make you feel my love


And on the highway of regret. Nothing that I wouldn't do. ��� ��㎯����ゃ�������ⓦ�ゃ����╉�ゃ�� Go to the ends of the earth for you. ������ ��뱀����� ��� ��щ����� ������ ��� ������濡� ��곕�삵�� ��ъ�뱀�� ��댁�� ��� �����댁�� To make you feel my love The storms are raging. To make you feel my love. ��뱀����� ��� ��щ����� ������ ��� ������濡�. Cm G Go to the ends of the earth for you A7 D7 G To make you feel my love. Make You Feel My Love. I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. I could make you happy. ��몄����� ��� When the evening shadows. 鍮�媛� ������ ��쇨뎬��� 遺�硫� When the rain is blowing in your face 洹몃━怨� ��� ��멸��媛� ��뱀����� 寃쎌�곗�� �����듬����� And the whole world is on your case ��곕�삵�� ��ъ�뱀�� ���由� ��� �����듬����� I could offer you a warm embrace As usual, Kait's Wishful stories are ��� Listen to Make You Feel My Love - Single by Adele on Apple Music. Go to the ends. 吏�援� ���源�吏���쇰�� 媛� ��� �����댁��. I could offer you a warm embrace. G D Nothing that I wouldn't do. When the rain is blowing in your face. Make You Feel My Love怨� ��� ��몄�� 19 ���濡�怨〓�ㅼ�� �����몄�� (���援� �����대��)19��대�� ��� ��⑤����� ���濡�怨〓�ㅼ�� ��곌굅��� 遺������ㅻ�� ��살�몃�� ��� ��몃��, ������ ��� ��⑤�� ���泥대�� �����대낫硫� ��닿�� ��� �����대�� ������ ��� ������ 紐⑹��由ъ�� ������ ���怨� ��λ�μ�멸�� ��띠��������濡� 怨����由ы�곕�� ������������ ��⑤�����������. and the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love. 援ъ��瑜� ������ ��щ����� ���吏� 二쇱�����怨� ������ ������諛⑹��寃� '��щ�� 蹂���� ��� ��곕�� 以�寃�' ��쇨�� ��쎌�������� ��댁�⑹�� 媛���ъ�����. to dry your tears, ��뱀����� ���臾쇱�� ���由ъ�� ������濡�. [Verse 4] A E I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. I enjoyed the original, If I Didn't Care, but this is far better. To make you feel my love. Nothing that I wouldnt do. [Outro] G D I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. To Make You Feel My love 媛���� ��댁��. and the stars appear, 蹂���� ������������. ��뱀����� ��� ��щ����� ��������� ������濡�. Go to the ends of the Earth for you, To make you feel my love To make you feel my love To make you feel my love The storms are raging on the rolling sea and on the highway of regret Though winds of change are throwing wild and free You ain���t seen nothing like me yet I could make you happy make your dreams come true Nothing that I wouldn���t do Go to the ends of the earth for you To make you feel my love. Though winds of change Are. The storms are raging on the rolling sea And on the highway of regret. Make you feel my love 媛���� 踰����. F C There���s nothing that I would not do. 2013 ��� ���援� ������ ��쇰����� ������������ ��� 媛���� 醫���������� 500 怨� ��� 以� 1 ������ ��щ�����. Go to the ends of the earth for you to make you feel my love. Make your dreams come true. To make you feel my love. and there is no one there. Dm A Go to the ends of the Earth for you, B7 E7 A To make you feel my love, B7 E7 A To make you feel my love. ������ ������ ���濡� ��������� 紐곗��移�怨�. ��뱀����� ���媛���� ��щ����� ���吏� 留����蹂� ������ ������ 嫄곗����� . On the rolling sea. To make you feel my love. I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love [������ 荑���� ������ ��� ��� ��� 諛�由ъ�� ��댁�쇱�� ��� 硫���댄�� ��� ��� 留���� ��щ��] ��뱀����� ��� ��щ����� ������ ��� ������濡� ��뱀����� ��� 諛� 留���� ������ ������以� ��� �����댁�� Chorus. 洹몃━怨� ��뱀����� ���臾쇱�� 留�瑜닿�� ��� ��щ����� ���臾대�� ������ ���. Adele - Make You Feel My Love . ��쇈����������������������������������� B! ������臾대�� 洹몃┝���媛� ���由ъ�곌��. I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love. Stream songs including ���Make You Feel My Love���. You aint seen nothing like me yet. I know you haven���t made your mind up yet But I would never do you wrong When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love. ��� ��몄����� ��뱀����� ������ ��������� Nothing that I wouldn't do. Nothing that I wouldn't do. Make your dreams come true. ���踰�吏몃�� ���媛���� ���由� ���蹂대��~ Adele ��� Make You Feel My Love ��쇱����� ���蹂댁��������.. ���怨≪�� 諛� �����곗�� 怨≪�쇰��, 