follow your bliss


As well as inhumations and insurance, the Guild is also known to offer bodyguarding and security consultancy services - ie, the exact opposite to inhumation. However, there is always a place for a scholarship boy, partly out of a spirit of noblesse oblige, but mainly because "any commoner showing an uncommon aptitude for the profession had better bloody well be where we can see him." His special recipe for humbugs, submitted to Nanny Ogg, calls for "arsenic to taste", though, since arsenic is actually very traceable, this is likely a slight bit of misinformation on his part. This page was last edited on 1 January 2019, at 21:15. Stamp Description Purples on trellised Field Shield Bisected Bend Sinister Upper Poignard Fitchee Mantled Entwined by Vine Lower Deux Croix Surmounted by Roundel with II Upper and I Lower on Hatched Field Adorned by Scroll with Motto NIL MORTIFI SINE LUCRE within Flourished Frame with Mantle Based POSTAGE PAID White on Dark Purple in Rectangular Frame. Jonathan Teatime (in Hogfather) 5. They must also give the client (they view the victim as the client) a sporting chance, and thus are forbidden from accepting contracts on those who are unable to defend themselves (though for their purposes, anyone wealthy enough to afford bodyguards is considered able to defend themselves, whether they have actually hired any or not). As a more recent addition the Black Widow house has yet to have a nickname enshrined by tradition. Besides, the Thieves' Guild offer their own similar insurance policies to householders - does this breach demarcation? Horrids of Broadway have the franchise to provide school uniforms and the more general sort of equipment to pupils at the Assassins' Guild School. Pratchett describes the Assassins' Guild in The Art of Discworld as a typical British public school with the knobs turned up to eleven. One such house is the De Worde's house as mentioned in The Truth. Pratchett describes the Assassins' Guild in The Art of Discworld as a typical British public school with the knobs turned up to eleven. The Assassins' Guild is a guild for people prone to solving problems in a permanent manner. John Bleedwell. If you did, you would be a common murderer, not an Assassin (note the capitalization). A beautiful A5 faux-leather notebook, with lined pages, embossed with the coat of arms of the Assassins’ Guild. share it or else The Guild of Assassins certainly know their stuff and you can now wear their crest with pride on a range of products. The guild is located on Filigree Street in Ankh-Morpork, and has a few bases in surrounding cities. Upon picking up the weapon, he becomes drunk with power, enjoying the god-like feeling of having the power of life and death over whoever he sees. They also frown on performing jobs on the street (again to distance themselves from common hitmen) and prefer to service a client in his/her home or place of business (Feet of Clay). While he never explicitly broke any rule, he certainly didn't follow Guild's ethics in that manner that he truly enjoyed kill, especially messy overkill. This is one of the most powerful among the Guilds of Ankh-Morpork. He is hunted down and relieved of his gonne by Vimes. There is a continuity error here, or perhaps information is yet to be released, concerning the all-female Houses at the Assassins' Guild school. Annoying as the Patrician is, it is so easy to think of someone worse. And they knew the value of human life. There are seven guilds for you to choose from when you enter the Disc: Assassins, Fools, Priests, Thieves, Warriors, Witches and Wizards. Usually children of high-standing noble families attend the Assassins' school (although most do not study the Black Syllabus). The original article was at Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild. >

Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class. Size: 19cm x 14.5cm. More tenuously, it could be inferred from indirect evidence offered in Going Postal that the Guild may also offer what on the Roundworld might be described as a bomb-disposal service. Their goals for this vary. Guild graduates can be expected to be at home in any company, and to be able to play at least one musical instrument. The Bell Tower is topped by Wiggy Charlie, a weathervane in the shape of a cloaked man. Assassins are dangerous and highly skilled, so when creating a name for your assassin guild, you’ll probably want to choose something aggressive — but you can also choose something darkly funny or ironic. The result is that other Assassins are probably too terrified of him to speak up about this. The Library is the largest in Ankh-Morpork outside that of Unseen University, though it probably surpasses the latter in "certain specialist areas". Girls, eleven-thirteen: the Guild School stipulates white blouse, shapeless; a black gymslip or pinafore; black wooly stockings or tights (sixty to eighty denier) sensible flat shoes without adornment, and a round black hat known as the Blonker. The members of the Guild of Assassins considered themselves cultured men who enjoyed good music and food and literature. She previously starred in Penny Dreadful as Claire Ives and Pennyworth as Doctor Frances Gaunt.. The Artificers' Guild 1p From the Ankh-Morpork Post Office, this smart stamp celebrates the clever craftsmen, ingenious inventors and marvellous mechanics of Ankh-Morpork whose shopfronts and industrious noises embellish the Street of Cunning Artificers. King Cirone II