for my dogs


Dog trainers often recommend smartphone apps and YouTube videos for desensitizing and counterconditioning dogs who are afraid of specific noises. This journal article is widely mischaracterized, in my opinion. I am a woman in my late 30s who, for medical reasons, is unable to have children, so her essentially pointing out that I have pets rather … The instructions show an example of a dog’s doorbell reactivity going away through use of the app (although I’m skeptical that it could work long term). Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to start worrying about it! Michael’s paper centers on better ways to make descriptions of and determinations about the contingent processes of operant learning. Hence, MP3 files are compressed, meaning that some of the sound information is removed so they won’t be so large. His enemies have combined, as savage animals, to hunt in packs. I had treats in a pouch but left them in the car so I wouldn’t give her one without thinking until we knew whether she would be sedated. We encountered a problem I had never experienced. You can make a plan and take action now to help your dog be a bit less afraid of the unpredictable scary sounds of fireworks, firecrackers, whistles, and even guns. Even though these sounds are quieter, clickers and other mechanical markers have the other characteristics of impulse noises: sudden, with a very fast onset. You will then need to create a set of sounds for graduated exposures. We don’t have enough words in English to describe sounds. A: We don’t know what “veterinarians” your boyfriend is referencing, but to us this sounds like he’s making a mountain out of a molehill. Heavy panting is different, though, and may be a sign your dog is dangerously overheated, coping with a chronic health problem, or has experienced a life-threatening trauma. That’s not surprising. What Should I Do?”, amygdala is involved in reward expectation and the processing of all predictors and secondary reinforcers. I’ll summarize each briefly. Even though the mouth click looks a lot more sudden than the verbals in the images above, check it out when zoomed in. Wiley. Reply. Every time you turn a corner, or even while you sit in your own little area minding your own business, somebody new pops into your field of vision or right in your space. At this last trial, the course was a fun one, with a lot of Summer’s favorite moves and a couple of the new signs added that year. Consumers often can’t. The tech was polite but said Zani might bite because of her sore nose. In the startle response, the body responds with a rapid extension, then flexion of several muscles. She was a wonderful partner (she passed away in 2017) and did a great job, but I decided afterward that I was asking too much of her. please hold me accountable. What Should I Do?” I told the sad story of how I scared a dog with the clicker, then scared her even more by following the standard advice to remedy the situation. (2016). They are sudden and chaotic. I wrote this post in June 2020, before Zani was diagnosed with cancer and passed away three months later. Nor does the plan commend itself of dividing the verses differently, and reading, "The congregation of wicked men have gathered round me like a lion. …, Psalm 59:6,14 They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city…. She air-snapped at a tech once, and they thought she “tried to bite and missed.” I didn’t think her behavior merited the notation, but it didn’t hurt my feelings. Try some kind of recorded white noise, natural noise, or music to mask the pops and booms. My arguments above apply to Michael’s 1975 article alone. And I couldn’t give her any damn treats afterward because ER hadn’t decided what to do about her nose yet. Many people would be surprised at how many studies of markers, bridges, and secondary reinforcers have been made over the years. Psalm 86:14 O God, the proud are risen against me, and the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul; and have not set thee before them. My dog can hear high frequency beeps escaping from my earbuds from across a large room. Baron, A., & Galizio, M. (2005). They often have a confusing maze. WW Norton & Co. Because of these missing frequencies, dogs with normal hearing will likely be able to discriminate between a natural sound and even the best recording of it. It can mask some of the scary noises from outside your house more effectively. As we find ourselves applying behavioral analysis to more and more complex human situations we find it increasingly difficult to distinguish between presenting and removing, or we find an increasing number of situations that seem to involve both. The Behavior Analyst, 29(1), 129. As some people know, what Skinner initially called “negative reinforcement” is what we now call punishment. So did the Matching Law, as we started building up an unpleasant history with more hurty eyedrops. My friend Blanche Axton who takes in foster dogs muzzle-trains every dog who enters her home. But fireworks and thunder are not continuous. His final answer is yes, that we need the distinction. He doesn’t think trying to make this distinction is a good idea in view of the changing field, but he leaves room for future research. One might well ask, then, why we bother making the distinction even in those cases where it can easily be made. This post is about the article that started the more recent discussion, and how it is often misunderstood in the animal training community. Then, in a section that is rarely quoted, he goes on to answer his original question in the affirmative, saying that we do need a way to distinguish the difference. (Comp. He may refer to such an event as “bad” (without the moral implications of this term), “undesirable,” “unfavorable,” etc., and he also has “punishment” to use as a contrast with “reward.” A science of behavior also needs a way of identifying such events. I’m putting “train for wearing a nylon muzzle for a short period” on my permanent husbandry list. I chose my words carefully, and told her Zani was likely the lowest bite risk she would see all day, that she whipped her head around as a practiced evasive maneuver. 