frantic films in plain sight


12 emigrants had died and bodies lay everywhere on top of the snow, covered with quilts. Lee Dichter, Sound One Corporation, Voice-over Recording It was sundown. They cursed him also for his misrepresentation of the distance across this cruel desert. National Archives I am willing to go and have no doubt it will be an advantage to our children and to us. No living thing without wings can get about. Tempers flared and the Graves driver, John Snyder, began beating the oxen with the butt of his bullwhip. Mrs. Eddy died on the night of the 7th. Eddy’s child, Margaret, died last night. [4][28] Marclay included shots of turntables and vinyl records not only as a representation of "capturing time, trying to hold it back", but also as a self-reference to his earlier works that used vinyl. Virginia Reed (Actress, voice-over): Grandma became speechless the day before she died. The Witness is a fully 3D world navigated in first person, but revolves around solving two-dimensional mazes found on in-game panels, completed by … The old man fell farther and father behind and was last seen sitting by the road, unable to walk. Thursday, December 31st. [17] The last copy was sold to hedge fund manager Steven A. Cohen for an undisclosed amount. Marclay developed the idea for The Clock while working on his 2005 piece Screen Play. Mary-Ellen Jones We went out to the pass, the snow so deep we were unable to find the road, then turned back to the shanty on the lake. Snowed all night. In a faint voice he asked if he could have some bread. They gave the alarm that the people would all die without assistance. We got to the Donners’ wagon and they were all asleep, so we laid down on the ground. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. Two thirds of the women and children made it through. Still snowing, now about three feet deep. Eliza Donner (Actress, voice-over): Mother knelt down and began thoughtfully fitting the ragged edges of paper together. [4], The first several months of production were intended to show that Marclay would be able to find enough material to achieve his vision. Harriet burst into tears and helped William Eddy into bed. [18] The work owned by the New York collectors Jill and Peter Kraus, is a promised gift to the Museum of Modern Art. Even though you might like to be able to, there was hardly a chance or opportunity. We must proceed, regardless of the fearful outlook. King [4][26] Marclay disapproved of other screening locations suggested by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Tate. [4][6] The video's pace immediately slows once noon passes. December the 1st, Tuesday. James Reed (Actor, voice-over): July 31st, 1846. The 10 surviving members of the “forlorn hope” butchered what remained of their four dead friends, wrapped and carefully labeled the pieces so that no one had to eat their kin, and staggered on through the wilderness, cursing Lansford Hastings. That spring, talk was everywhere of a new and faster way. Each night violent thunderstorms broke over the wagon trains, scattering cattle and drenching the encampments. Narrator: Taking on as much water and grass as they could, the emigrants climbed through a range of gnarled hills. He is a teenage spotted hyena who leads a small clan living in the Outlands which descended from Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed's Hyena Clan. Chambaud's use of still images give L'Horloge a slower, more regular pace, whereas The Clock experiments with the rhythm of commercial films.[44]. Screeching violins from multiple clips build up to the moment. One week later, the Donner Party rolled into Fort Bridger, two log cabins and a corral run as a trading post by a celebrated mountain man named Jim Bridger. It stated that the road ahead was virtually impassable and advised them to wait until he could show them a better way. We are now on the Platte, 200 miles from Fort Laramie. By then, the journey had become too much for Margaret Reed’s mother. On February 22nd, the first relief party started back. For a long time he stood looking down at the inscription, wondering what drove his countrymen west. Harold Schindler, Writer: When they committed themselves to cross the Wasatch, when they decided legitimately to enter the great basin, to tackle Emigration Canyon, as we know it, and Echo Canyon, as we know it, they were eating up days that were vital to them and they had no way of knowing it. Telephones broke using a telephone into several discrete steps, each reenacted by multiple films, similar to sequences in The Clock where the act of sleeping or waking is demonstrated by one character after another. Cutting timber for a new one, George gashed his hand and the family fell further behind. I would go as far as I could, let the consequences be what they might. The Donners didn’t come and up on the summit during the night, it began to snow. The wind picked up. Connect with Frantic Films! Mothers in tearless agony clasped their children to their bosoms with the old, old cry, “Father, Thy will, not mine, be done.” It was plain that try as we might, we could not get back to Fort Bridger. The rest of the party hurried on towards the summit. Narrator: When the third relief party reached the lake, only seven emigrants remained alive. The slips of paper were prepared and Patrick Dolan drew the fatal slip. [4] In order to ensure that the full video would be exhibited, he required that museums agree to be open for all 24 hours at some point during its run. It took eight oxen to pull the mammoth ark that 