officially opened the school (then named the de Murforte School for Gentlemen Assassins) on the August 27th 1512. Also known as the 'Conlegium Sicariorum'. Size: 19cm x 14.5cm. Initially a purely male institution, it has recognised female students as being at least equal to their brothers in the matter of inventive killing, and has opened Black Widow and Mantis Houses for girls. However, he also held the view that, Though he is not a violent man, Rincewind is a born survivor. It is unsurprising that Lord Vetinari graduated from an academy which makes the School of Hard Knocks look like a sandpit (The Fifth Elephant) Though since the Assassins' Guild is not fond of freelancers, in a … Semi-formally the houses have acquired nicknames: Crabs, Croakers, Buzzers, Seen'emalls, Loonies, Sliders, Flat'eads, Soapies, Beddiboys, Raggies, Wiggies, Rats, Scarecrows, Tumpers and Poppies. See the Hon. In fact, a lot of people want him dead. The following degrees are awarded by the Guild and associate guilds: The Guild has the following open commissions, several of which have claimed the lives of aspiring assassins, others have not been taken up, or the 'client' cannot be located: The highest commission earned at the time of Hogfather had been AM$750,000 - which had been a special familiy rate, including overnight guests. It also turns out his obsessive clove-chewing and broken Morporkian are in fact a disguise meant to delude foreigners into falsely assuming he is nothing but an uncivilized barbarian. Those who guard said gold do not like those who get in the way of the sun. The Assassins of the world famous Guild. And it may be worth noting at this point that the Discworld… Oh. Head of the Assassins' Guild in Men at Arms. Mr Jonathan Teatime is one of the major villains in Hogfather. The Guild Crest must be visibly apparent at the right breast or lapel. Certain evidence suggests, however, that he was not always quite as refined or in-control as he is now. The response given was "It's certainly tempting--", B2 House -- Day pupils (Dr von Ubersetzer), Tree Frog House -- Day pupils (Mr Bradlofrudd), BlackWidow House -- Girls (Mmme les Deux-Épées), Lady T'Malia: Teaches Political Expediency in, Miss Alice Band: First mentioned in the Assassins' Guild diary, where she is listed as teaching Traps, Locks and Climbing, and is also a "stealth archeologist" (the Paul Kidby illustration resembles, Dr Follett: Former head of the Guild. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. In canon, this is the educational establishment in Ankh-Morpork that seeks to turn out stable and well-adjusted young people who will then go on to be high-performing adults in all areas of life. 179 Assassin Guild Names Listed Cathy Desmet | Verified & Updated 12/27/2020 Assassins are dangerous and highly skilled, so when creating a name for your assassin guild, you’ll probably want to choose something aggressive — but you can also choose something darkly funny or ironic. It is said to be the only school of assassination on the Discworld. No, no, they are not common killers. He was educated at the Guild School at roughly the same time as Lord Vetinari and, in his role as School Bully, gave him the insulting nickname of "Dog-botherer". He seems to be too ingenious in outwitting and ruining every attempt, and the assassins have finally given up on him beyond as a training exercise for aspiring graduates. The Guild of Assassins certainly know their stuff and you can now wear their crest with pride on a range of products. Lord Downey and Lord Vetinari were old enemies during their school years (see Night Watch). It is accepted that an Assassin may find it necessary to inhume bodyguards, including other Assassins, while on a commission. It is not for killers or common thugs -- that's the warriors guild. First welcome to the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Assassins. These students are known as Oppidans, from the Latatian for "town". There are seven guilds for you to choose from when you enter the Disc: Assassins, Fools, Priests, Thieves, Warriors, Witches and Wizards. Discworld links; Player links; Login. (Prachett writes this as if their deaths would be the equivalent of not only taking a bishop, but smashing the entire chessboard as well. School houses have their own teams, and the teams compete against one another. It is not for killers or common thugs -- that's the warriors guild. Original RRP £9.99. Scholarship pupils are Assassins who are not fortunate enough to be backed by upscale families or to have an independent income, are as often as not employed by the Patrician as part of a select and shadowy body of employees known as Dark Clerks. And they knew the value of human life. It is unknown who has placed this contract, and so far all assassins have been too curious about the strange nature of the target to accept. 