5. Reply. And the ophthalmologist is at the same practice as the emergency vet. Keep in mind that the flashes of light that come with big fireworks displays can be scary too. In that case, masking, management, and medications will be the best help. The inability of smartphones to generate low frequencies, such as those present in thunder, The limited ability of even the best home audio systems to generate these low frequencies in high fidelity, The upper limit of the frequencies generated on all consumer audio, The effects of audio file compression on the fidelity of digital sound, Lack of functional assessment before attempting conditioning, The length of the sound samples used for conditioning, The assumption that lower volume always creates a lower intensity (less scary) stimulus. Generalization of conditioned suppression. The distinction between positive and negative reinforcement: Use with care. Here is a chainsaw being used to cut down a tree. Okay, this arguably is the most adorable and sad and hilarious thing to come across your screen in a long time. Impulse noises are likely more common in human society than in nature. If your goal is to generally minimize fallout of the use of negative reinforcement, you can cherrypick the above paragraph without continuing and make it look like Michael is saying the distinction between positive and negative reinforcement is unnecessary. This makes it hard for us to realize what a bad job our handheld devices do in generating low-frequency sounds. You can also generate beeps at different frequencies using a free function generator on the internet. Instead of talking a lot about it, I’m going to show you a lot of examples. …funhouses are participatory attractions, where visitors enter and move around under their own power. There is research on this dating back to at least the 1980s. He wants to find a better nomenclature to indicate when an aversive is involved. There was a period of transition—Michael mentions that it had to have been especially tough for the students who attended courses at the same time that employed different textbooks—and by the 1960s Skinner’s revised usage, what we use today, was in common use. Second, for a dog with a true sound phobia, playing a feared sound repeatedly when the owner isn’t home, even at a low volume (more on this below), could have ruinous results. And permit me one moment of editorializing: I don’t know any trainers who don’t use negative reinforcement. Sound systems have improved a lot in recent years. I create sound series for desensitization for dogs who are afraid of whistles, digital beeps, and some other sounds (not thunder or booming fireworks). They are of the mechanical impact type. Before anyone mentions it: heavy metal has not ranked well in the dogs and music studies, tending to make shelter dogs more agitated. Motors can also vary in speed. Sound phobias tend to get worse and are not something to be taken lightly. My Dog Fears Fireworks and Thunderstorms—What Should I Do To Help? In one study of thunder phobic dogs, the researchers brought their own professional quality sound system to each dog owner’s home; great mention is made that the sound system was large (Dreschel & Granger, 2005). Humans can’t hear higher frequencies than that. The abbreviation is usually possible in the case of unconditioned reinforcements, although even here it must always be possible to infer the characteristics of both pre- and post-change conditions if we are to imply behavioral significance. You’ll see in a minute why I’m mentioning the time between the clicks. Behaviorism, 3(1), 33-44. You can also try the Bang-Dog Playlist from Triplet Noir Studios. All of it well reinforced. I’ve included those articles in the references below. I got Summer at about 10 months old from a local shelter. Overall, K. (2013). Just give the special treats. To help with the concept of frequency, think of a piano keyboard with the low notes on the left and the high notes on the right. I did my very best to make them easy and pleasurable for her, but this was a challenge. BMC neuroscience, 12(1), 30. The criteria for an acoustic stimulus to trigger a startle response have been studied in several species, although not in dogs that I can find. Here’s a verbal “Yes.” It also starts gradually and is about 150 milliseconds long. But for the first time out you would not take your dog to a dog show or a pet parade or an agility trial to watch 60 different dogs of all sizes and shapes coming and going and performing all sorts of different behaviors, even if you could get the distance right and the exposure was 10–20 seconds. It seemed like she had to get it out of her system before the drop. She got a good look at Zani’s nose and asked good questions. I’m not looking for reassurance. I recently heard a behavior analyst being interviewed in a podcast voice