12-year-old Virginia Reed called “the pioneer palace car.” No one had ever seen anything like it. If you’re in a wagon, you can count on going down a couple of feet in some of those things. And he says, “Come with me. Donner Memorial State Park When we’re under an enormous amount of stress, very often that can bring out the most heroic in us and it can also bring out, you know, the worst in us. On May 27th, the wagon train came to a standstill on the east bank of the Big Blue River, too swollen by rain to be forded. It’s a Greek tragedy. They were shocked when, in late October, James Reed stumbled out of the mountains more dead than alive. [4] The program continues running while a museum is closed so that it remains synchronised. Tell Henrietta if she wants to get married to come to California. If ever there was a moment when America seemed in the grip of some great, out-of-the-ordinary pull, it was in 1846. Jesse Quinn Thornton (Actor, voice-over): About 11:00, the storm increased to a perfect tornado and in an instant blew away every spark of fire. The lake became a tourist attraction and a favorite vacation spot year-round. John Breen (Actor, voice-over): The weather was already very cold and the heavy clouds hanging over the mountains to the west were strong indications of an approaching winter. Thomas Gilcrease Institute [42] Girardet's 2003 work 60 Seconds (analog) is a 60-second film intended to be played on a loop. The alarm went out. It arranges them into clusters to illustrate Hitchcock's techniques and motifs. But of all the stories to come out of the West, none has cut more deeply into the imagination of the American people than the tale of the Donner Party, high in the Sierra Nevada in the winter of 1846. I don’t know. 12-year-old Lem Murphy lay shuddering, all but dead. A canopy of snow quickly covered the starving group. Puzzle games are the chameleons of the gaming world. Two thirds of the men perished. John Wornell House Museum Virginia Reed (Actress, voice-over): Oh, Mary. “Gunfighter” The Reeds’ palace wagon had to be laboriously double-teamed over even moderate inclines, to the immense irritation of those forced to crawl along behind. ", "Christian Marclay: The Clock, Mason's Yard 2010", "LACMA Presents 24 Hour Screening of Newly Acquired Artwork", "Christian Marclay's The Clock Winner of Golden Lion Prize at 2011 Venice Biennale", "Christian Marclay and Damien Hirst at the Yokohama Triennale 2011", "Kunsthaus Zürich presents 'Christian Marclay. No one else was alive. Harold Schindler, Writer: Lansford Hastings was probably ambitious, probably very sure of himself. Looks as likely to continue as when it commenced. Virginia Reed (Actress, voice-over): We went over a great, high mountain, as steep as stair steps, in snow up to our knees. A big Missouri farmer named William McCutcheon and Charles Stanton, a bachelor from New York, volunteered. Lois Smith Girardet and Müller use low-quality footage from VHS tapes to draw attention to their appropriation. [2] At midnight Orson Welles is impaled on a clock tower in The Stranger, and Big Ben, a common sight in The Clock, explodes in V for Vendetta. Narrator: Somehow William Eddy got his dying companions to sit together in a ring and pulled blankets over them. Fiddle – Kenneth Kosek The weather was clear, but a large circle around the moon indicated an approaching storm. It was an early experiment in the effect of synchronization, where viewers naturally attempted to find intersections between the two works, and it developed the editing style that Marclay employs for The Clock. Narrator: As 1846 began, thousands of Americans were on the move west, eager to bring Oregon, Texas, New Mexico and California into the American sphere. Daniel Rhoads (Actor, voice-over): At sunset, we crossed Truckee Lake on the ice and came to the spot where we had been told we should find the emigrants. Gene Jones Then the suggestion was made that lots be cast and whoever drew the longest slip should be the sacrifice. During the Gold Rush, he made his fortune and in 1851 opened a restaurant in Sacramento. [2][3] Several dream sequences occur between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.[4] At around 7 a.m., characters are shown waking up. [7] In the evening, they attend parties. What he saw there amazed him. He settled his family in San Jose, made money in real estate and gold and became one of the town’s leading citizens. Voices Susana Fernandes Some seek intimacy while others are angry to have been awakened by the phone. On August 30th they started across. Scott Kardel, Project Administration Narrator: The Donners and the Reeds reached Independence, Missouri, in the second week of May. [5] As noon approaches, a sequence of action scenes build up to bells ringing in High Noon. A Steeplechase Films Production for AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. University of Nevada-Reno Library Narrator: The ordeal of the Donner Party was far from over. Then on August 6th, at the bottom of Echo Canyon, the party came to a halt. Vanessa Ezersky  That night’s bitter cries, anguish and despair never can be forgotten. [2] Since then, it has attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors and found crossover success beyond art patrons. We now have killed most of our cattle, having to stay here until next spring. [10] As they spend more time with the film, its actors reappear at various points in their careers. Some people came through it heroically and some of the people in that party were far from heroes and they got worse as the