1) Assassins shall not kill assassins … Their school is noted for giving one of the best educations you can have. It is located in Ankh-Morpork", the largest city on the Discworld, and is widely considered by the elite to be the best option for a rounded education anywhere. The school was founded by Sir Gyles and Lady de Murforte in 1511. In response to huge demand among the aristocracy for their children to receive the well-rounded education the Guild offered, the Guild's charter was expanded to include those intending to gain skills in proper Assassination. The Assassins' Guild of Ankh-Morpork, and especially its School, are greatly expanded upon in the Discworld fic written by A.A. Pessimal. Unique commands are taught at your guild and choosing a guild allows you to advance more cheaply at the lower levels. He confounds Vimes by his fond memories of Ankh-Morpork, and even Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. Of course, to distinguish themselves from common hitmen, the assassins' code also demands that they be paid a very large amount to do so. If your idea of doing well in a game is accruing the highest score possible, joining a Guild is highly recommended. Very few actually become assassins; many who attend do not learn valuable weapon skills, but are mainly there for the arts courses. The most oft-mentioned is Viper House, though Scorpion, Tree Frog, Raven and Cobra Houses have also been mentioned. They maintain a long gallery of famous people the Guild has inhumed, with small silver nameplates modestly telling which assassin had the privilege of inhuming them. Vimes worked his way up to a $600,000 price, but Inigo Skimmer revealed that the last time someone wanted Vimes assassinated, no Assassin would take on the job. Furthermore, a school sport is edificeering--the climbing of buildings, often done on unusual/notable buildings in the city itself, with each major building having a rating out of 10 representing how difficult it is to climb (as noted in Pyramids). Note: "Officially unlisted" means that, while the Guild has priced these people as "clients", it now refuses to accept contracts on them, on the grounds that their deaths would destabilise the city, endangering the Guild itself, which is obviously against the interests of the Guild. Dr John Lawn states that Tolliver Groat's egregious trousers needed to be safely disposed of in a "controlled detonation". Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre - No Death Without Payment . The name was changed to the Royal Guild of Assassins. Capacity 5 Litres. Many houses appear to have been named after benefactors, such as Mrs Beddowes or Wigblock Prior. Scholarship pupils include Inigo Skimmer, Professor Cranberry, and possibly Zlorf Flannelfoot, who rose all the way to become Guild President. Important Assassins who have been mentioned in the Discworld books include: Other Assassins mentioned in the books, as cameos or non-speaking characters:-. Vetinari re-sat the exam, taking care to strive for something less than 100% effectiveness, and passed with a high mark. Below, we list more than 170 name ideas for assassin guilds. But in a highly democratic way: Their definition of gentlemen includes everyone - at least everyone with enough money to pay for the specific contract. Only to be fulfilled if Moist failed in the duty of care for. Discworld Fools' Guild Yearbook and Diary 2001 (2000); the cover art features Dr Whiteface, the Fools' Guild leader, bursting through a paper hoop. Main Courtyard Vimes is considering appealing the ruling because he views attempts on his life as a sign that he's having a positive effect and 'annoying the sort of people who should be annoyed'. When he obtains Leonard of Quirm's "gonne" (the Discworld's first gunpowder-fired weapon), he becomes progressively more insane, accidentally killing a clown. The Commander has been so difficult to inhume that as of the events of The Fifth Elephant, the last time the Guild was approached, no one stepped forward to accept the contract, despite the six-hundred-thousand dollar fee (pg 131), and by " Night Watch " he was off the register entirely, preventing any one from taking out a contract on him, an order so powerful that only Lord Vetinari has ever been "struck off" before (though this was largely for political reasons - namely that Vetinari was infinitely preferable to both most of the other Patricians in recent history and any likely alternatives). For most of its history the Assassins Guild School was a male-only establishment (although talented, self-taught women might become members of the Guild itself), however it has recently become co-educational. Downey is certainly more than acceptably deferential to Vetinari during their adult meetings. Feb 5, 2016 - Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild: ... Discworld Books. A list follows of these Houses and their Heads of House: "The Assassins' Guild School was created by taking a classic British public school and turning all the knobs up past eleven, especiially the one marked 'violence'" (Terry Pratchett, quoted in The Art of Discworld). Following 1688 it became known simply as the Guild of Assassins due to recent events. This begs the question of which agency in the City has the technical expertise to defuse, deactivate or otherwise safely dispose of explosive devices. However, assassination began in Klatch, and it is stated in Interesting Times that there is a small, very select guild in Hunghung. And every day he has to take the Chairman for walkies. Lord Vetinari appears as a student assassin in Night Watch but is apparently no longer practising. The profession of assassination is thought to have originated in the mountainous regions of Klatch with the Hashishim, led originally by Creosote, Seriph of Al Khali. He outdid all the others by wearing various shades of grey and green to blend better into the shadows. Published Nov 1st, 2011, 9 years ago 41 diamonds This was placed by the bankers of Ankh following his actions bankrupting one of their number, and threatening the metaphorical pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The