1997��� 諛�留� ��� Out Of Mind ���濡�怨≪��������. Of the Earth for you. seen nothing Like me yet. ���.. When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love. To make you feel my love The storms are raging On the rolling sea And on the highway of regret Though winds of change Are throwing wild and free You ain't seen nothing Like me yet I could make you happy Make your dreams come true Nothing that I wouldn't do Go to the ends Of the Earth for you To make you feel my love. Make your dreams come true ��뱀����� 轅���� ��대(��댁��寃� 留���ㅼ�댁�� ��� ���二� Nothing that I wouldn���t do ��닿�� ���吏� ������ 嫄� �����댁�� Go to the ends of the earth for you to make you feel my love ��뱀����� ��� ��щ����� �����쇨�� ������濡� ��� ���源�吏� 媛� 嫄곗����� To make you feel my love ������ ��쇨뎬��� 鍮�媛� 遺���댁�� ���, 洹몃━怨� ��� ��멸��媛� ��뱀����� 愿대∼��� ���. ���媛� ��뱀����� 諛� 留���� ������ ���������由� ��� �����댁��. ��ㅺ�� ��� ��щ����� �����쇰��濡� ���湲� �����댁����쇰㈃ [��대�몄�� 異�泥�: Tumblr] ��������� ��듭빱媛� jtbc ��댁��9 吏���������� ���, ��댁�ㅻ�� 留�臾대━ ������ ������ 硫���몄�� ��④�� . ��������� ��대����� ���由ъ�곌�� 蹂���� ��� ���. 肄������� 湲곕낯 肄����濡� 諛�轅�������怨� ��ㅽ�몃����щ�� 洹몃�� ������濡� ��듭�쇳��湲� ���臾몄�� 泥���� ������������ 怨≪�쇰����� 愿�李���� ��� Make your dreams come true. throwing wild and free. To Make You Feel My love 媛���� ��댁��. I know you haven���t made your mind up yet but I would never do you wrong To make you feel my love. To Make You Feel My love 媛���� ��댁��. I could make you happy. And the whole world is on your case. Go to the ends of the earth for you . A7 D7 G To make you feel my love. ��뱀�����寃� 鍮�諛������� 紐곗��移� ���. To Make You Feel My Love / Trisha Yearwood. to make you feel my love. 洹몃�� 轅���� ��대��以� ��� ���怨�. D A The winds of change are blowing wild and free, B7 E You ain't seen nothing like me yet. Adele. ��� ��⑤�� 諛�留� ������ 鍮�由� 議곗�� ��� 而댄�������댁�� ��⑤�� 'Greatest Hits Vol.III'��� 癒쇱�� 'To Make You Feel My Love'��쇰�� ���紐⑹�쇰�� ��� When the rain is blowing in your face. To make you feel my love . A7 D7 You ain't seen nothing like me yet. ��������������ヤ�������������╉�얇�㎬�������� To make you feel my love. Make You Feel My Love is a thoughtful, loving, engaging expansion of Autumn & Judd's story of two people coming to acknowledge the deep love they have for each other. 洹몃�� ��� ��щ�� ������ ��� ������濡�. To make you feel my love. To make you feel my love / Trisha Yearwood. I could hold you The winds of change are blowing wild and free, You ain't seen nothing like me yet. 洹몃━怨� ���臾대�� ������ 洹� ���媛�������. ��� ��뱀����� ��곕�살�� ������以� ��� �����댁�� ������璵썬����얇��������. Make you feel my love ��� ��듬�④린 �����대����� 蹂� 1.5媛� ���由쎈�����. ������鸚㏂����뜰�������� Nothing that I wouldn���t do. ���怨≪�� 諛� �����곗�� Make You Feel My Love ��� ��몃����� 紐�怨〓�ㅼ�� ��대��寃� 由щ����댄�щ�� ��듯�� ��щ�� ���濡���� ��곗��留ㅼ껜臾쇱�� ��쎌����� ��듯�� ��� 洹� ��ㅼ����몃����ㅼ��寃���� �����ㅼ�����寃� ��� I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. ��뱀�� ��쇨뎬��� 鍮�諛������� 紐곗��移�怨�. To Make You Feel My love 媛���� ��댁��. 洹� ���臾� 寃���� ��닿�� ���吏� ������ ��� �����쇰━. 1吏� ���濡�怨≪�닿린��� ��⑸�����. ���留���� ��쇱�대�� ������ 以������� ��닿구 怨�瑜� 嫄�, 濡���� ���踰���� ��� 硫�吏�寃� ���寃⑥�� 媛���몄����쇰�� ���泥� 媛�怨� ��띔��, 醫���������� 怨녹�대�쇱�� ������������ ��������대�쇰�� ��ш린 嫄� 醫� ��щ�ㅻ낫��� ������ ��������� ���臾댄�� �����몃�� ��깃����� ��� ��� 怨〓����� ��댁�� ��������댁�� Make you feel my love ��쇰�� ���紐⑹�쇰�� 諛�留ㅽ��二�. Make You Feel My Love ��� ������ (Adele Laurie Blue Adkins) ��� 2008 ��� 諛������� ��곕�� ��⑤�� <19> ��� ���濡���� 怨≪�쇰�� 諛���� ��뱀����� 24 ���源�吏� ��щ����ㅺ�� ��� ��� ��ъ�⑸��硫댁�� 2010 ��� ���援� 4 ���, �����쇰����� 5 ��� ��깆�� 湲곕��������. Make you feel my love��쇰�� ��몃����� ���二� ������������ ��щ�� ��몃�����������. 蹂������� 諛������� 嫄곗�멸�� 遺���댁�ㅼ��留�. When the rain is blowing in your face, 鍮�諛������� ��뱀�����寃� 紐곕�쇱��怨�, And the whole world is on your case, ��� ��몄����� 吏���� ��뱀����� �����ㅺ�� ������, I could offer you a warm embrace.

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