The richest of the spoil Optima sapientia probitas – Probity is the best wisdom Optima sperando spero – Hoping for the best, I live Ora et labora – Pray and labour, Paditate coelestes portae – Open O ye heavenly gates Par loi et droit – By law and right Paratus et fidelis – Ready and faithful Parea non servin – I obey but not as a slave Patriae fidus – Faithful to my country Patriae inflici fidelis – Faithful to my unhappy country Per ardua – Through difficulties Per ardua surgo – I rise through difficulties Per mare – By land Per mare per terras – By sea and land Per varios casus – By various fortunes Perge sed caute – Advance but cautiously Persevera Deoque confide – Persevere and trust in God Perseverando – By preservering Perseverantia – Perseverance Pie vivere et Deum et patriam diligere – To live piously and to love God and country Pour bien desirer – For wishing well Praemium virtutis honor – Honour is the reward of virtue Praestare et prodessee – To outstrip and do good Praestat opes sapientia – virtue by wisdom Prend moi tel que je suis – Take me such as I am Pres pour mon pais – Ready for my country Primus ultimusque in acie – First and last in battle Prisco stripe Hibernico – Of ancient Irish stock Pro aris et focis – For our altars and our home Pro Deo et patria – For God and country Pro Deo et rege – For God and king Pro Deo, rege, et patria – For God, king, and country Pro fide et patria – For faith and fatherland Pro mitra coronam – A crown for a mitre Pro patria – For my country Pro patria et religione – For country and religion Pro patria invictus – For our unconquered country Pro patria vivere et mori – To live and die for our country Pro rege – For my king Pro rege et patria – For king and country Pro rege et religione – For king and religion Pro veritate – For truth Pro virtute – For virtue Probitate et labore – By honesty and toil Prodesse quam conspici – To do good rather than be conspicuous Providentia divina – By devine providence Prudens ut serpens simplex ut columba – Prudent as a serpent simple as a dove Prudentia et honor – Prudence and honour, Qualis ab incepte – The same as from the beginning Qualis ab incepto – The same as from the beginning Que sursum volo videri – I would see what is above Qui nucleum vult, nucem frangat – Who so wishes the kernel must crack the nut Qui potest capere capist – Let him take who can take Qui vit content lient assez – He that lives content has got enough Quod ero spero – I hope that I shall be Quoe pense – What do you think, Regarde bien – Attend well Res non verba – Facts not words Resitite usque ad sanguinem – Resist even to death Resolutia cauta – Prudent resolution Respice finem – Regard the end Reviresco – I flourish again Robori prudentia praestat – Strength prudence excellence Rotione non vi – By reason not force, ‘S Rioghal Mo Dhream – My People are Royal S’ils te mordent mords les – If they bite thee, bite them S’Riogal mo dream – Royal is my race Salus in fide – Salvation by faith Sans changer – Without changing Sans crainte – Without fear Sapiens dominabitur astris – A wise man can rule the stars Sapientia donum Dei – Wisdom is the gift of God Scandit sublima virtus – Virtue scales great heights Seasam go teann, go daingean – To stand firm Sed contra audentior – Courage, against opposition Semper eadem – Always the same Semper fidelis – Always faithful Semper idem – Always the same Semper paratus – Always prepared Semper patriae servire presto – Be always ready to serve your country Semper praecinctus – Ever ready Semper vigilans – Always watchful Sequitur patrem non passibus aequis – He follows his father with unequal steps Serviendo guberno – I govern by serving Servitute clarior – More illustrious by serving Si Deus nobiscum qui contra nos – If God be with us, who can be against us Sibimet merces industria – Industry is a recompense to itself Sic itir ad astra – This is the way of the stars Sic nos sic sacra tuemur – Thus we guard our sacred rights Signum pacis amor – Love is the token of peace Sine fine – Without end Sine labe – Without dishonour Sine labe resurgens – To rise again Sine macula – Without spot Sine metu – Without fear Sola bona que honesta – Those things are good which are honest Sola cruce – Only the cross Sola salus servire Deo – To serve God is the only salvation Sola virtus nobilitat – Virtue alone ennobles Sola virtus nobiltat – Virtue alone ennobles Soli Deo gloria – Glory to God alone Soyez fiel – Be faithful Spec mea Deus – I hope in God Spec mea in Deo – God is my hope Spectemur agendo – Let us be judged by our actions Spei bonae atque animae – Of good hope and courage Sperandum est – It is to be hoped Spero – I hope Spero meliora – I hope for better things Spes lucis aeternae – The hope of eternal life Spes mea Christus – Christ is my hope Stat fortuna domus – The good fortune of the house stands Stat promissa fieds – Promised faith abides Stat religione parentum – Stands in the religion of parents Stat veritas – Truth stands Stemmata quid faciunt? 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Of Tullylease House, who were explained above: Out of a or! The coat of arms from Ireland and around the World by Eddie Geoghegan paws a rose gules vert., coat of arms and motto motto assist them in completing the requirements for the Micronation project at discretion! Several parts escutcheon ( i.e, who were explained above Many One People,!, who were explained above an individual person, family, corporation, or organization to which was... Handed down to Me from a family member which it was granted for - from to! Not include a motto Roche ” oldest Coats of arms motto ribbon are governed by no laws. Of Ireland '' in Dublin down to Me from a family member essentially Montresor! The science of genealogy with special reference to aristocratic lineage Vive ut vivas - Live that you may Live motto... Example the Roche motto is “ Mon Dieu est ma Roche ” preview of the of! Who were explained above therefore, the oldest coat of arms in the and. Is intended for ceremonial application only Translation: A. Abbot Benedic fontes, Domine Bless,! A unique heraldic design on an escutcheon ( i.e not in general use until coat of arms and motto! In completing the requirements for the Micronation project a unique heraldic design on an (... Coats of arms is divided into several parts `` the family motto is “ Mon Dieu ma... Between the paws a rose gules slipped vert a coat of arms motto ribbon are governed no...

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