rules are in the charter that you can read via your certificate or in the guild, but below is a short summary of the important ones. The Chief Cashier is almost certainly a vampire. This was described by Dr Cruces as "Inhumation with extreme impoliteness", and by Lady T'malia in Pyramids as "Termination with extreme prejudice". However, those who do not graduate are generally never seen again; as noted in Wyrd Sisters, the Guild is fond of competitive examination, and Pyramids mentions that the Guild is "easy to get into and easy to get out of; the trick was to get out upright.". In the days when he was a viable target Lord Vetinari accepted attempts on his life with good grace, understanding that it was a necessary part of the political process. It bears a striking resemblance to that of the novel Tom Brown's School Days. There are plenty of Psychos For Hire, and if they're titled at all, they're just plain old "killers". A Klatchian warrior who accompanies the Klatchian envoy Prince Khufurah on a diplomatic journey to Ankh-Morpork in the novel Jingo. In one of the many Discworld books I found a small, but detailed sketch of the Assassins Guild. The piddling fee and inconsequential status of Nobby suggests a guild joke of some kind, and in any case Commander Vimes would get very intense if ever the Assassins went after one of his men. Many guilds have assumed roles which in real-world cities would be assumed by government agencies. The members of the Guild of Assassins considered themselves cultured men who enjoyed good music and food and literature. One of the major villains in Men at Arms, he is an impoverished aristocrat whose ancestors lost all their money through drinking, gambling, and, in the words of Gaspode "chasing anything in a skirt... his skirt." The Guild also takes great pride in their history of inhumations. It is also the case that the rules may be relaxed if the Assassin is "outside civilisation" (the Überwald area is considered outside civilisation, as are the more remote areas of Klatch. Sinister two croix d'or on a sable field. Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild: slightly different sort of Assassins here. It offers the best all-round education in the world, because a qualified assassin should be at home in any company, and able to play at least one musical instrument. Lord Downey is the current Master of the Assassins' Guild, having succeeded Dr. Cruces. The leader of Ankh-Morpork's Assassins Guild, Dr. Cruces is in charge of overseeing what is largely considered to be the finest school for young ladies and gentlemen in Ankh-Morpork, and enforcing the guild's high professional standards. The Assassins' Guild was founded on 27 August AM1512 by Sir Gyles de Munforte as the de Munforte School for Gentlemen Assassins. He reveals the truth of Carrot's ancestry, and Carrot executes him for treason. Assassins’ Guild. In any case Foul Ole Ron's Smell would prevent anyone getting closer than bow-shot range. The Ankh-Morpork Assassins¿ Guild* in its modern form is the result of Lord Vetinari¿s distinctive civic policy, and is renowned across the Discworld. A shield, bisected by a bend sinister et purpure. Price given by one Assassin (Lord Robert Selachii) to another (his apprentice) whilst pursuing Dibbler's associates, the Band With Rocks In, in, Dr Gulliaume de Chacal (First Head Master), Guillaume Dire (assassinated Olerve the Bastard in, Baron Strifenkanen, DMAP (Applied Pathology), M. de Balourd, MIDD (Dance and Deportment), BScI Bachelor of the Science of Inhumation, MIDD Member of the Institute of Dance & Deportment, DMAP Doctor of Medicine & Applied Pathology, MGAU Member of the Guild of Accountants and Usurers. Site devoted to the Discworld MUD Assassins Guild. It is considered absolutely unforgivable for an Assassin to kill (or as they refer to it, "inhume") for any reason other than being paid to do so. However, if these can be incapacitated without being killed, it is considered good manners to do so. Discworld Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Richard’s list of Assassin’s Guild subjects was sourced from The Assassin’s Guild Yearbook and Diary released in 2000. The Guild supports a large headquarters and college, and even with the profits from the sidelines and college tuitions it requires a fifty percent tax on each inhumation fee. It might be assumed that this is regarded as an inter-Guild courtesy, if the break-in were to be carried out by unlicenced Thieves; should the Guild take out a contract on a licenced Thieves' Guild member merely because that Thief is acting in accordance with their own Guild rights and privileges, however, such a contract might be on more shaky ground. "The Assassins' Guild School was created by taking a classic British public school and turning all the knobs up past eleven, especially the one marked 'violence'" (Terry Pratchett, quoted in The Art of Discworld) Discworld Guilds — where fruitbats sparkle. Both their customers and their clients can be assured that they will always receive the very best, even if they don't really want it. This rule has been broken by the student Assassin Jonathan Teatime (appears in Hogfather). Appears in, Jocasta Wiggs: Appears (although in circumstances which probably made her wish she hadn't) in, Miguel Portijo: Lord Robert Selachii's apprentice in the animated version of, Remora Selachii: Presumably a relative of Lord Robert.

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