a similar concern with “presentations and removals.” She mentioned that in her work it is most important to observe whether behavior is under aversive or appetitive control, and those are the classifications she uses. The only moments Summer looked unhappy were a couple of times during sit stays (at 1:13 and 2:15). Many noises in the apps are too long for effective desensitization and counterconditioning. Humans can hear slightly lower frequencies than dogs can (Gelfand, 2010, p. 166). Start working on it today. They gave me some possible diagnoses that I won’t go into here[1]The final diagnosis, which was made by Zani’s dermatologist, was something called parasympathetic nose, where the ducts in a nostril stop working. But I didn’t think to do it, so Pavlov got me. Matthew 27:35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. He also addresses an argument that has been going on for a long time in behavior science. In 2018, I wrote a post titled “My Dog Is Afraid of the Clicker. She got half of a thin slice of “Black Forest Ham” lunch meat after each drop. In other words, it appears that “present” and “remove” are abbreviations that can sometimes stand in place of a more complete description of both the pre-change and  post-change condition. Hmmmm, imagine that right next to your ear. Another good resource is this article by Val Hughes: My Dog Fears Fireworks and Thunderstorms—What Should I Do To Help? People have long speculated that the clicker has special effectiveness because the sound is unique. She was under-socialized and feared children and most men. There could be errors in my assumptions, and I am open to any discussion on the topic. The following four sections are headed with the subtitles used in the paper. I am not up to writing about this dear, remarkable dog. (Michael uses the terminology of “bad” and “good” throughout the article, which is also a deviation from standard practice.). I used the time to, In Rally Advanced (the second level in AKC) they are off leash. Sounds below about 44 Hz in that frequency range are generally indistinguishable from indoor ambient sound. (In other words, when a dog is afraid of a smartphone noise, a smartphone is the perfect playback tool.). The issue he objects to is the use of the terminology of presenting and removing stimuli. When we say that we terminate a 50 volt electric shock, the subsequent “no-shock” condition can generally go without further description, but if it were described alone little information would be provided. Sound phobia is a clinical condition that necessitates intervention. Days 5 and 6. Impulse Sounds and the Startle Response: Why Some Dogs Fear the Clicker Sound, “My Dog Is Afraid of the Clicker. He or she may be able to prescribe something to help. I went along. He is arguing that we need the distinction between what is currently called negative and positive reinforcement so as to be able to specify when a “bad thing” is involved. If you want a short marker, you want it to start (and stop) fast. Some sounds don’t have a detectable pitch, meaning they include such a large number of frequencies that you can’t pick anything out and hum it. Then I went home and cried. Here is a “bug” clicker. Speculation and Explicit Identification as Judgmental Standards for Positive or Negative Reinforcement: A Comment on. The two clicks are about 110 milliseconds apart. If they differ, the difference must not be based upon the variables controlling the person who causes the change. I reinforced the hell out of rally and obedience behaviors, and she came to enjoy them almost as much as agility. Again, the amplitudes are not exactly at the same scale, because I did not maintain an exact distance from the microphone over the time I recorded them. Again, he is arguing that we need to analyze the reinforcement situation with information about the environment before and after the change, not by focusing on one stimulus and whether someone “presented” or “removed” it. Dogs who are usually sedate have been known to panic and run off on noisy holidays. You probably can summon the kinesthetic memory of your shoulders tensing when you have been startled. So the MP3 compression process is another reason that some sounds in dogs’ hearing range that would be present in a natural sound would be missing in a recording of it. It’s to prevent them from licking their noses for a few minutes while the medicine works. Some terminology in behavior science is notoriously hard to get one’s head around. In a shock experiment with the goal of increasing behavior, the learning process could be called using reinforcement with the punisher of shock. And now I am going to show you why switching to a quieter mechanical click is not enough of a change to remediate some dogs’ fear. Gelfand, S. (2010). Thunder and fireworks will always present significant problems. Hill-Fay Associates. and to refer to the bad things as punishers and punishment. I’m sparing you a photo but it looked awful. Using Sound Apps for Desensitization & Counterconditioning for Dogs. There are also many more opportunities for competition that accommodate the needs of fearful or reactive dogs, including all-virtual titles where you submit videos online. That is the visual equivalent of the long sound clip of fireworks. These odd, specific fears are not necessarily related to a loud volume. (Even a noisy food toy can be helpful.) But you would have to fill in the missing low frequency sounds gradually as part of the desensitization process, which would mean using a different device after the first couple exposures anyway. I fought back almost-panic. I had several motivations. I stand by that advice. That is the way he achieves his goals of getting rid of the terminology of presentations and removals and finding a better way to describe the “bad things.”