conditions got worse, so that it was as if the sheep and the goats, the blessed and the unblessed, sorted themselves out against a background of terrible hardship and tragedy. The problem was, he had never really done it, had never done it with a wagon, and yet it was his ambition to lead what people thought to be 7,000 wagons heading west that year. John Alagna, The Effects House. Someone cut the flesh from the arms and legs of Patrick Dolan. Wyoming State Museum There, Stone finds that a dual-pronged threat is hiding in plain sight among the stately houses and exclusive coastal clubs, and the incursion isn't easily rebuffed. In some cases, they created completely new audio for the scenes. The next day, with James Reed as their pilot, the party turned off the track into the tangled wilderness. Three days later there was again nothing left to eat. Banjo – Eric Weissberg In the heat of the day, the moisture under the surface bubbles to the top, turns it into a gumbo. Eliza Donner (Actress, voice-over): After the first storm, a little sunbeam stole down the steps and made a bright spot upon our floor. It took two grueling days to scale the summit. Harold Schindler, Writer: Well, you wouldn’t want to get caught out in the salt desert. By late 1849, more than 100,000 people had rushed to California to dig and sift near the streams and canyons where the Donner Party had suffered so much. On the sixth day their food ran out. The eyes of the American people are now turned westward and thousands are gazing with the most intense interest and anxiety upon the Pacific shores with the full determination to make one more, one last move more, to the far West. By September Marclay realised that hundreds of the audio transitions were lacking, with White Cube set to premiere The Clock the following month. It was from Lansford Hastings. Virginia Reed (Actress, voice-over): My father, with tears in his eyes, tried to smile as one friend after another grasped his hand in a last farewell. However, difficulty with lighting and sound made it impractical. Alexis de Tocqueville (Actor, voice-over): It is odd to watch with what feverish ardor Americans pursue prosperity. They had been separated for five months. On July 15th, he crossed the Big Blue River and came to the grave of Margaret Reed’s mother. The drivers cracked their whips. It’s always, I guess, our insatiable desire to take a shortcut in life, thinking it’ll get us there, and invariably it doesn’t. Most of the emigrants heeded James Clyman’s warning and turned right, but 20 wagons, including the nine belonging to the Donners and the Reeds, turned left towards Fort Bridger and the entrance to Hastings’s cutoff. At first Reed refused to go, but there was no choice. Some blamed Reed for the delay, but there was little time for recrimination. Performed by John Fahey Narrator: Darkness came and somehow they managed to light a fire. They were racing against time and the weather, desperate to get over the mountains and into California before snow blocked the heights. But they made the great mistake of listening to Lansford Hastings. On April 21st, the last relief party left the lake. No one came. Luke Halloran died of consumption this evening. It was in 1846 that the Mexican War began and effectively all of Texas, Mexico and California were added to the United States. The American dream probably resulted in for most of the people who followed it like a marsh light in disaster. On the night of October 12th, Paiute Indians killed 21 oxen with poisoned arrows. They had fallen from their high estate, though compelled by the fell hand of dire necessity. Wagons bogged to the hubs, drivers cursed and whipped the straining oxen. He saved files to disc and sent them to Chiappetta so that the films' soundtracks could be equalised. It is supposed there be 7,000 wagons this season. James Reed was leading it. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Latest News. Everyone who still could walked beside the wagons now to spare the exhausted oxen. But the most extravagant luxury was the Reeds’ family wagon, a two-story affair with a built-in iron stove, spring-cushioned seats and bunks for sleeping. On February 19th, 1847, seven freezing, exhausted men of the first relief party struggled over the summit and came within sight of the lake. Tamsen Donner (Actress, voice-over): We had not the first thing to eat. Wagons would have to be abandoned, the Reeds’ “pioneer palace car” among them. They had come 2,500 miles in seven months to lose their race with the weather by one day, only 150 miles from safety at Sutter’s Fort in California. Ten years later, the immigration had swelled to a flood and before it was over, more than half a million men, women and children had stepped off into the wilderness at places like Independence, Missouri, and headed out over the long road to Oregon and California. Narrator: On October 5th, the emigrants were doubling their teams up a steep, sandy hill when the Graves family wagon became entangled with the Reed wagon. Eli Wallach, Senior Creative Consultants Except for the Donner Party, all the emigrants of 1846 had made it safely through to California. All of the Reeds survived. You’ll perish.” And Reed says, “There’s a nigher route and we might as well take it.”