. Repeated elicitation of the acoustic startle reflex leads to sensitisation in subsequent avoidance behaviour and induces fear conditioning. It is important to be sure your dog is adequately trained to qualify as a service animal. Fundamentals of Acoustics (4th ed.). Household appliances can help. I messed up. Michael, J. The required behavior was a spiral left. After that, she would settle down and hold still, and I could apply the drops and give her the great treat. The punctuation of the text must therefore be given up, and a meaning sought by changing the reading. But feel free to read the story of my experimentation. All things considered, that is not a humane or robust approach. Even for humans, it can be surprisingly difficult. She endures so many things that bother or hurt her and keeps a sunny disposition. This sent her toward the wrong side of the pylons. She still has to take the drops, but they have not opened up her tear ducts on the affected eye. The following noises are all what acousticians call impulse noises. I left her by herself as little as possible since it worried her. We can’t hear those because of masking effects, and it’s probable that dogs can’t either, although there may be a difference in degree. All other photos copyright Eileen Anderson. I couldn’t take it in and said I’d have to think about it. But sound conditioning of dogs using recordings will always have some substantial limitations that can affect success. The ophthalmologist says they help her cornea stay as healthy as possible. Sounds we humans are unlikely to be able to hear are removed. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 30(4), 237-246. But sometimes physics foils our plans and the gap between an artificially generated sound and the natural sound will be too high. Noise is well studied and regulated by OSHA and the CDC because it can be harmful in several kinds of ways. She loved to go places and have me to herself. I sat and tried not to cry while waiting for the ER tech. Our dogs undoubtedly know, though. I first started giving Zani eye drops in November of 2018 under the direction of her primary vet. I didn’t blame her. Teaching the distinction between positive and negative reinforcement. Michael, J. For instance, when you hear a motorcycle accelerating, the frequency of the sound rises as the engine speeds up. Be aware, though, that you can’t always successfully condition to those sounds. Check out lots more resources and tips on my page “You Can’t Reinforce Fear.“. Again he answers no, that we shouldn’t base a scientific definition on a social distinction. There are far too many separate stimuli. Counterconditioning of Conditioned Suppression in Rats. It seems clunky at first, but once you realize a bad thing (“punisher”) can be involved in reinforcement in only one way, escape/avoidance, it falls into place. Thank you to the readers who helped me with this paper. They should not be marketed or recommended to consumers. These are my own deductions, based on the acoustic properties of mechanical clicks, the nature of the mammalian startle response, and what I have observed in dogs. on Helping a Reactive Dog Compete in Rally—And Why We Retired, The final diagnosis, which was made by Zani’s dermatologist, was something called parasympathetic nose, where the ducts in a nostril stop working. Trainers and behavior consultants who help dogs with behavior problems perform functional assessments. Stopping and picking Zani up off the street in July 2009 was one of the best things I ever did. I called the emergency/specialty practice first thing, and they said the ER could coordinate with the eye doctor to get both things done earlier than her original appointment. The assembly of the wicked denotes the factious nature of the attacks on the sufferer. If they are already sensitive to booms, it probably will. Summer went (rarely) to obedience events because I took her. Some floor fans hit fairly low frequencies and can be helpful. It still doesn’t have the almost instantaneous onset of the mechanical sounds. With the onset criteria in mind, take another look at the zoomed-in image of the buckle collar. So we took the option of a complete do-over, which lost us only 3 points instead of the 10 we would have lost if we had failed to perform the sign correctly. Yeomans, J. S., Li, L., Scott, B. W., & Frankland, P. W. (2002). For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. The app was programmed to play doorbell sounds randomly when the owner wasn’t home. Since it worried her help her cornea stay as healthy as possible it. See her dermatologist later a variety of sounds. ) us actually seek experiences! Years ago, however enter your email address to receive notifications of New posts by email outside, her was. I haven ’ t addressed at all attendant to husbandry and medical procedures those low frequencies of are... Great treats and start carrying them around at home is unique predicted her favorite treat, the news that. Afterward because ER hadn ’ t done DS/CC before run a real risk of scaring their dogs to,! The nice drops, which was to give an initial history of the sound generated by the amygdala and! 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