. We miss her very much. These enemies have friends in high places, funds to spare, and a score to settle with Stone . Assistant Sound Editor With them were their four children: Virginia, Patty, James and little Thomas. I gathered up a piece of it in my apron and ran to my mother. John Breen (Actor, voice-over): We pushed on as fast as our failing cattle could haul our almost empty wagons. Whole families and people of all stations in life joined the caravan, which is part of the fascination of this haunting story. Virginia Reed (Actress, voice-over): We made a fire and got something to eat. Farewell, my sister. Fort Laramie National Historic Site National Frontier Trails Center 10 more emigrants had died and the survivors had begun to eat the dead. Eliza Donner (Actress, voice-over): Anguish and dismay now filled all hearts. Patrick Breen (Actor, voice-over): Monday, December the 21st. Several emigrants had almost died of thirst. Nevada Historical Society Even in their delirium they knew they were dying. [1] Around 8 p.m., orchestras and theaters begin their shows. J.D. “Bread, bread, bread” was the begging of every child and grown person. On July 18th, they crossed the Continental Divide. George was too sick to move and Tamsen would not leave his side. Narrator: When they awoke next morning, the pass was completely blocked. Freezing hard every night. To talk in a halting, agitated way 2. talk stupidly 3. of a dog snapping of the teeth 4. of a horse biting Year by year, traffic over what was now called Donner Pass increased. Courtesy of North Star Records, Archival Material After midnight, characters go to bars and drink. From November 20, 1846 to March 1, 1847, Irish immigrant Patrick Breen, a Donner party member, kept a diary of his ordeal in the mountains.Â. I’m not saying a few inches, but you can go right up to the hubs. We go to California to the Bay of San Francisco, a four months trip. I’ve been there.” And that is not quite the truth. It is barely possible to get through if you follow it and it may be impossible if you don’t. Tamsen refused. Eliza and Georgia were adopted by a Swiss couple who lived near Sutter’s Fort. On October 31st, the front axle of George Donner’s family wagon broke. Once over the pass, the sun began to blind them. Performed by Clannad A lovelier scene was never gazed upon, nor one of more profound solitude. Roger Sherman It stopped snowing. Marclay debuted The Clock at White Cube's London gallery in 2010. Most of the incidents are gone from memory, but I can always see the camp near Johnson’s ranch. The birds were singing from the tops of the trees and the journey was over. He dreamed of taking California from Mexico and of establishing an independent republic with himself at its head. They spent four days resting their oxen and making repairs. Even today it’s a man-killer. Guitar and Synthesizers – Brian Keane He died in the arms of his daughters Mary and Sarah. Marclay organised files by hour, which became like chapters for him. They roasted the meat and ate it, averting their faces from each other and weeping. James Clyman (Actor, voice-over): This stone shows us that all ages and all sects are found to undertake this long, tedious and even dangerous journey for some unknown object never to be realized, even by those the most fortunate. Special thanks to the Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, The Bancroft Library Narrator: Most of the men, women and children of the Donner Party were rapidly absorbed into the population of California. Patrick Breen (Actor, voice-over): Friday, November the 20th, 1846. Six miles away, on Alder Creek, the two Donner families huddled in tents where the storm had caught them. Came to this place on the 31st of last month that it snowed. It can tell us something, I think, about ourselves, about the limits of human experience. Killer In Plain Sight The Stats of Life Backyard Builds Baroness Von Sketch Show Still Standing Winnipeg Comedy Festival Pitchin’ In Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil Til Debt Do Us Part. Narrator: On November 20th, 1846, an Irish emigrant named Patrick Breen began to keep a diary. Home Alone is a 1990 American comedy blockbuster film directed by Chris Columbus written and produced by John Hughes and distributed by 20th Century Studios.It was followed by two theatrical sequels and two made-for-television films. Piano – John Boswell [21] In 2011, Steve Tisch pledged the money needed to buy the work for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Then land fever swept Illinois and kindled the urge to move one last time. He was the one who caused all their trouble because they lost their way in the Wasatch and they lost half of their animals and a lot of their hope, crossing the desert south of Great Salt Lake. [22] One month later, the National Gallery of Canada and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, announced the acquisition of another copy. The exhausted emigrants they were guiding could go no farther. [1] From 9 a.m. to noon, they eat breakfast and have wake-up sex. Finally, on September 26th, the Donner Party reached the Humboldt River where the shortcut rejoined the old trail. He was last seen sitting in the snow, calmly smoking his pipe. … Beyond them to the west stretched a glittering plain of salt. A memento mori it safely through to California fell off sharply and Hastings’s cutoff was all but dead of... Their high estate, though compelled by the anxious group around her compelled by frantic films in plain sight ninth day out they... Violins from multiple clips build up to the grave of Margaret Reed’s mother marsh in... Family were taken to their tent and guarded by their friends so difficulty... The starving emigrants out with them were far gone to be over before snow the. 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